7:15pm Sep 24 2009
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Featherpaw squealed in suprise, twisting just in time to land on her paws. Still shaky, she raced forward towards Leafpelt and lunged at her head on.
7:16pm Sep 24 2009
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((Lost Posteh :())
7:16pm Sep 24 2009
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((Still a little lost...))
7:16pm Sep 24 2009
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((Bumperz. Is Dashz here?))
7:37pm Sep 24 2009
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Nightstar shivered, a chill running down her back. Shadesky didn't look like himself, not like the stubborn, quiet, ferocious cat he had grown up as. Now he was just getting eaten up and become weaker and closer to death. He'd probably have to reitre, but the pain she would have if she had to do so. Nodding to her daughter, She silently walked across the gr*censored*y clearing, gently picking up Shadesky like he was a kit all over again. Deathfang stepped foward, suprised to hear his name. "Yes, Bloodstar? What is it?" Fishleap glared at Foxtail. "How should I know?! Go ask him if you're that curious!"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:45pm Sep 24 2009
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Jadewhisper hissed at Fishleap. "Stop being so cross with my mate Fishleap!" she threatened. Bloodstar nodded. "Deathfang, I thank you sincerely for serving as DarkClan Deputy for many moons, but I believe there is one cat who deserves it more. Shadowfang, please step forwad towards the highledge."
8:07pm Sep 24 2009
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Fishleap arched her back at Jadewhisper. "Mind your own business, fox-breath!" Deathfang gasped as his leaders words. Shadowfang didn't deserve to be leader, nor should he retire from deputyship! A growl rumbled in his throat as he dug his claws way deep into the ground, his fur pricked and his tail kinked.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:08pm Sep 24 2009
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((Should I kill of Deathfang, as in like make him a rogue or somethin? Like I could make him attack Bloodstar, and then go on from there.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:26pm Sep 24 2009 (last edited on 8:29pm Sep 24 2009)
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Posts: 507
(( Maybe he could attack Bloodstar, and Leafpelt and Featherpaw can rush there to help? Anyway, this is my last post for the night. )) Leafpelt smiled at Featherpaw's confidence. To her, it was cute. But to Featherpaw, it was strong skill of a warrior in training. It was actually very good, the best Leafpelt has seen from an apprentice. But Leafpelt just found that cute. She found everything cute. Before she could hit Leafpelt however, Leafpelt quickly dodged the apprentice and landed swiftly onto her paws. "You also must be surprising." she added. Now, before Featherpaw could do anything about Leafpelt's jump, Leafpelt leaped towards Featherpaw, skimming her paws with her tail. Thus, causing the apprentice to trip and fall on the dirt. "Like that." Leafpelt said proudly.
3:38pm Sep 25 2009
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Posts: 507
4:06pm Sep 25 2009
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Featherpaw growled and slunk around Leafpelt in a circle, her face covered in mud and her tail dragging in the dirt. Then, she dashed under Leafpelt again and pushed up, causing her to fall on her side. She lashed her tail happily and then curled it around her paws to sit. "Like that?" Bloodstar dipped his head to Deathfang. "Deathfang, please don't take this the wrong way, but you'd just serve the clan better as a warrior." he said, fearing that the damage was already done. Deathfang was a valuable member to Darkclan, he didn't want him to leave, but he knew this decision had to be made. Deathfang was too frightening to become the leader someday. Jadewhisper lashed her tail. "My mate, my buissness mouse brain!" she hissed, crouching down to leap at the annoying, arrogant she-cat.
5:08pm Sep 25 2009
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((Before I post, whatever, do you mind if I make Deathfang attack Bloodstar, like I mentioned above? Just wondering, because then he could either become a rogue, die, or whatever Bloodstar says and just create more havoc for the Clans.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:26pm Sep 25 2009
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((I'm okay with that, Bloodstar should loose a life and we should make it epical. X) Bu Bloodstar doesn't want to loose him. And Jadewhisper will likely join her leader in battle. Oooooh. Then Deathfang could go and join Stormclan.))
5:31pm Sep 25 2009
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((Ooooh, okay! This should be interesting.)) Feeling the sudden urge to fight and rip his leaders heart out from all the anger and emotions going on inside of Deathfang, he unsheathed his great claws, and lunged at Bloodstar, slamming his leader into the ground as his clas cut into Bloodstar's shoulders. His fur was kinked completely and his back was arched. He was determined to get what he wanted, even though he new that what he was doing was wrong and would probably screw up his chance of going to StarClan when he p*censored*ed away.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:32pm Sep 25 2009
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Posts: 706
((Yeah, and maybe Bloodstar dies soon, making Shadowfang leader. Which makes Deathfang attack and kill lone Darkclan warriors in revenge, but no one knows what is going on.)) Frostwing, not standing what was happening, took Canis back to the nursery. She knew the snake might still be there, but she'd die before Canis go hurt. Foxtail hissed, tenseing to leap at Fishleap, not believing he had ever liked her. "Don't you DARE talk to her like that unless you wish to join the elder's den early, due to blindness!" Shadowfang stared at Bloodstar, saying, "Really? I... I can't believe it!" Then, remembering his new postion, he straightened his back and said, "I thank you sir!" Then turned back to the current situation and said, "Orders?"
5:35pm Sep 25 2009
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Posts: 706
((Whoops)) Shadowfang leaped at Deathfang, biting his scruff and dragging him backwards.
5:44pm Sep 25 2009
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Bloodstar yowled in fury and rolled onto his back, crushing the cat underneath him. "Deathfang! What in StarClan's name are you doing?" Bloodstar hissed, lashing his tail. Jadewhisper took a step forward, forgetting Fishleap.
5:50pm Sep 25 2009
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Posts: 706
Foxtail, scared for his mate's life, held her back. Shadowfang held the wriggling Deathfang under him, a paw against his throat, hoping he'd give in.
5:52pm Sep 25 2009
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Fishleap unsheathed her claws, then quickly forgot what she was arguing about as she watched her leader get attacked. She stepped foward, about to help. Deathfang dug his claws deep into the earth, trying to stop from getting himself dragged away. He shook himself violently, throwing his Clanmate off of him and to the ground. Seeing Jadewhisper nearing him and other Clanmates runnin gup to help Bloodstar, he launched himself as high as he could as stood before Bloodstar. Snarling, with no words to speak, he takcled Bloodtsar and rolld underneath his belly, merclessly ripping into the soft stomach.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:53pm Sep 25 2009
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((Whoops, late post for me. Well, I'd better say this now. I HATCHED MY FIRST ALBINO TODAY!!!! IT'S A MALE AHEA NAMED MALES!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing