11:07pm Aug 2 2010
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OoC//Sure^^ oh yeah Featherpaw is very playful^^
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11:08pm Aug 2 2010
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At Echostar's words his eyes widened, a momentary jolt of shock throwing off his dignified calm. He sat, stunned, watching the clan leader as if she would suddenly announce that this was all some great jest. Luckily Featherpaw's sudden pounce distracted him, and he jumped to his feet. He grabbed the apprentice by the scruff, dragging him off. "That is not the way to treat your clan leader, Featherpaw. You are to show her proper respect." Though gruff, his tones weren't at all cruel, as he gently scolded the young cat. It wasn't really possibly for the giant tom to be mean. He didn't have it in him, unless, of course, one of his clanmates were to be harmed. That would be inexcuseable. After a moment to gather himself Bearclaw turned to Echostar, nodding with his usual solemn manner. "I would be honored."
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11:08pm Aug 2 2010
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Ooc// ok lol
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11:10pm Aug 2 2010
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"Sorry Bearclaw"Featherpaw mewled."I was once a kitty pet remember"He said,reminding his mentor.
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11:10pm Aug 2 2010
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Great the ceremonie will be tonight at high-moon Ooc// hey can we skip to the next day bcause it would b much easier for me
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11:15pm Aug 2 2010
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He smiled at Featherpaw, touching his nose to the appretice's head. "I remember. But you've left that behind you. Now you learn our ways. I shall teach you well." To Echostar he nodded, giving a brief bow. ooc:// da da-da daaaa! Next day. Poof.
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11:18pm Aug 2 2010
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Ooc// lol Echostar woke up bfor dawn and went to the warriorsden and woke up Bearclaw You need to set up the dawn patrol and gather up the apprentices its time for them to b *censored*esed
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11:19pm Aug 2 2010
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OoC//lol and Featherpaw is a tom not a she catX3 i put she cat in his bio bic// Featherpaw yawned and walked out of the Apperentice den.He stretched and looked around.He went to go find Bearclaw but instead he ran into another cat.
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11:23pm Aug 2 2010
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He roused quickly, nudging Foxfur, Mousewhisker and Dovecoat awake. "Get your apprentices together. Training and dawn patrol." They all woke with a few grumbles and plenty of stretching, and Bearclaw went off to find Featherpaw. Coming up behind him Bearclaw swatted him gently on the side, his tones amused and light. "Come on. We have dawn patrol. It's time for you to learn."
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11:24pm Aug 2 2010
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Ooc// As.ssed Grrr
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11:26pm Aug 2 2010
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Featherpaw's fur stood up on his body then he relaxed.He had fallen asleep in the clearing."I'm awake!"He mewled at Bearclaw."How did I get out here?"He asked,stretching.
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11:31pm Aug 2 2010
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Echostar decided that he needed some time alone he goes out to the forest and finds a warm place to nap. While he dreamed he saw a lone kit walking in the forest mewling pittifuly just then a hawk snatches the kit up Echostar runs after and yowns for help but no sound came out and the hawk was only getting farther away. Echostar jumped awake What could the omen mean!! does it mean something bad is going to happen to my clan ir was it just a dream?
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11:34pm Aug 2 2010
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He touched the small tom's forehead, checking for warmth, then shook his head. "It must have been a dream. You shall have to tell me what you saw later, but for now we have no time. We need to join the others at the front entrance." With that he took off to where the other three were waiting, apprentices in tow. Dovecoat's apprentice, a pretty little silver tabby, was as alert and prepared as any of the warriors present, despite her youth. Bearclaw nodded in greeting to all of them, smiling. Silverpaw nodded back, gold-green eyes lighting up with anticipation. Morning patrol with the deputy, then training. Still, why he had to bring along the kittypet... She stopped herself, inwardly chiding. It was wrong to treat him cruelly. Bearclaw had chosen him for his apprentice, and he had as much right to be here as she did. Still, tints of jealousy poked at her heart as she followed Bearclaw and Dovecoat out into the woods. "Alright, Featherpaw. Follow us, and if in doubt just do what we do. There shouldn't be any trouble, but we can never be too careful." Bearclaw led them into the forest, growing silent as they drew near the Windclan borders.
