9:45pm Sep 26 2009
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((UUUhhhh, Dunno where you left))
9:47pm Sep 26 2009
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((Where did you leave?))
9:50pm Sep 26 2009
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9:51pm Sep 26 2009
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7:48am Sep 27 2009
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Posts: 507
(( Yer siggy is funny, Fullmoon. But whoever you copied and pasted that from spelled Cyrus wrong. D: Anyway, I'm going to my aunt's mother's viewing today, so I might not be back until late, if I am back. Toodles! ))
8:51am Sep 27 2009
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Canis whimpered. "All these cats scare me. I want to be in a quiet and peaceful place. I want to be asleep." Canis whimpered. "But I can't..." ~ Wolf snarled slightly and bowed his head again as his body shot waves of pain though him. He clenched his teeth and screwed his eyes shut tightly. He bared his teeth against the pain. "HUman poison." He cursed. "Is not meant for starclan cats." He hissed through gritted teeth. ~ Foxleap suddenly burst into Darkclan's camp. She yelped with surprise. ~ Bloodpaw leaped at her and pinned ehr down. his eyes glinted and he was snarling loudly. "Who are you!" He growled. ~ Foxleap yelped with pain when his claws dug into her shoulders.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:37am Sep 27 2009
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Jadewhisper emerged from the medicine cat den. "Bloodpaw! Get off of her!" she ordered with a lashing tail. Bloodstar padded slowly up to Foxleap, claws unsheathed. "How dare you enter my camp!" he hissed angrily, glaring at the young warrior. Featherpaw's eyes stretched wide when she saw Bloodpaw go head on against a warrior. She wished she had had that skill and courage. Owlpaw simply watched with a cocked head what was going on. "Fox dung! I missed it! What happened?!" cursed Rocketpaw as he came out of the dirtplace entrance. Nightcloud too, came out of the medicing cat den and wrapped her tail around her paws, eyes narrowed at the StormClan warrior. ___ Sparkfire growled and turned away. "This coming from a kit who doesn't even have a warrior name" she mumbled under her breath as she tended to Shadesky's leg which had opened up again, catiously applying more dressing.
10:54am Sep 27 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing looked at her and said, "Stop! Both of you! Canis is tired, and wants rest. How can he when his father and medicine cat are fighting!" With that she picked him up and put him in her old nest in the warrior's den. Shadowfang looked up, then said, "Bloodstar, wait." He walked up to Foxleap and sniffed her pelt, then said, "Forgive her. She smells of Stormclan, but it is faint. Signaling she has not been there long. Obviously not long enough to learn of us and our borders. We may have been just recovering from the plague when she joined. Meaning we were all but gone, so our scents were no longer at the borders, making Stormclan believe we were gone." He tapped Foxleap's shoulder, motioning for her to stand next to himself, Leafpelt, Jadewhisper, and Foxtail. Foxtail's eyebrows furrowed, thinking of what Shadowfang said. "Sniff me," he asked Foxleap, wanting to see if Darkclan scent was as faint in his pelt as Stormclan's was in hers.
11:18am Sep 27 2009 (last edited on 11:18am Sep 27 2009)
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Jadewhisper growled and unsheathed her claws. Bloodstar faced Shadowfang, then smelled her pelt. "You're right Shadowfang." he said. "What do we do about her though? She knows where our camp is, we can't send her back like it never happened!" he said. Owlpaw's eyes shone as he saw his mentor defend the Stormclan cat. He was glad to have such a brave warrior as his mentor! He would learn so much! ___ Sparkfire rolled her eyes and then padded over to the fresh kill pile, taking a rabbit for Shadesky and a robin for herself. She padded over and dropped to rabbit infront of him. "You should eat." she said kindly.
11:37am Sep 27 2009
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Posts: 706
Shadowfang looked at her, then said, "I don't think she meant to be here. But you are right, she cannot return knowing." He looked at Bloodstar and said, "What do you think?"
