12:25pm Jun 5 2010
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Sorry for the lack of a good ti tle ad a plot. :( It'll just be a normal Warrior Cats Rp with different clans. I'll try and keep the charrie list up to date, but no guarantees. Stormclan Stormclan live in a jungle-area that is rich with prey as well as other predators. The often have trouble with snakes and the occasional wild cat rather than foxes and badgers. This makes them great fighters. A team of ten warriors can take out any wild cat that threatens them. Darkclan Darkclan are similar to Shadowclan with a few differences. Darkclan live on a marshy wetland that has very few trees and not much shelter. They don't get predators very often due to the lack of easy prey. It is mostly birds of prey that they have to worry about swooping in and stealing kits; only the best make it to be warriors. In times of severity such as leaf-bare, Darkclan will dig up hibernating frogs and toads, and during greenleaf they'll fish tadpoles out of the ponds and feed them to kits. It is superstition that they are good luck to the young and bad luck to elders. Hailclan: Hailclan are cats that are not to be trusted. They are the newest clan in the forest, previously a group of rogues. They understand the warrior code and follow it with all their hearts, but no clan wants to accept them. Their previous leader has recently lost his ninth life, and their medicine cat fell ill and died afterwards. They are now also he weakest clan, as the medicine cat and leader were the two that really formed the clan, having been brothers. Hailclan live in a wooded area with tiny creeks running through, making the ground almost always soft under paw. Many of the senior warriors were once kittypets or loners; they had to come from somewhere. Hailclan are steadily getting stronger, never underestimate them. Heartclan Heartclan are nosy cats, but they only want to help. They love helping out loners and kittypets, and they have the most cats out of any of the other clans because of this. Heartclan live among great pine trees sticky with sap. Kits sometimes will lick the trees when they're mothers aren't looking. The only problem Heartclan has is bees. Almost every tree has some sort of bee or hornet's nest among its branches, so most cats don't ever learn to climb, for fear of being stung. The Great Clearing The Great Clearing serves the same purpose as the island and Fourtrees in the books. The Great Clearing is a gathering place where all the clans meet every full moon. The Moon Falls A tiny glowing waterfall in a great cave at the edge of Hailclan territory. Medicine cats and leaders are allowed to cross territories to go there and share tongues with Starclan. Rules: Please post your bio in the same color of your clan. Please type in the color of your characters clan. Always use |(({[OOC]}))| and please always put it in black letters. Please reserve one post for ALL of your bios. In the charrie list I'll have the page your bios should be on in case you forget. Don't spam, power play, god-mod or mary-sue (unless you have permission from me) Follow all Rescreatu rules and forum rules. If you read the rules do not post "Warrior Cats" Post meow Bio Skelly:: (optional usage, but recommended) Name: Warrior Name: (Leader, apprentice, kit, elder only) Gender: Age: Rank: (Warrior, Kit, etc) Clan: Fur color: Eye color: Personality: History: Other:

12:25pm Jun 5 2010 (last edited on 12:28pm Jun 21 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
Leader: Fallenstar, male Deputy: [open] Med. Cat: Applesong, female Med. Cat Apprentice: [open] Warriors: Nightspell, female Dreamcloud, female Apprentices: Spottedpaw, female Mentors: Spottedpaw~Nightspell Queens/Kits: [none] Elders: [none] -~- Darkclan: Leader: Crowstar, male Deputy: [open] Med. Cat: Starwalker, female Med. Cat Apprentice: [open] Warriors: Iceheart, female Shadetear, male Rocketrage, male Owlcomet, male Featherstorm, female Lightwave, female Apprentices: [none] Mentors: [N/A] Queens/Kits: [none] Elders: [none] -~- Hailclan: Leader: Flamestar, male Deputy: [open] Med. Cat: [open] Med. Cat Apprentice: [open] Warriors: Adderstorm, male