8:12pm Sep 22 2009
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Leafpelt stopped again, quickly turning to Featherpaw. "Dogheart is..." she paused. "An old friend," she concluded.
8:16pm Sep 22 2009
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8:18pm Sep 22 2009
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((Ah Ha! It is LP!))
8:19pm Sep 22 2009
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((LP anyone? It says there was a brand-new post but it doesn't show. :P))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:19pm Sep 22 2009
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((By Nano! I hope Dogheart lives long in StarClan!))
8:22pm Sep 22 2009
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Featherpaw cocked her head, but then shrugged it away. "Can we battle-train now? I'll have to wok hard if I'll ever be as good as Rocketpaw and Owlpaw." she said. Sparrowpaw ran over to Nightstar. "Nightstar, I think something's wrong! I heard a yowl from the nursery and Frostwing just said Shadesky got bitten by a snake." she panted worriedly.
8:25pm Sep 22 2009
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"What?!" Nightstar gasped. Flicking her tail quickly to pause the warrior ceremony, she jumped down with a thud and raced over. "Shadesky! What happened?" She began while anxiously waiting for an answer. Shadesky moaned, barely opening his eyelids. There he could see Nightstar, Frostwing, Canis, and....ugh........Wolf. "Snake......in the camp......went in..................................nursery." He clenched his teeth together, the pain seering through his right leg. "Quick! Someone get the medicine cat!" Nightstar hollered while examining her first child closely. Looking at his right leg, she saw poison spilling a little bit out of his leg, the gash cut in deeply and bleeding scarlet puddles of blood.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:35pm Sep 22 2009
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Desired Name: Sparkfire Position: Med. Cat Family: Secretly Nightstar's daughter? Mate:Forbidden Crush:Forbidden Age: 15 moons Clan: StormClan Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance: Coming ASAP Personality: Rp it out ___ Sparkfire rushed over to Shadesky from the medicine cat. "What happened here!?" she eclaimed. "Someone bring me borage leaves!" she hissed.
8:38pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 706
Foxtail looked at Leafpelt, for she seemed to be conversing with a Starclan cat. He then nodded, leading the way out of the camp. Shadowfang ran to Leafpelt, seeing her distressed upset him. "What's wrong?" he asked, searching for the source. Frostwing stared at him. She had no wish to see him hurt or killed, but he would recieve no love from her. She went to sit next to Wolf, Canis curled up in his paws.
8:46pm Sep 22 2009
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Jadewhisper opened her mouth slightly and picked up the scent of a robin. "Rocketpaw, do you scent anything?" she asked. Rocketpaw parted his jaws. "Yeah, it smells like a songbird." he guessed. He looked up to Foxtail. "Am I right?" he asked. Featherpaw blinked at Shadowfang. "She said something about Dogheart." she answered.
9:01pm Sep 22 2009
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9:30pm Sep 22 2009
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((Oooooooh, ok! Should Sparkfire know that she's her daughter or........? And I almost forgot about that one plot about crossing borders, stealing prey, the big fight, and everything else!)) "Frostwing," Nightstar promted her to tell Sparkfire what had happened, since she hadn't a clue. She felt as if she was going to burst into tears, her son looked so pale, if that was even possible on a black cat such as him. Shadesky blearily blinked his eyes, heart-broken to see Frostwing stare at him and then sternly walk off towards Wolf, her kit right in the middle of the two cats. He was heart-broken and in agony, and he closed his eyes, too afraid to look at his injury. Nightstar then dashed off into the medicine den, already knowing which leaves were wich. She came out with a bundle of borage leaves and a pawful of poppy seeds to ease the pain.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:44pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 198
OOC: hmmm would it be too late to join?

