7:41am Sep 26 2009
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Wolf spotted Shadesky out of the corner of his eyes. He felt his power reach over to brush him lightly. He regretted it. He instantly felt all of Shadesky's emotions and thoughts and he winced slightly. Is that really what you think, Shadesky? He thought spoke gently to Shadesky.
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7:41am Sep 26 2009
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7:41am Sep 26 2009
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7:41am Sep 26 2009
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9:47am Sep 26 2009
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Frostwing took Canis back to where Wolf stood, letting her kit crawl over herself and his father. Shadowfang stared at Deathfang's back, thinking about what he had said. He stopped counting quietly, then shouted, "THREE!" and ran after him. He wanted one swipe, that was all. Just one. He watched him head towards Stormclan, then knew this was his last chance for now. He sped up, and just as Deathfang was about to cross the border, he jumped, pinning Deathfang to the ground. "Got ya," he hissed in Deathfang's ear, before getting up to glare at him as he crossed the border. Foxtail had been watching Deathfang, knowing that Shadowfang would do what must be done. But he tensed up anyways. Then when he heard Shadowfang shout, he ran after Deathfang as if badgers were about to kill him
9:50am Sep 26 2009
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Wolf smiled and he gently nudged Canis onto his back. ~ Canis smiled and laughed slightly. He sat on his father's back. "Ridem cowboy!" he laughed.
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9:52am Sep 26 2009
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Jadewhisper pelted alongside her mate, teeth bared and claws diggin g into the ground to push her forward. Her eyes blazed, and she tried to think of the time when he was the most loyal cat in the clan. Bloodstar sighed and groomed himself. Dawn would approach soon. He waited for his warriors to return to camp, tail curled around his paws and Nightcloud at his side. Sparkfire could tell, being a medicine cat, what Wolf was doing. "Leave Shadesky alone!" she hissed. "Hasn't he been through enough?" she growled.
9:58am Sep 26 2009
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Wolf hissed slightly at Sparkfire, then stopped. "Yes. But he doesn't have to think those things. It wasn't mine choice. i would of left so that my son's destiny was safe. But Frostwing chose this. Not me." Wolf said defensivily. ~ Canis gazed at Sparkfire, wiggled off his father, and he trotted towards Sparkfire. He gazed at the older and bigger she-cat. He laughed slightly. "You worry to much. " Canis chuckled. ~ Wolf froze slightly when he read Canis's mind. it was almost like it had become ten times more mature, then changed back to a kitten's mind. ~ Canis frowned slightly, then smiled, unsure of himself.
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10:14am Sep 26 2009
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"He has the right to think whatever he wants Wolf!" growled Sparkfire. "And I don't need you further annoying him, I'm sure he'd prefer you to be out of his fur forever! After all, you kinda stole his mate! He actually liked Frostwing!" She ignored the kit.
10:20am Sep 26 2009
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Wolf's fur bristled and his eyes flashed with anger. "Watch your tongue!" He hissed. "I love Frostwing more than Shadesky will ever love her!" he hissed. " And if Shadesky has problems, then let him deal with it! Cause I will stick to his mind like a burr until he lets it go!" He hissed. ~ Swiftstar stayed near Wolf, prepared to stop Wolf if he attacked Sparkfire. (( Ello? Making Starclan king mad. Not so good. Having a kit between them. Even worse. LOL Keep it going. Were getting some action here. LOL ^_^ ))
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10:30am Sep 26 2009
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Leafpelt smiled. "Yes," she purred, proud of her apprentice. "Like that." By that time, it was getting darker, and night was coming. "Well, we better head back to camp." Leafpelt told Featherpaw, leading the way. She knew that Featherpaw had great potential, she just needed some guidance on how to unleash it.
10:34am Sep 26 2009
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Foxleap realized tat she was on another clan's territory. She sniffed the air, turned around, took a few steps, and ran straight into Leafpelt and Featherpaw. She yelped and stumbled backwards. (( New Character. So Far I play Wolf, a rouge, Canis, a kit in Stormcaln, Swiftstar, a Starclan cat, and Foxleap, a Stomclan cat. I will only play Swiftstar at certain times so New character for Bloodclan.))