Ravenshade, male Falconwing, female Apprentices: Bloodpaw, male Silentpaw, male Mentors: Bloodpaw~Ravenshade Silentpaw~Adderstorm Queens/Kits: [none] Elders: [none] -~- Heartclan: Leader: [open] Deputy: Rowanfall, male Med. Cat: [open] Med. Cat Apprentice: Sappaw, female Warriors: Hopefur, female Thistleweed, male Wintersong, female Apprentices: [none] Mentors: [N/A] Queens/Kits: [none] Elders: [none] -~- Players: whatever6551: Crowstar, Applesong, Adderstorm, Ravenshade, Hopefur, Thistleweed, Rocketrage, Owlcomet, Lightwave, Featherstorm (pg 1) Detneth106: Heronpaw, Ghostpaw, and Robinwing (pg 1) Ajax: Iceheart and Flamestar (pg 1) Bloodrose: Nightspell and Bloodpaw (pg 1) Stray: Fallenstar, Falconwing, Silentpaw, Shadetear, Starwalker, Rowanfall, and Wintersong (pg 2) chocolatelab12: Sappaw (pg 3)

12:51pm Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Name: Heronpaw // Ghostpaw // Robinwing Warrior Name: Heronflight // Ghostfrost // N/A Gender: She-cat x3 Age: 6 moons // 6 moons // 23 moons Rank: Med. Cat Apprentice // Apprentice // Deputy Clan: HailClan x3 Fur color: Steel gray with blue tones // Pale, pale gray // Russet with a red tail, chest, ears and muzzle Eye color: Green // Ice blue-blind // Green Personality: Heronpaw has a very large heart and is well-suited to being a Med. Cat. She loves helping other cats as long as they are true and pure of heart. // Ghostpaw is a lonely and ostracized cat who hates being blind and small. // Robinwing is very motherly and is all ways there to help her clanmates out. History: All rogues before this Other: N/A // Ghostpaw is the size of a 3 moon kit // N/A
12:52pm Jun 5 2010 (last edited on 12:55pm Jun 5 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
((Accepted! I'll add your bios when I post mine. :3 EDIT:: Actually, now that I look into your bio more than just a first glance, you missed two things that I included in the rules. :O I'll add you when you fix them.))
1:04pm Jun 5 2010 (last edited on 10:59am Jun 19 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
Name: Crowstar Warrior Name: Crowheart Gender: Male Age: 39 moons Rank: Leader Clan: Darkclan Fur color: Black Eye color: Blue Personality: Cold. He is not the same cat as he was when he was a warrior. He used to be sweet and caring, but the stress of being the leader of Darkclan has turned him cold and hostile, and very easily offended. History: He was a single kit when he was born, and his mother and father both died of green cough soon after he became deputy. He feels that it's important to be the last kin of his parents, and he wants to preserve them in future generations, but he wants the right mate first, the right she-cat who can give him a nice strong litter as well as a cat who loves him. <3 Other: Nopers -~- Name: Applesong Warrior Name: N/A Gender: Female Age: 12 moons Rank: Medicine Cat Clan: Stormclan Fur color: Tortoiseshell with white splotches Eye color: Indigo Personality: Sweet and caring despite her rough past. She doesn't understand why love makes other cats so happy, and doesn't desire it for herself whatsoever. She is overly obsessed with her herbs, and very good at getting answers from Starclan. She loves every other cat in her clan as much as if they were her own kits. History: As a kit, she was kidnapped by twolegs who got her spayed and pierced her left ear with three golden rings. After escaping, she came back to Stormclan just before her mentor, Sparkflame died. It took her a little while and help from the other medicine cats to re-learn all the herbs, but she has become the greatest medicine cat Stormclan has ever had. Other: Nope -~- Name: Adderstorm | Ravenshade Warrior Name: N/A Gender: Male | Male Age: 26 moons | 26 moons Rank: Warrior | Warrior Clan: Hailclan | Hailclan Fur color: Dark tabby | Black Eye color: Green | Amber Personality: Adderstorm is easily angered and very charismatic. He has little sense of humor, and cares more about the approval of the clan than the approval of the leader or deputy. | Ravenshade is a fun cat to be around, and dislikes Adderstorm on most occasions. History: Adderstorm and Ravenshade are brothers, and they have been through everything