Warrior Cats RPG

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6:09pm Sep 23 2009

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Featherpaw shrank back next to er mentor at Bloodstar's frightening growl. She was scared for Stormclan. She looked up at Leafpelt. "When can you teach me battle moves?" she asked curiously, trying to ignore the angered leader and warrior.

Bloodstar purred. "Let's return to camp, we'll increase atrols on the border." he announced.


7:05pm Sep 23 2009

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Posts: 706
((What happened?))

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7:30pm Sep 23 2009

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Posts: 706

Shadowfang walked to Bloodstar's side. This is where love, life, and everything was forgotten. Why worry about something you may just loose. He hated that Leafpelt would now see his heartless side, but only she had his heart, so this was the side everyone else saw. He sat with his back straight, eyes ahead, glaring at his invisible foe. His tail thrashed back and forth angrily. How DARE Stormclan step on his land!! He gnashed his teeth together, crushing an invisible throat in his jaws. His ears flicked for sounds, breathing deeply for scents. He looked at Bloodstar, saying, "Orders?"


Foxtail stared at his apprentice, saying, "Good job." Then his ears flicked back. Bloodstar was calling him. He looked at Jadewhisper and Owlpaw, saying, "We must return to camp." He swiftly led to the entrance. He emerged, not noticing thorns pulling at his fur. Shadowfang was looking ready to kill at Bloodstar's side. This was important. He looked at Fishleap, growling, "What happened?"


Frostwing, looked at her old mate, asking, "Will he live?" 

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7:31pm Sep 23 2009

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Posts: 706

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8:15pm Sep 23 2009

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Posts: 507

Leafpelt looked down at Featherpaw, smiling. "I'm sorry," she said in a caring way. "We will start now!" she exclaimed, trying to build the enthusiasm exploding inside the young apprentice. "Bloodstar, Shadowfang." she called. "We will be training now." she meowed, leading Featherpaw to training camp.


8:34pm Sep 23 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((.....Would anyone volunteer to create a StormClan warrior? I know I have Lynxpaw, Foxpaw, and Sparrowpaw becomeing warriors, but it would be nice if we had some senior warriors. Unles we wanna act like The Clan is dying out, although it never actually dissapears.))

Nightstar sniffled, tears welling up in her eyes. "Just don't let him die." Turning her gaze to highrock, she tried to brighten up as she leapt up onto it. Taking a deep breath, she gazed down at the 3 apprentices in the Clan. "Sparrowpaw, please come forward." She flicked her tail warmly at Sparrowpaw. ".......Shadesky.......has taught you well and you have trained quickly with ease. From this day foward, until you join the ranks of StarClan or become leader, you will be known as Sparrowfrost. StormClan honers you for your loyalty and fighting skills, and welcomes you as a full warrior to StormClan.

Foxpaw, you have been my apprentice for many moon,s and it is time you get what you deserve. From this day on, until you reach the higher ranks, you shall be known as Foxleap. StormClan welcomes you for your agility and care, and congratulates you as a full warrior of StormClan.

And last but not least, Lynxpaw." ((What do you want Lynxpaw's name to be? I can make one up or you can decide, wolf.))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

8:36pm Sep 23 2009

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Posts: 1,299

((*scratches head* Hmm... How about Lynxbloom))



8:39pm Sep 23 2009

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Posts: 1,441
Fishleap glared at Foxtail."Whos says I even went?" She shot back menacingly. It was just Bloodstar, Shadowfang, , Soulfire, Leafpelt, and Featherpaw! Bloodstar had changed his mind so that some of the new warrior could join. Me and Deathfang hung back here while they were gone."

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

8:41pm Sep 23 2009

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Posts: 1,441

"From thismoment on, until you join the ranks of StarClan or better, you shall be known as Lynxbloom. StormClan honers you for you speed and skills, and welcome you as a full warrior of StormClan." Nightstar called out proudly.

((Ok I gotta go for now, so bye everyone!!!))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

8:43pm Sep 23 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Lynxbloom dipped her head solemnly, her eyes showing great undisguised pride in their depths.


9:00pm Sep 23 2009

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Posts: 198
OOC: sorry I forgot to take out the element...I could be a senior Warrior for StormClan, if you need someone to mentor an apprentice...))

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10:17pm Sep 23 2009

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Posts: 706
Foxtail snarled at her, saying, "Why is Bloodstar talking war?"

