11:36pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Plot ... None :p
Clans Sage Clan Pebble Clan Ash Clan Setting Pebble Clan's camp is located near a stream, with pebbles in it. Fish swim in it, and it leads to a rather large lake. Near the camp, there is a lush forest, shared with Ash Clan. And in the opposite direction, westwards, there is a rather open moor, shared with Sage Clan. Be careful! There are borders. Rules - ohboy!
-No Mary/Gary Stues. I will check. -No same character romance. This goes without explanation needed. -To prove you have read the rules, post the word ‘Gem’ in your bio. -No cats with fantasy names, such as dragon, phoenix or voodoo. How can a cat know that? I'll be the name critic. -If you join with two females, make one male. -You cannot join as a kit or elder -Be active! I will rMail you if you aren't active -Don’t post two pages ahead without a fellow RPer. Nobody gets left behind. -No sob stories. I don’t care if your kitty’s mom died with in a violent fight. Too bad. -We RP Pebble Clan. If lots of people join, we can RP Sageclan too :3 -don't post gem, post 'obsideon' instead -Romance is encouraged -No special treatment. No blind cat who can magically see blue waters. -I can add as many rules as I want later.
Name: Gender: Age: Rank: Crush:

11:36pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 8:21am Mar 4 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
Weather and Time Leaf Green | Leaf Fall | Leaf Bare | New Leaf ~+~ Sunrise | Sunhigh | Sunfall | Night ~+~ Sunny | Breezy | Cloudy | Rainy | Drizzle | Snow ~+~ Warm | Hot | Cool | Cold Prey -Mice -Voles -Small birds e.g. Crow, thrush -Rabbits Predators -Badgers -Foxes -Eagles -Dogs ~~~+~~~ Characters PebbleClan Leader: Orchidstar - Krillacreat Deputy: Icehawk - Tld Medicine Cat: Dewfeather - Twintkitty Medicine Cat Apprentice: Silverpaw - Bluestarr1771 Warriors: Thornfire - Tld Leafmist - Tld Larkflight - Tld Mapleclaw - Mail Eastmoon - xRequiemx Thunderbird - Fullmoon Whitefrost - Fullmoon Rainlegs - WhiteTigress Owltalon - WhiteTigress Dawnfrost - Iceheart46 Talonstrike - Twintkitty Ashstorm - Twintkitty Apprentices: Coalpaw - Tld Wingpaw - Fullmoon Blackpaw - Fullmoon Hawkpaw - Iceheart46 Hollowpaw - SeattlesCityStreets Loner: Dove - Tld Shadow - Mail No More Loners/Rogues SageClan Leader: Yarrowstar Deputy: Poolfern Medicine Cat: Iceberry AshClan Leader: Spottedstar Deputy: Blackheart Medicine Cat: Ebonyclaw Mentor x Apprentice Pairings Coalpaw - Owltalon Wingpaw - Leafmist Blackpaw - Dawnfrost Hawkpaw - Whitefrost Hollowpaw - Talonstrike [soon] Fogpaw - Mapleclaw

11:41pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 42
((Okay, i'll have to post bio tomorrow, sorry ;(, and 'obsidian')
12:29am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 1,719
((Mind if I join as PebbleClan leader? Also, isn't obsideon a type of gem?))
12:41am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Yus, you guys can join :3 And I dunno o-o'' That word just came to me.]]
8:19am Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 8:30am Feb 27 2011)
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Posts: 42
((Medcat apprentice for pebble clan?))
8:24am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 243
[I'ma join but can I use my own bio form? I've already got a few layed out... Obsideon Blackbird McNight. xD]
8:30am Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 9:02am Feb 27 2011)
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Posts: 42
Name: Silverpaw Gender: Female Age: 10 moons Rank: Medcat Apprentice Appearance: Silverpaw is a blueish-grey color with small black specks. Her paws are white, along with her ears and the tip of her tail. Personality: Silverpaw is the type to get so wrapped up in her work that she doesn't notice anyone around her. She's very confident in all she does and strives on peoples approaval. However, she has many "flaws". She can be pretty hasty in some aspects, and she's very unorginized. If she dissapoints someone, she takes it to the heart and does everthing she can to fix it. Crush: None yet
8:40am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Yay, Mai-chan can join :D Sorry. Just felt like calling you that xD Bluestarr: You're just going to join with one cat? Alright then. :/ And a few things: 1. Warrior cats never have nicknames .-. 2. Since she's only an apprentice, she'll be called Silverpaw. 3. And by age, I meant moons. 1 moon = 1 month. Apprentices usually become warriors at 12 moons, but for med. apprentices, it can vary. 4. Silverpaw is a Mary Sue. I see no flaw :/ ]]
8:54am Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 8:55am Feb 27 2011)
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Posts: 42
((Yikes! See, I told you I knew nothing XD Okay, i'll fix it. and btw, where's everyone else's bios?))