12:40pm Sep 27 2009
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Foxleaps' eyes narrowed in anger. She hissed and a growl rolled out of her mouth. but it wasn't a cat growl. it was a fox's growl. "You hurt me an all hell will break loose on your head." She threatened. Her voice had a feral foxness to it. ~ Bloodpaw glared sharply at her. He didn't get off her. ~ She winced when he dug his claws deeper into her flesh. "You all smell like Darkclan. " She turned to the ones who's scents were faint. "Yet, yes, your scents are faint." Her eyes where still narrowed. (( Remember how Wolf FOUND Foxleap? Well, You can guess what type of animal her parents were. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
12:55pm Sep 27 2009
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Bloodstar blinked, still unafraid. "You dare threaten me Foxleap?" he said calmly, mischief glimmering in his eyes as if he were a kit. Jadewhisper growled again. "Bloodpaw, get off of her. Now." she ordered.
1:03pm Sep 27 2009
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Bloodpaw winced slightly, his mind willing him to obey, but his instincts telling him to rip her throat out. Bloodpaw reluctantly stumbled off her, breathing hard, glaring at her. ~ Foxleap stood up, rolled her shoulders, and glared at Bloodstar. "Yes. I do. Because I'm not afraid of you." Her eyes glinted as well, cunning and slyness hidden inside them. She was thinking, and fast.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
1:08pm Sep 27 2009
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Bloodstar, as if he read her mind... " Bloodpaw, Rocketpaw, Owlpaw, Featherpaw, encircle Foxleap so she doesn't leave." he said simply, with a flick of the tail. "You should be afraid of me Foxleap." he snickered with a grin. Featherpaw, Owlpaw and Rocketpaw eagerly scrambled to obey Bloodstar's orders. Owlpaw stood behind Foxleap, Featherpaw on her right flank and Rocketpaw on her left, leving Bloodpaw where he was in front.
1:18pm Sep 27 2009
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Bloodpaw glared at her, his lip lifted in a smile mixed with a snarl. ~ Foxleap raised her head and stood straight and tall. Brave. "Kill me for all I care." She hissed. "I will never be afraid of you. To me, you are just like a newborn kit play fighting. You do not frighten me." She said firmly, eyes narrowed. ~ Bloodpaw let out a feral snarl. "You'll pay for that!" he snarled. He clenched his muscles, prepared to spring at her throat and wrip it out of her. "I'll silence you forever with that mouth." ~ Foxleap flinched slightly when she ehard those words, reminding her of something. Then she remembered, that she had been a mute. Not until Swiftstar came along. The she remembered Swiftstar's words. "I've already been sentenced to death by the poison that runs through my veins. I have already been mute. You can never harm me." She hissed back.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
3:17pm Sep 27 2009
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Bloodstar purred in amusmant. "I will not kill you." he said. "And niether will the apprentices. You will return to your clan at the next gathering, but for now, make yourself at home." he said. He didn't know why, but he was in a peculiar good mood today... Jadewhisper's fur stood on end. "She won't be in the warriors den?! Will she?!" Bloodstar dipped his head to Jadewhisper. "Yes Jadewhisper, she will, and we will treat her as part of Darkclan until she leaves at the next gathering." he said.
4:54pm Sep 27 2009
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5:04pm Sep 27 2009
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((Urm...I thought Shadesky already ate....but oh well! More food for him! And oh no you didn't, whatever! Trying to steal StormClan cats! Lol, jk! XDD I am just in such a mood today and I'm laughing at literally everything I read. XP And ooooooh Wolfy, such powerful words!)) Shadesky nodded his thanks, then took a bite out of the kill, savoring the taste. A faint purr rumbled in his throat as he heard Frostwing scold the two. Nightstar jumped through the bushes gleefully, happy to see such healthy warriors on a patrol. Sniffing around, she caught Foxleap's scent trailing off. Following it, she stopped dead at the border, even though the smell lead on farther. "Oh Foxleap, you always were a fluff-ball of trouble, but did you really have to cross the border today?" She mumbled quietly to herself, wondering what DarkCLan had done with her old apprentice. Looking back, she closed her eyes slowly, then shot then back open as she turned her head and darted foward and into DarkClan's territory. This was probably one of the worst time to go, but she had no choice. The full-moon had just p*censored*ed.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:20pm Sep 27 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:42pm Sep 27 2009
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Sparrowfrost bristled as she raced after her leader wordlessly. Poor Foxleap... Stuck at DarkClan camp... Bloodstar dipped his head to Foxleap. "Go ahead to the warriors den and have a piece of fresh kill, make yourself at home." he said. His eyes glimmered mischieviously. He padded over to Shadowfang and whispered in his ear so even cats with the best hearing wouldn't hear him from a tail length away. "Kill her at moon-high" he said.