together, however much they dislike each other. They are some of the most respected cats in the clan, and are both very social at gatherings. Other: Nope -~- Name: Hopefur | Thistleweed Warrior Name: N/A Gender: Female | Male Age: 23 moons | 25 moons Rank: Warrior | Warrior Clan: Heartclan | Heartclan Fur color: Fluffy grey | Fluffy brown tabby Eye color: Amber | Amber Personality: Hopefur is sweet and innocent, and overly obedient to her clanmates and leader. | Thistleweed is caring and strong, he always gives other cats the benefit of the doubt before going up and hating their guts. History: Hopefur and Thistleweed are half-siblings; their father had originally had Thistleweed's mother as a mate, but then he met another she cat and Hopefur was born. Their father was exiled, much to both of the she-cats displeasure, and the pair of mothers are now good friends, living in the elders den together. Other: Nopers -~- Name: Dreamcloud Warrior Name: N/A Gender:Female Age: 36 moons Rank: Warrior Clan: Stormclan Fur color: Black and White <3 Eye color: Green Personality: Short-Tempered and snappy, especially with her daughter, Spottedpaw. She loves her apprentice more than she loves her own daughter. No one knows why, and its best not to ask her unless you can live without ears. History: No one knows who Spottedpaw's father is except her. He was a Stormclan cat named Orangestripe. He was her best friend, and lover. They were going to announce that they were happy mates together when he fell ill with an odd disease. It was a type of throat infection. The claw of a rabbit he ate caught his throat and it became infected. It pained him to talk, and it made him very angry until his death. Dreamcloud was heart-broken. She can't even hear his name without having to excuse herself to go off and cry- alone. Other: She has promised herself she'd never love again, or at least never have kits. -~- Name: Spottedpaw Warrior Name: Leader's Choice as long as it's not Spottedleaf, cloud, fur or storm. Gender: Female Age: 7 moons Rank: Apprentice Clan: Stormclan Fur color: Darker tortiseshel with large amounts of ginger tabby and white, like her unknown father. Eye color: Amber, again, like her father. Personality: Spottedpaw is HYPER. She was so big, annoying and strong that she was apprenticed a moon early with Ivypaw, Emberpaw and Blizzardpaw. Her mother hates her unending energy, and her mentor doesn't like it too much more. Sometimes Spottedpaw is sad. No one ever seems to want her to be her friendly, obnoxious self. Everyone wants her to be just like every other cat. But she wants different. History: Her father is Orangestripe, but she doesn't know it. Her mother is Dreamcloud, who hates her. She actually lives a pretty lonely life, seeing as she has no siblings, and she avoids the other apprentices, not wanting to get between their sibling things. She likes hanging out with elders the most, and doesn't ming cleaning out their nests, and she sometimes goes so far as to break a rule and be sentenced to tick-duty, just to talk to them. Other: <3 ~ Name: Rocketrage|Owlcomet|Featherstorm|Lightwave Warrior Name: N/A Gender:Male|Male|Female|Female Age: 26 moons Rank: Warriors Clan: Darkclan Fur color: Dark Tabby|Lighter Tabby|Fluffy Grey Tabby| Cream Eye color:Amber|Green|Blue|Green Personality: RP them out History: They are all siblings, but they have no known mother or father. They were simply found in the nursery one morning with no explanation, and the warrior code could not let the Darkclan cats deny them. They all grew into strong, respectful warriors, each with individual personalities and talents that make them stand out among the clan. When they were apprentices, they got a lot of teasing from the others because they didn't have parents. They said that their parents had been the cats with the least respect in the forest: rogues. It only made them work harder to prove themselves better than their peers. Featherstorm was hit hard by the comments though, and she was often founf curled up in the corner of the nursery, wishing she had a mother to comfort her. Other: <3

4:42pm Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Bump. Det....???))
