5:56pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 23
((Sure, Lily(Seattle), your cat can be Rainlegs' apprentice. I'll put it in her bio.))
6:05pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 4
(Okie. :3)

6:17pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 243
[Is Shadowsong in or what...?]
6:48pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[You did say female at first... e_o And does Shadowsong have a loner name, Mail? Most loners don't start off with warrior names. AND I IS SORRY IF I DIDN'T ADD IN YOUR WARRIORS YET. I'm just busy in RL right now and a little... neh. ]]
6:56pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 7:00pm Mar 2 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 4
(No, It really has been a male the whole time. I guess since female has male in it its easy to read them as each other. *Shrugs* But it doesn't matter. :) )

3:14am Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 1,576
[I'm having a little problem with the pictures :< I'll try to fix the problem as soon as I can - don't let me hold up the RP :C ]
5:18am Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Aphm. You could just include a really brief deion, Twint. Just fur color, eye color, body size, etc. ]]
1:06pm Mar 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 23
((Twint, your pictures are working for me.))
1:09pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 243
[Yeah, his loner name is just Shadow. xDD]
6:47pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Dewfeather's picture works now lD H'okai, let's start. I'm too lazy to edit in your characters and a few others. I'll do it laterrr >_>]]
5:20am Mar 4 2011 (last edited on 6:50am Mar 7 2011)
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Posts: 1,576
[Let me start :D ] Dewfeather walked out of the den, closing her eyes to enjoy the early morning sun. She glanced across the clearing and noted sleeping cats. Sitting on the wet gra'ss, she gazed up at the sky. "Dear mother in heaven," she silently thought, "Everything seems the same even without you." Ashstorm then padded out of the den , and saw his sister gazing at the sky. "Dewfeather," he called. "You're up early today." His sister spun around. "Ashstorm!" she said, shaking herself from her train of thoughts. Her brother was usually a heavy sleeper who did not like to wake up as soon as the sun rose, only giving minimum light to the forest. He, instead, liked to wake up later, but he also slept at later periods of the night, after his hunting. Talonstrike had awoke by then. He noted Dewfeather and Ashstorm in the clearing, and walked out, stretched for a while before making his presence noted. "Ashstorm, Dewfeather," he called to his kits. "Good morning."
8:24am Mar 4 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Alright. Mentor Apprentice pairings are up. I tried to include everyone, but if there's a problem of some sort, please tell me :c]] Larkflight slunk out of the warrior's den. Her ears were flattened and her eyes were wide and alert, in case the camp was under attack. Sensing no danger, she pricked up her ears to pick up more sound, and heard the mewing of cats. Barely hearing the rumbling of her stomach, Larkflight padded slowly towards the source of the sound, pausing a few tail-lengths away from the talking cats. "Good morning, Dewfeather, Talonstrike, Ashstorm." She nodded her head towards each respective cat. --- Icehawk was already up, settled on a rather large rock. His tail twitched back and forth, watching as more warriors woke up, but no apprentices. Icehawk sighed, wondering what he should do with the morning patrols. He considered the thought. Talonstrike could bring Hollowpaw and another warrior along with him this morning. The patrol would do Hollowpaw good. The white tom thought, nodding his head in silent approval with the plans for the morning patrol. --- Leafmist was asleep, though she was quickly aroused by an annoying prod by her side. "Leafmist, Leafmist, wake up!" Sang an all too familiar voice. "Thornfire, go away." She mewed, voice spiked with irritation. The ginger tom snickered and prodded the dappled she-cat again, getting a quick swat on the nose. "Wake up, Leafmist. I'm sure Wingpaw is already up and wandering through the camp, looking for you." He mewed. Leafmist rolled her eyes. "She's an apprentice. She'll live." She replied sarcastically, but started heaving herself back onto her paws. --- Coalpaw was waiting at the mouth of the apprentice's den, his paws kneading on the ground in anticipation. Only a few more moons, then he would be warrior. He was very excited at the prospect of that. Coalpaw only wished that Owltalon would be up sooner, so they could start on their training. --- Dove stalked through the forest, eyes and ears devoid to the scent of PebbleClan and their marks. She had been chased out of SageClan territory, and the experience had frightened her. Never in her life had she seen such fierce and starved cats.

12:03pm Mar 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 23
((Um, I said that Rainlegs would be Hollowpaw's mentor. Could you please fix that?))
2:08pm Mar 4 2011
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Posts: 243
Mapleclaw emerged slowly from the den, pausing to stretch and yawn half way outbof the shadows. 'What a beautiful day it is, the rabbits sould be out in their hudereds. Nice hunting weather, we should bring back a nice kill this evening...' She thought, coming to a halt, once again, this time in the bright sunshine, and beggining her morning wash, staring at her toes and finishing at the very tip of her tail. She smirked to her self when she was done, admiring her work, fur already nearly dry due to the morning sun, and sauntered up to the group of cat she saw conversing in the center of the clearing. "Hello there, Ashstorm, Talonstrike, Dewfeather and Larkflight. Isn't it a beautiful morning?" She smiled at the other cats, flicking her her tail slowly from side to side as she sat lightly heavily on the dusty ground.
---- Shadow was long since awoken, his little sleep had be fretful and sporradic, thoughts of attack had been swirling though his head all night. These thoughts always worried him and set him on edge since he was all to aware of the real danger of a suprise attack. He had recently been discovered by a hunting party in Ashclan territory and had been chased out with cats clawing at his heels. He didn't want it to happen again, he couldn't afford to be injured at a time like this, a time when prey was abbundant and he could take pretty much all her liked. "Ugh, damn brain, keeping me up with stupid ideas of ambush. I'm such an idiot thinking about stuff that's probaby never 'gonna happen." He muttered irritably to him self, hitting a small rock against a tree with his paw. It bounced back, narrowly missing his hind right leg.

8:32pm Mar 4 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; i thought my Stagheart was supposed to be medicine cat? If not, I need to change his bio...
4:42am Mar 5 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Huhh? @_@ I dunno... Twint, you really want Dewfeather to be med. cat? :c ]]
7:23am Mar 5 2011
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Posts: 1,576
[D'oh ~ Nya, East came first :U Let me just edit my bio, and the intro. Tomorrow e_e ]
2:35pm Mar 5 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,842
OoC; Thanks twint :3 I'll post my intro asap
5:42pm Mar 5 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Uh... O.o -is ignored- )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:00pm Mar 5 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[How are you ignored, Ice? e_o]]