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
10:53pm Sep 22 2009 (last edited on 8:58pm Sep 23 2009)
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Posts: 198
OOC: leader of SunClan? NAME: Echosong
2 and a half years Gender: Female Postion: Clan Leader Apprentice: none Mate: none...but looking Skills: uncanny agility Favorite fresh-kill: a plump vole Crush: not yet. Clan: SunClan
PERSONALITY: Echosong is a happy-go-lucky cat, despite where she come's from. She will try her best to cheer others up, and she loves to tell stories. Her heart is pure and full of joy. She loves to play and go on adventures. Usually her adventures can get her into trouble. She's tries her best not to get cought if she has done something bad. She loves to laugh and tell jokes. Sometimes Echo is really friggin random and she can talk so fast sometims that cats can't understand her. She's always hyper and extremely active. She usually can't find wolves that will be friends with her because of her randomness, but she makes the bast of it. Besides that fact she is a very social cat and tries to fit in with most everyone. She looks for joy in other cats, and if she finds it she'll try her best to becom friends with them. She loves colors and if she can get her paws on some berries she'll make paints out of them. Inside she is still just a kit and she intends to stay like that for a long time. HISTORY : Echsong came from a world of darkness and hate, a veritable hell known as Nokaru. Evil radiates there like heat from the sun. Such was this place that every heart was filled with an overpowering thirst for destruction. Echsong’s Clan was strong here. Her leader and father, Kova held the cats in an iron grip, blood dripping from his mouth. He had used those jaws to kill hundreds; he was dictator in this land of darkness. His mate was known as Katrina; she too was horrid and strong. Two strong, powerful cats with hate in their blood and strength in their bodies. But something was wrong with their pup. Her two littermates were normal, but she had been formed differently. This difference would weaken the Clan, and she had to be killed.Echsong was given a week, a grace period that was more for the Clan than for the misfortunate pup herself. She was treated as her siblings, she drank her fill of her mother’s milk and enjoyed the warmth of the den. But when the day came for her death, her removal from the pack’s hierarchy, Kova knew something was wrong. He sniffed the air as he approached the den, his feet hitting the rocky ground silently as he advanced. Katrina should have been there, caring for his offspring. But he could only pick up an old scent; Echsong’s was faint and old as well. He could hear two pups whimpering, smelled their new fur. He pushed himself into the entrance and found Nikara nursing instead. Something had gone wrong; Nikara was not a caregiver; Nikara was close to Katrina.“Why are you here?” he snarled, outraged, “Where is Katrina?” Foam pooled on his lips, his bloodsoaked jaws that could never be clean again. He didn’t wait for her to respond. Leaping forward his m*censored*ive paws grasped and tore at the young female’s neck. The pups tumbled away from their meal. For effect, he showed her his teeth. “Where is she?!” The words shot from his mouth, soaking Nikara’s coarse fur with spittle. She whimpered, like a newborn pup instead of a killer. “I said tell me!” His foot crushed her windpipe and she gasped, “Please…” He could feel her muscles tense in terror. “Let me go, and I’ll tell you…please.” He loved when they pleaded, when they tried to make deals to save their lives. He moved his paw.“Now,” he began, “tell me where Katrina is, or I’ll kill you,” His voice was cool, but there was a tide of anger and hate behind it. If the world knew his progeny was so…different, his reputation would suffer. Nikara, confidence returning now that she was not reduced to such a vulnerable position, stood her ground. “I’ll never tell you.” He lunged for her then, her defiance too much for him to handle. This time she was not taken by surprise and fought back. She was not an alpha for a reason; he was stronger and faster. Her back to the ground, his m*censored*ive teeth gripped around her neck, he asked, “Even at the cost of your life?” Nikara did not tremble, did not beg. “Yes.”He bit down into the soft flesh and threw her against the den wall. His pups, eyes still closed, were nearly crushed beneath the she-wolf’s heaving flesh. Nikara was badly injured. Blood flowed freely from the open wound on her neck and her sides heaved with the very effort to stay alive. “Are you sure?” Kova taunted her, walking slowly to her death-bed. She lifted her head and shot him a look, “Never.” The sound gurgled around a fresh round of blood vomit. Kovu grasped the wound with his jaws, enjoyed the metallic tang of the liquid as he lifted the paralyzed Nikara against the den wall. She growled and tried to push him away with still-functioning claws. It was mere obligation; she would not survive if he left her to her own devices. His jaws closed, the flesh cut cleanly from her throat. When he let her go, there was a soft thump as her dead flesh hit the floor. She did not get back up. Business complete, he turned to look at the cats outside the den. They had gathered to hear, to listen, to see what had occurred. Kova tilted his head, blood running frivolously down his face and neck. “Take her body outside the camp,” He glanced at his pups who could not see the carnage before them. “She is not of our Clan. Leave her for the vultures.”