6:27am Jun 6 2010
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11:26am Jun 6 2010 (last edited on 3:10pm Jun 7 2010)
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Posts: 128
Meow Name: Iceheart
Warrior Name: N/A Gender: Female Age: 37 Moons
Rank:Warrior Clan: Darkclan Fur color: Snow white
Eye color: Piercing blue
Personality: Iceheart's name fits her pefectly. She is different and she knows it. She can see the stares she gets, the looks of hatred and not wanting her in the clan. She had come in a happy kit, but when she saw how others disliked her, she knew she couldn't let it affect her warrior training. She had trained harder than everyone else, could hunt easily, and fought well. She hates the color of her pelt, wanting to blend in to the shadows, not be a beacon. She has had few challenges in her life, and she has claimed another. Either become leader, which is easy enough for her in her eyes, or become Crowstar's mate, who's heart no one has been able to touch. But she knows his thoughts on a mate, which only makes herself prove to him more that she can make a clan strong with their kits. She is silent unless spoken to, but will heedlessly voice her thoughts. She is always looking at a cat for their skills and weaknesses. You could be a runt, but if you're fast and strong she'll like you enough to not hurt you. History: Iceheart is the daughter of a clan she-cat and a rouge. But that rogue was the son of a great leader, so his blood has given her her fighting skills. Many see her as an outcast that should've been thrown out when her mother found out she was pregnant. But now if anyone mentions it she laughs and challenges them to a fight. Many walk away in silence. A few walk away bleeding. Other: She is big for a she cat, and how small her mother was. She thinks her father was big for a tom and gave her her size, which is about the size of a small tom Name: Flamestar Warrior Name: Flamepelt Gender: Male
Age: 37 moons
Rank:Leader Clan: Hailclan Fur color:Black with a white star on his chest
Eye color: black Personality: He is quiet and watchful. Hardly speaks,but when he does all should listen. Not very caring, and pushes apprentices and warriors to the edge, many kits are scared to get him as a mentor. But his heart is in the right place and he only cares for his clan. History: He was born as a stray next to burn barrel, giving him the name Flame. The ashes fell on him, turning his snow white pelt black.Growing up, he had found Hailclan's founding brothers and followed them for years, and was named deputy for this as they knew his loyalty when they started the clan. Other:
1:17pm Jun 6 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Half Accepted. I like everything about your bio except for a few things: The wild cat blood and both hunting and fighting skills. One or the other please should be her talent, or she can be balanced.))
1:20pm Jun 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 128
((Oh, thats what i meant. Its just like she's a great fighter and can hunt well. the hunting part is like any other warrior. Ok, one sec. I'll change the wild cat stuff.))
1:22pm Jun 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,279
((Awesome. :) I get it now. Thanks for joining. :D I thought it would end up a fail.))
1:24pm Jun 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 128
((I hope it wont! I changed it so her grandpa on her dad's side was a clan leader and stuff....))
2:45pm Jun 6 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((That's perfect!!! :D))
4:12pm Jun 6 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Bump... Hey Ajax, do you want to make a few more charries? It's okay if not. I just want to read into more personas cause I'm bored))
6:33pm Jun 6 2010
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Posts: 128
((I got brain dead wit him. Will add more later))
6:34pm Jun 6 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Mkay. I hope this doesn't die.))
6:52pm Jun 6 2010 (last edited on 7:49pm Jun 6 2010)
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Posts: 2,422
Name:Nightspell/Bloodpaw Warrior Name:Already Warrior/Bloodclaw Gender:Female/Male Age:Twenty moons/Six moons Rank:Warrior/Apprentice Clan: Stormclan/Hailclan Fur color:Looks below/Blood colored black points. Eye color:Looks below/Amber red. History:As a kit, two-legs dyed her paw purple and clipped the collar around her neck. They then, threw her out into the forest. She has never let anyone take her collar off and never will./Due to an attack by a fox as a kit, he doesnt rember much. Other:None/He is blind in his left eye. Looks~ Nightspell's Pic
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
6:54pm Jun 6 2010 (last edited on 6:57pm Jun 6 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
((you missed something in the rules Bloodrose. :) But you're accepted anyways. Meow EDIT:: Actually, your pic stretches the page a bit, can you fix it? If not just post a link instead EDIT2:: Ajax: I just noticed your second bio. Could you change the name Stormstar? We have a Stormclan. O.o))
7:30pm Jun 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,422
{{Whoa, wait. I down sized the pic and the page stretched even more.}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:32pm Jun 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,279
((O.o That's weird. Try un-centering it, if that doesn't work then just post the link or a deion. :) ))