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4:46pm Sep 24 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Bloodstar's teeth gleamed in a mad-like grin. "I scented Stormclan on our side of the border!" he yowled when they were back at camp. "Those mangy- borderr crossers will pay!" he roared angrily. He let his fur flatten, then proceeded. "I'd also like to make an announcement." he said. "And it involves Deathfang and Shadowfang." he said.

Jadewhisper rubbed her pelt against Foxtail's affectionatly. "Don't worry Foxtail, it could just be a misunderstanding, thier scent could have simply blown over the border." she said softly.

Sparrowfrost purred loudly. She loved her warrior name. She cheered loudly for Lynxbloom and Foxleap.

Sparkfire nodded intensely, ignoring the cries of excitement from the new warriors. She shoved a poppy seed down Shadesky's throat, one of the riper ones to knock him out completly is hi wasn't already. She pressed down harder on his leg. Where are DarkClan cats when you need them?! She thought angrily, knowing that any DarkClan cat would gladly tear off Shadesky's leg for a mouse tail. She braced herself and sawed at Shadesky's leg with her claws, trying to avoid things that were unnecessary to cut.  Luckily, the snake had been strong enough to break the bone already. After a few bloody moments, Shadesky's leg was unattached. She shoved cobwebs and marigold into the wound, applying la
yer after la
yer to help seal the cut.


5:19pm Sep 24 2009

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Posts: 5,279
Featherpaw bounced eagerly after Leafpelt to the sandy training hollow. Her fur bristled excitedly. "What kind of moves do I learn first?" she asked eagerly, unsheathing and resheathing her claws.


5:41pm Sep 24 2009

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Posts: 441

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

6:37pm Sep 24 2009

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Posts: 507

(( Lol. I don't exactly know how to train a cat. DX))

Leafpelt sat down, grinnig. "The best way is to show me what I'm working with," she said happily. "Now, show me what you can do." Leafpelt finished proudly. She wanted to know what Featherpaw was capable of, since a little idea was not gonig to cut it.


6:41pm Sep 24 2009

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Posts: 5,279
"Okay." said Featherpaw nervously. She tensed and dashed under Leafpelt's belly, taking advantage of her small size. She rolled over and thrashed at all four of Leafpelt's legs with sheathed claws and then dashed behind her and jumped on her back.


6:42pm Sep 24 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Eeeeeeeeewwww, I never imagined Shadesky to turn out like this! *gags* Well, it's ova now. And hi nano! You can pop in every so often and RP Dogheart even though he's in StarClan if ya want.))

Shadesky closed his eyes sleepily and painfully, falling into a deep sleep and feeling the pain of Sparkfire's claws just before he had fallen asleep. He hadn't known that he was going to only have 3 legs, for his hearing had been slurred by the poison. He moaned in his sleep, feeling weird.

Nightstar flanked each of the new warriors, not turning to see her son because the sight was too dreadful. And now, Sparrowfrost, Lynxbloom, and Foxleap, it's time to go on your first warrior patrol." She added whiskfully as she stood at the entrance of camp, hoping that her mind would clear up with some fresh air.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

6:50pm Sep 24 2009

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Posts: 5,279
Tears slurred down Sparkfire's jaws as she groomed the fur around her half-brother's leg- well, stup. Her paws were soaking wet, and she would never get his fur out of her claws. Unless they were soaked in water. She shivered. She hated getting her paws wet. "Wait, Nightstar, before you go, can you help me carry Shadesky into the medicine cat's den?" she asked. She had to clean up the pool of blood that remained... and the leg. She shivered again.


7:01pm Sep 24 2009

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Posts: 507

Leafpelt caught herself before she tripped, for Featherpaw had skill. Not as much skill as herself, however, since Leafpelt had the experience of a loner, and is much older. "You're good." she commented, turning her head as much as she could to face Featherpaw, currently planted on her back. "But there are still things you need to learn." Immediately, Leafpelt constricted her back in, then flung it upwards, acting as a catapult for Featherpaw.

Once the apprentice was off of Leafpelt's back, she leaped a foot away, catching herself with her landing and scraping the dirt with her claws. "You must be fast," she meowed, with a slight grin.

(( There's more, but I want Featherpaw to come back down to the ground before Leafpelt continues. XD ))

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