PIC: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> yeah I know she's in the snow....but I wanted a white cat with green eyes ^^

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
7:57am Sep 23 2009
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Posts: 706
((Uhh,, you're the only cat in Sunclan. Not sure if you can join unless you join Darkclan or Stormclan, as those are the only clans so far.)) Frostwing looked at the medicine cat and simply said, "He was bitten by a snake. Other than that, I do not know." Dogheart, Dogheart. Who was he? Shadowfang wondered. Was he her old mate? No, she was to young for that. Perhaps.... He groaned, he had no idea. Foxtail smiled, saying, "Correct. Now what kind of song bird?" he asked, trying to see how much his apprentice already knew.
1:51pm Sep 23 2009
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Posts: 198
OOC: btw OOC means out of character....and ok I'll join StromClan as the Medicine cat....if that's ok?

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
3:32pm Sep 23 2009
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Posts: 507
((Welcome, Grank! )) Leafpelt turned to Shadowfang and Featherpaw. "Dogheart is my old friend," she told them, thinking. "although I never really got to know him." so said quietly, breaking into tears. Dogheart wanted to get to know her, but Leafpelt treated him like nothing, ignoring and running away from him. She never gave Dogheart a chance as a friend. Now he is gone, and now is when she misses him. Leafpelt took him for granted, and that was one big mistake.
3:51pm Sep 23 2009
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((I'm the med cat, you can be Sparkfire's apprentice if you want though, and yes, Sparkfire knows. Ooooh! Let's make it be not only Nightstar's but Doghearts too! lol, even though nano's gone. Let's say Nightstar knows too, but both cats know better then to tell. And Nightshade, you need to make a new charrie for the plot and such, but don't bring her in until Darkclan crosses the border for the first time, led by Bloodstar. And Grank, I can always get rid of Nightcloud, Darkclan's med cat forr you, I feel greedy playing them both.))
4:01pm Sep 23 2009
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Rocketpaw sniffed the air again. "Eh, is it a red breasted robin?" he guessed. Jadewhisper shuffled her paws. Featherpaw scooted away from her mentor. The last thing she wanted was to get caught up in her emotions. "I'm gonna go to the apprentices den now..." she said softly. Owlpaw nodded to his sister then looked up at Shadowfang. "When can we start training?" he asked impatiently. Bloodstar kneaded his paws on the ground. "Fishleap, Deathfang, Leafpelt, and Featherpaw, we're going on a border patrol." he announced. Featherpaw emerged from the apprentice den and padded to her leader. "Good morning Bloodstar, are we going in ?Stormclan territory?" she asked excitedly. Bloodstar shook his head. "No, warriors don't enter other clan's territory unles it is necessary." he said. "Leafpelt! Deathfang! Fishleap!" he called out again impatiently. ____ Sparkfire stared at the pulsing leg wound. "The poison is too deep, I can't get it out." she said worriedly. "At this point it's either amputation or death." she said. She pressed her paws to Shadesky's leg to stop the bloodflow, she looked towards her mother. "Are you okay with this?" she asked. Sparrowpaw's eyes widened with fear. Her mentor couldn't have only three legs! How would he fight and hunt?!

4:07pm Sep 23 2009
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Posts: 441
Dogheart nodded to leafpelt than vanished and apered again behind her "i am now part of staclan"
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...