9:03am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 42
(( I can join as another cat, like a warrior or something. usually I can handle three or four charra's at a time, but I was just experimenting with this. And is that okay? ^ It's not a huge flaw, and I can change it again id needed.))
9:11am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Great, Blue. But we do need a leader :c Ah well. I'll post my characters now~]] Name: Dove Warrior Name: Fogpaw, Fogwhisper Gender: Female Age: 9 moons Clan: Later, PebbleClan Rank: Loner, then Apprentice Appearance: Personality: She's very quiet, and sometimes moody for no reason. Dove is very gentle and kind, and sometimes no good in battle. She's very fast and agile, able to do quick turns and maneuvers. When forced into battle, Dove prefers clinging onto the opponent's back and never letting go. Dove is an independent she-cat, and rarely asks for help. History: She was originally a kittypet with the name of 'Hope'. One day, Dove strayed away from her home, and couldn't get back. She's been stuck in the forest ever since. Attributes: Because of frequent wanderings, Dove knows the forest inside and out. She knows where to find prey, and also the best places to hide. Reason: Being loner gets... lonely. Other: None. --- Name: Thornfire [ He's one of my favorite warriors *o* ] Age: 20 moons Gender: Male Clan: PebbleClan Rank: Warrior Appearance: Personality: Being a fairly young warrior, Thornfire has plenty of energy to spare. He's hotheaded, and prefers to settles things with his claw. He's got a smart-alecky personality, and always wants his opinion to be heard. He's also got a devious personality, and is somewhat condescending. Thornfire doesn't like being close to other cats, since his mother was lost during an attack on SageClan. His father he does not know of, and Thornfire's only sibling was Leafmist, whom he doesn't have the best of relationships with. Crush: Open Other: None - Name: Icehawk Age: 22 moons Gender: Male Clan: PebbleClan Rank: Deputy Appearance: Personality: Icehawk has a noble and loyal heart. He's quiet, and keeps to himself a lot, and is rather gullible. Icehawk always puts others before himself, and often spends his times in the skies, alone with his thoughts. He does show loner tendencies, and always trusts too easily. Crush: Open Other: None - Name: Leafmist Age: 18 Moons Gender: Female Clan: PebbleClan Rank: Warrior Appearance: Personality: Leafmist has a calm and collected personality. She mostly keeps her thoughts to herself, and like any cat, loves the sun. Leafmist often spends time basking under its ligh. Crush: Open Other: She is the sister of Thornfire - Name: Coalpaw [Coalfire] Age: 10 moons Gender: Male Clan: PebbleClan Rank: Apprentice Appearance: Personality: Coalpaw has a logical and calm personality. He tries to control his anger and is quiet most of the time, but he can get short-tempered and snappy on certain days. Coalpaw is always confident in his decisions, and is more of a thinker than a fighter. Crush: Open --- Name: Larkflight Age: 20 moons Gender: Female Clan: PebbleClan Rank: Warrior [Will change to Med. Cat if needed.] Appearance: Personality: Larkflight is a quiet and rather shy she-cat. She's usually only talkative around friends, and doesn't like going into battle. Larkflight usually doesn't stand up for herself, and prefers to remain in the back. She's one of the warriors that has never experienced a border skirmish. Crush: Open Other: None [[None of these kitties are drawn by me.]]