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10:49am Sep 26 2009 (last edited on 10:51am Sep 26 2009)
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Desired Name: Bloodhowl Position: Bloodstar's Apprentice? Family: None Mate: Looking Crush: Open Age: New Apprentice Clan: Darkclan Additional Info Gender: Male Appearance: He has soft brown eyes that have a hint of moss green in them. He has one black sock on his left front leg. Otherwise, he looks exactly like the cat in the picture. Personality: He is quiet and he watches everyone, taking everything in. He can be wise, but otherwise, he is gentle, and a swift learner. He is very agile and lithe and extremely fast. He is very skilled at hunting, but his main branch his fighting. When Bloodhowl fights, he remains calm and emotionless, but he is more deadly than death himself. he has unusually sharp claws.
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10:52am Sep 26 2009
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((Sweet)) Frostwing sat there, not sure what to do as Wolf and Sparkfire argued over herself and her kit, then she spoke, "Sparkfire, let it be. Though I love Canis, I did not mean to have him. I wanted to be Shadesky's mate, let him take the role of Canis' father, but he refused. So I returned to Wolf."
10:54am Sep 26 2009
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Posts: 706
Shadowfang turned, grunting that it was time to return to camp.
10:54am Sep 26 2009
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Wolf turned to Frostwing, shocked, but then he smiled tenderly and nuzzled her cheek lightly. He sighed. ~ Canis looked, confused, at Sparkfire. "Why does anger trouble your heart so, when it should be clear and ready to fly free?" He whispered softly. ~ Bloodhowl watched the camp. He knew there was a fight going on, but he also knew that he wasn't involved. He yawned slightly, gazing at the others. (( Thanks. I love Bloodhowl. Entirely new character. ))
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11:21am Sep 26 2009
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Sparkfire's lips curled in a snarl. "Since when was it okay to not even be able to think what you want about another cat?!" she hissed. "Oh look at me! I'm the king a StarClan, everyone has to like me or I'll threaten them, they can't even think nasty things about me hahaha!" she mocked. ((Nah, not Bloodstar's apprentice, that only happens if all the warriors already have apprentices, so you can be Jadewhisper's... oooohhh. He and Owlpaw are gonna be friends, their personalities are very similar.))
11:26am Sep 26 2009
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(( Okay. Thanks. )) Wolf's lip curled and he hissed at her. He hardly noticed Canis between them as he took a step forward, his eyes flashing with anger. "How we made you Medicine Cat, I'll never know." He hissed. ~ Canis looked in fear at his father. He looked back at Sparkfire, then at his father. He whimpered slightly.
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11:27am Sep 26 2009
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Featherpaw returned to camp after her and Leafpelt's fighting session, confident now that she could battle any warrior. She picked up hostile scents and saw Jadewhisper come back into camp, blood running from her eye. She padded over to her littermates, Owlpaw, who was sitting in the corner with an intrigued look on his face as he watched the cat's behavior., and Rocketpaw, who was fluffed up to twice his size. "What happened?" she asked them, sitting in between the two brothers. Owlpaw simply continued watching. Rocketpaw growled. "Deathfang turned traitor and took one of Bloodstar's lives!" he hissed. "That's terrible!" gasped Featherpaw, eyes round when she looked around the camp. Jadewhisper re-closed he bleeding eye, just remembering how much it hurt. She moaned. "I'm gonna go see Nightcloud now." she whimpered, sidestepping away from Shadowfang and Foxtail, before turning around completly and pelting to the medicine cat den, her pelt bruning with embarr*censored*ment at being too stubborn in the beggining. Bloodstar chuckled at Jadewhisper and waved Nightcloud to the medicine cat's den to tend to her. A purr rumbled in his throat. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high ledge for a meeting!" he announced.

11:29am Sep 26 2009
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Sparkfire hissed again, unsheathing her claws. "Well then you might as well be a blind badger!" she countered, tail fluffing as it lashed from side to side, almost hitting Shadesky. "Leave my patients alone Wolf." she growled. "And that's an order."