11:44am Sep 26 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((Wait, if Bloodhowl's an apprentice, shouldn't he be Bloodpaw? Unless he's Nightcloud's apprentice, or Sparkfire's in Stormclan))
11:44am Sep 26 2009
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11:45am Sep 26 2009
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((poor LP. :( ))
11:45am Sep 26 2009
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((My LP is lost. *sings* Oh where oh where did my posty go, oh where oh where can it be? ))
11:50am Sep 26 2009
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Hearing the fight over himself made Shadesky smirk, but hearin Frostwing's words made him frown. He wasn't even my kit! And Wolf, just because you knew Frostwing longer doesn't mean you love her more than I do! My whole life has taken a turn, all because of her! Just look at me! My personality, appearence, everything about me has changed! He thought angerily, not having the will to speak the words out loud, though he was sure Wolf could hear his thoughts if he heard it before. Deathfang hissed, baring his teeth back in a snarl. Rain pelting down on him as it sprinkled and fell through the sky, wetting everying on land. His ears flattened, he swiped at SHadowfang, knocking the breath out of the deputy. He then stepped backwards, going out of DarkClan territory. He glared at Shadowfang as he leapt up and into a tree, watching him until he would go out of sight.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:58am Sep 26 2009
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Wolf hissed. He took another step forward, almost stepping on Canis. ~ "STOP!" Canis wailed. he began to cry. The air spiked with electricity. ~ Wolf felt his fur rise from the electricity and he took several steps back, slight fear flashing in his eyes for a second when he saw Canis. ~ Canis snarled at both of them. "You two act like kits! And I should know! I am one! And yet here I am, acting like the adult! Behave yourselves!" He hissed. The air spiked with a more scarier intensity of electricity. (( Yeah. Sorry. Future name is Bloodhowl though.)) Bloodpaw watched Featherpaw and he stood up. He shook his pelt and retreated from his shadows. The sun glinted on his orange pelt and he looks almost like a bright and terrible flame. His claws kneaded the dirt as he walked slowly. He sat at the bottom of the highrock and gazed at Bloodstar.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
12:21pm Sep 26 2009
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1:39pm Sep 26 2009
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((wolf188.....let's see here.........Bloodstar made Shadowfang take Deathfang's place because he didn't want him to be leader, so Deathfang got mad and took one of Bloodstar's lives away. So he ran off towards StormClan border and the 3 new warriors are supposedly patrolling with Nightstar. Shadesky went after a venomous snake that had made it's way into the nursery, so it weakened it alot, but on one if the snakes final breaths it snapped at Shadesky and sunk it's teeth into his right back leg, so Sparkfire, the new med. cat of StormClan, had to uh...make Shadesky only have 3 legs, and so now he's in the medicine den and Sparkfire and WOlf are arguing over him and he's all upset and Frostwing and Canis are there as well.)) Shadesky grimaced. "Guess you should be looking out for your son more often, Wolf."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:36pm Sep 26 2009
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Wolf smiled grimly at Shadesky and he nuzzled his son. He felt a jolt go through him, but he softened it and the electricity faded. ~ Canis whimpered and tucke dhis tail between his legs. He looked so helpless and weak then. ~ Wolf felt his heart break as he looked at his son.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
2:39pm Sep 26 2009
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Shadesky ignored Wolf's smile as he stumbled to the fresh-kill pile. He had already been scolded by Sparkfire to stay in the den, but everyone was outside of the den. And plus, he was hungry. He snatched a starling from the fresh-kill pile and limped back over to where he once was. He felt slightly embarrased, but he showed no sign of it.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:13pm Sep 26 2009
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Frostwing stared at her medicine cat and mate, saying, "Stop it!!" She turned to Wolf and said, "Please leave Shadesky's mind alone. Right now he is barely phiscaly and emotionally to handle the loss of his leg, and doesn't need to have you bothering his mind." Then she turned to Sparkfire and said, "And I'll thank you not to mock my mate." Shadowfang stalked through the entrance, smiling to himself. He went to Bloodstar's side and said, "He has gone with a warning." Foxtail turned to see Jadewhisper run into the medicine cat's den, softly said, "Nightcloud." then followed her.
8:14pm Sep 26 2009
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Wolf flinched slightly and dipped his head, hiding his eyes. ~ Canis whimpered again. "Momma...." he muttered. ~ Foxleap bounded through the forest. She had already past Darkclan Territory. And she still didn't know.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:19pm Sep 26 2009
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((I'm in need of MAJOR HELP!!! Does anyone here have Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Red Rescue Team? I'm on floor like...92 of Buried Relic and I need someone to come save me! If you have the game, PLEASE tell me so I can give you my Wonder Mail p*censored*word so you can help save me!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:21pm Sep 26 2009
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((Wait, how do I know what my p*censored*word is? Please help!I know this is off topic, but I really need help!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:22pm Sep 26 2009
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(( I think I sold mine..... I might have... I don't think I do..... Sorreh. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:23pm Sep 26 2009
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Posts: 507
(( I have Red Rescue Team, but I'm on like... Level 6. DX However, I have Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Blue Rescue Team on high levels. ))
8:30pm Sep 26 2009
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((Do you think you could tell me how to get my p*censored*word for the game? I don't know it, but I need it! ))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:36pm Sep 26 2009
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Frostwing looked at her son, her eyes softening as she said, "Yes?"
8:49pm Sep 26 2009
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Shadesky narrowed his eyes, then kinked his tail as he ripped into the starling, ravenously biting down on it. Once he finished, he tried to stand up right and stretch, if he could still do so.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:06pm Sep 26 2009
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Ummm..... Recap?