9:44am Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 9:46am Feb 27 2011)
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Posts: 243
Name: Mapleclaw Gender: Female Age: Five human years (Forty two cat years) Rank: Mentor Clan of birth: Pebbleclan ---- Mother: Sandpelt (dead) Father: Yarrowfur (rouge) Siblings: Hollypaw (dead) History: Her mother died shortly after birthing her litter, as did her scond kit Hollypaw, due to the lack of her mother's milk. Fortunately for Mapleclaw another queen had recently given birth to a litter of three and was willing to take on another kit to raise as her own. She has had a generally normal life ever since, other than a fight she was involved in during later life, the other cat blinding her in her right eye. ---- Fur: Coppery brown. Long. Markings: Traditional Tabby in medium brown. White chin, pale brown muzzle and socks, white toes, darker brown under coat, medium brown eyelids and medium brown ears. Eyes: Gold with green flecks. Build: Short and stocky. Abnormalities: Small notch in both ears. Physical @ssets: Strong and fast. Exelent fighter. Physical disadvantages: Blind in right eye from a previous fight. Weight: 12 Ib Picture: 
---- Domineering trait: Confidence. Main virtue: Patience. Main vice: Arrogance. Personality deion: Mapleclaw is confident and strong willed, always staying true to herself and never undermining her own values. Sometimes she is cocky and arrogant, a trait she is renowned for, which is both a blessing and a curse as she thinks she can accomplish tasks way beyond the realms of possibility. Tough she has the patience of a saint, if you do manage to anger her she goes beserk and won't speak to anyone for at least three days. Her morals are strong and she never does anything whitout a just cause. She can sometimes be a little harsh but it's all part of her training method, as they say, give a donkey too many carrots and not enough stick, it's sure to get lazy. She does not tollerate laziness from her apprentices at any time, though she can be a little lazy her self at times. ---- Likes: Fighting, Training apprentices, Catching fish, Sunbathing, Hunting and playing with her food. Dislikes: Idiotic cats, Kittypets, Laziness, Rudeness, Water, Storms, Liars, Disrespect and squirrles. Habits: Obssessively grooms her fur. She hates being dirty. Fears/Phobias: Storms. [I might join with another character later. :P]

11:08am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 1,372
I wanna join~ owo Obsisian ;D Name: Eastmoon Gender: Female Age: 21 moons Rank: Warrior Personality: Eastmoon is a rather complicated feline. She is, at times, very playful and outgoing, but in an instant can transform to reserved and quiet. That being said, she is incredibly clever, which makes up for her lack of being the strongest or fastest. She's one of the best trackers and hunters because of her brains, and usually leads others to follow her orders with their braun. Generally friendly, she can get annoyed and irritated by others if they show exceptional stupidity or disrespect. Crush: Icehawk? :D
3:10pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Obsidian.*3* Join as medi cat please?
4:04pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((No, East! D:< *Growls* Oh well....*Is mad at East for getting Medcat before me* Join as regular warriors and pregnant queen?))
4:13pm Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 4:36pm Feb 27 2011)
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Posts: 3,950
(Join as an Apprentice and a Warrior? :3 And I think Obsidian is a type of gem. I might have one, too. 8D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:14pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Ice, I believe Krill has asked for leader already.))
4:22pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(YUS. YUS, she did. :D I wasn't too keen on being leader anyhow.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:31pm Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 5:32pm Feb 27 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
Obsidien Name: Thunderbird Gender: Female Age: 26 moons Rank: Warrior Clan of birth: Pebbleclan ---- Mother: Redwing(Deceased) Father: Yellowstripe (Deceased) Siblings: Whitefrost(Alive) History: Thunderbird had an uneventful life, living the normal warrior cat life with her brother, Whitefrost. ---- Fur: White, well-groomed, long. Markings: Yellow lightening shaped blaze from her forehead down to her nose, hense the name 'Thunder'. Eyes: Gold with black flecks and lined around pupil. Build: large, spread out, muscular. Abnormalities: Many cuts on both left, right, back and front pawpads. Physical @ssets: Strong and fast. Excellent fighter, moderate hunter. Physical disadvantages: Is a horrible swimmer. Weight: 12 Ib Picture: N/A, because I do not have any art of her, so I'm not going to skip off to DevArt to find a pic to use.
---- Domineering trait: Bravery. Main virtue: Patience. Main vice: Snappy Personality deion: Thunderbird is friendly but can sometimes be a bit sharp with other cats. Because she is so large(She isn't fat, she's just a naturally big cat) she likes to sit on her brother, Whitefrost, when he's being annoying. Thunderbird doesn't jump to conclusions. She always thinks about it, and never accuses a cat until she has proof. Thunderbird takes everything in stride, and never falters. She likes to think of the earth as a 'giant spinning mudball' and is very optomistic about many things. ---- Likes: Having an apprentice to train, bothering her brother, sitting on her brother, ordering her brother around, doing fighting training, Dislikes: Birds, climbing trees, her brother calling her 'fuzzbutt', nosy cats, climbing trees or anything to do with going up high. Habits: Cleaning her paws after and before eating. Fears/phobias: Climbing, being at a high height. ___________________________________________________
Name: Whitefrost Gender: Male Age: 26 moons Rank: Warrior Clan of birth: Pebbleclan ---- Mother: Redwing(deceased) Father: Yellowstripe(deceased) Siblings: Thunderbird(Alive) History: Lived a normal warrior cat life with his sister, Thunderbird. ---- Fur: White, long. Markings: Gray front paws and tail-tip. Eyes: Gold with blue flecks. Build: Slim and tall. Abnormalities: Small V in left ear. Physical @ssets: Very fast, great swimmer. Physical disadvantages: None yet. Weight: 12 Ib Picture: Read what I put in Thunderbird's.
---- Domineering trait: Wiseness. Main virtue: Patience. Main vice: Impudence Personality deion: Whitefrost is very smart, and like his sister, is optomistic about most things. Whitefrost, unlike his sister, loves to climb trees. ---- Likes: Hunting, bothering his sister. Dislikes: Thunderbird sitting on him, impatient cats Habits: None. Fears/Phobias:None. ((I used your bio, Mail. More coming..))