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11:40pm Aug 2 2010
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Echostar ran to the camp as fast as he could when he ran into camp he breathed out a sigh of realef nothing was wrong.. Maybe it was just a dream
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11:40pm Aug 2 2010
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Featherpaw nodded and silently followed Dovecoat and Bearclaw.He walked beside Silverpaw and purred,quietly.
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11:45pm Aug 2 2010
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Im goin to have to talk to Bearclaw about this so he can keep an eyeout for anything suspiciouse ill jsut wait till he gets back from patrol and the a.ssesments
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11:47pm Aug 2 2010
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Hearing his purring Silverpaw turned, shooting him an unreadable look before continuing on. Soon they reached the border the shared with Windclan, at which point Bearclaw motioned for them all to stop. He scented the air, as did the other cats, and apparently caught something they didn't much like. The tom stood stock still, furr standing on edge. The other three warriors had very much the same posture, and Silverpaw decided to mimick it. Soon the cause for their unease became clear, as the Windclan leader loped into view, followed by two of her warriors. Lilystar eyes the Thunderclan border patrol for a moment, eyeing the big tom that was heading it. She smiled a the sight of the apprentices, then caught herself. She gave the tabby tom a curt nod, recognizing him from the Gatherings. He was praised for his skill and loyalty. Shame he couldn't have been born Windclan. "Hello, Bearclaw. Out with the patrol, I see?" He gave a bow, green eyes a little colder than he meant for them to be. "That's right, Lilystar. We don't want any trouble. We're just remarking the borders." Motioning to Foxfur and Dovecoat he smiled, though the ex pression lacked warmth.
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11:51pm Aug 2 2010
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Featherpawmewled,softly and looked at the She cat.He went and stood beside Bearclaw,trying to look like a real Thunderclan cat.He looked at the windclan warriors and tilted his head to the side.
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11:53pm Aug 2 2010
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Echostar went over to the warrior Whiteclaw, "whiteclaw when you see Bearclaw tell him to wake me i have something to tell him. Whiteclaw nodded and trotted off to the warriors den and watched the entrance. meanwhile echostar went into his den and curledd up to sleep.
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12:02am Aug 3 2010
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Noticing little Featherpaw one of the warriors began to cackle, pointing to him as if he were the source of some great joke. " Look, there's the kittypet the adopted. It's a shock there still is a Thunderclan, with how many kittypets you bring in. Just goes to show how weak you all are." Dovecoat gave a hiss, raising her hackles, and Foxfur let out a low growl. One look from Bearclaw silenced them. "I will not let you taunt us, Highjump, you mangy rabbit-chaser. My apprentice is as good as any. And if we are so weak, I'd like to see any of you best me." The way he held himself left no room for arguments, though Lilystar stepped between him and her warrior. "Excuse us, Bearclaw. We don't want trouble with Thunderclan. But some cats can't hold their tongues." She shot the cat in question a menacing glare, withering him on the spot. "Fare weather in your training, young ones. And pay attention to your teachers. They will be a great source of knowledge to you." With that she took off, her warriors in tow. Silverpaw gave a tiny snarl, earning her a chuckle from Dovecoat. "They're gone, little one. That Highjump is always looking for trouble." "He'll find it for certain, if he mocks my apprentice again. Let's check the other borders, then get to as.sessing the apprentices." The patrol was done with ease, and after Bearclaw had each warrior go a seperate way to as.sess their apprentice individually. He led Featherpaw into the forest, finding a good spot for testing his hunting. "Alright, Featherpaw. Basic training now begins. First, scent. What do you smell? And don't leave anything out."
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