12:06am Aug 3 2010
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Ooc// Koga your tribacka wants you
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12:09am Aug 3 2010
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Jaystar went on a border patrol with 2 others of his warriors, alert for any intruders. He paused at the edge of ShadowClan territory, scenting the air. Streampool sat around RiverClan camp, searching around for another cat. She decided to leave on her own and go hunting. Streampool set out of camp and down to the river to fish.
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
12:09am Aug 3 2010
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Featherpaw Sniffed the air."I smell rat"He said."I also smell the earth and the trees"He added.He sniffed again,smelling the scent of a kittypet.He hissed as Ginger came into view.
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12:10am Aug 3 2010
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Ooc// Fawkes wered you go?
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12:12am Aug 3 2010
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Ooc// fawkes you need to make a thunderclan cat to (maybe it could have a crush on Echo orr echo could have a crush on her?)
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12:12am Aug 3 2010
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echostar slips into a deep sleep
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12:13am Aug 3 2010
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About to congratulate his apprentice Bearclaw was cut-off by the appearance of the kittypet. He stepped in front of his apprentice, ears flicking back against his skull. His tail twitched, showing his aggravationeven if his face didn't "Excuse me, but you're intruding on Thunderclan territory. Or do you kittypets not have noses, to pick up our marks?" He sneered, showing a few teeth in the process.
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12:14am Aug 3 2010
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OOC: Would I need to delete a cat or would you want me to convert one over to ThunderClan? Or just make another?
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
12:14am Aug 3 2010
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He wakes up i need to go to moonpool bad
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12:16am Aug 3 2010
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"Momma!"FEatherpaw mewled,running to his mother."Bearclaw this is my mother,Ginger"Featherpaw said."So you've been taken care of my little Ninja?"She asked,looking at Bearclaw with piercing green eyes.
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12:16am Aug 3 2010
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Ooc// you can make another
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12:22am Aug 3 2010
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OOC: Okay. Name: Lemonwing Age: Not said Gender: Female Clan: ThunderClan Rank: Warrior Personnality: Lemonwing is a quiet cat who trusts all the cats in her Clan. She is very loyal and kind, but is not a very good battler. Lemonwing tries her best though with wahtever she does. Appearance: A light ginger and white she-cat with blue eyes. Mate/crush: Echostar (crush) Kits: None 
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
12:22am Aug 3 2010
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Bearclaw grumbled, watching them together. "I protect all members of my clan. That's what clan cats do. We stick to our own." He stood tall, loosing his overly protective demeanor, though it was still all he could do not to pull the kit away. It wasn't right to show split loyalties. A cat's heart should lie wholly with his clan. ooc:// I have to go. >-< *grumble grumble* The Wicked Witch says that even though its the summer, seniors have a bedtime, and apparently it was half an hour ago. Blast.
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12:24am Aug 3 2010
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ooc// mine was like 2 hours ago
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12:24am Aug 3 2010
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Featherpaw went back to Bearclaw."I was out looking for food"She said."And I smelled you scent.So I can to check on you"she added.
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12:25am Aug 3 2010
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ooc:// lawlz. Well, nighty night everyone. If I don't go soon, the Evil Flying Monkey (my dad) will come down to screech into my ear until I go. Aurevoir, et bon soir!
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12:25am Aug 3 2010
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Ooc: Mine was about... 3 hours ago, but my mom isn't strict about bedtimes :D
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
12:26am Aug 3 2010
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Echostar walkes out of his den where he sees Lemonwing She is so beautiful, he thought He walkes over to her "Lemonwing may i ask you a favor?"
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12:27am Aug 3 2010
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Ooc// My dad is
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12:34am Aug 3 2010
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Morning is ONLINE! :D Yay!!!!