9:10pm Dec 3 2010
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Plot There are supposed to be four Clans, right? Then what happened to our peace...? TreeClan had started a fight with PebbleClan. During their last raid, PebbleClan's neighbors, EarthClan, had helped them drive out the TreeClan cats. PebbleClan and EarthClan then formed an alliance, provoking much yowls of disagreement from DewClan and TreeClan. DewClan and TreeClan then formed an alliance of their own. There haven't been many border skirmishes, and Gatherings are always tight with tension. A war is coming, can't you feel it in your fur? Setting Too lazy. PebbleClan live in a forest, surrounded by trees. Westwards is a river, which separate their territory from those of EarthClan. There are stepping stones, allowing cats to cross over. Eastwards, is the territory of DewClan. DewClan is also a densely forested area. The borders between PebbleClan and DewClan are marked by a faint stream and two large oak trees. East of DewClan is TreeClan. The territories of these four Clans, if joined, form a circle. In the middle, is an island surrounded by a circular lake. Cats swim across the lake to reach the Gathering Place. Rules --Det, Zozo and Shad are my co-owners. Be HONORED. -We're RPing both PebbleClan and DewClan -Don't join with a hoard of females. 1 Male per 2 Females, 2 Males per 3 Females, and so on. -Highlight the rules. -BE ACTIVE. If you don't post for 2 days, I will rMail you. -Don't post your bios then never join. -Romance and violence are encouraged, nothing too graphic -EVEN gender ratio and Clan ratio. POST I LOVE FISH TO JOIN -I will FORCE you to make a male/cat in DewClan if proportions are uneven -No PP/GM -No same character romance -No insta-mates -Respect everyone else on this board, don't make a scene -One week in RL = half a moon -We RP in third person. I find first person RPing silly. -No stupid names, like Dragonfly or Griffinclaw. REALISTIC. I will determine whether or not the name is dumb. Bios Name: Warrior Name: [For Apprentices and Leaders] Gender: [Delete these messages] Age: [Apprentices become warriors at 12 moons] Clan: [Pebble or Dew] Rank: Appearance: [Pictures or deion] Personality: [This is not optional] History: [This is optional. No sob stories] Kin: [Your character can be kin with another person's cat, just ask first.] Crush: [Romance is encouraged] Other: [Anything I miss?]

9:10pm Dec 3 2010 (last edited on 2:13am Dec 10 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
Characters PebbleClan Leader: Wolfstar - Shadowolf Deputy: Thrushsoar - Tld Medicine Cat: Whitenose - Fullmoon Medicine Cat Apprentice: Sparrowpaw - Feyth Warriors: Swallowtrill - Tld Eagleflight - Zozane008 Stormriver - Feyth Reedwhisker, Littlewing - Detneth106 Sunblaze - Fullmoon Apprentices: Silverpaw - Zozane008 Sleetpaw, Fogpaw - Tld Bonepaw - Shadowolf Snowpaw - Detneth106 Rainpaw - Feyth Kits/Queens: DewClan Leader: Radiantstar - Tld Deputy: Hailpelt - Detneth106 Medicine Cat: Yarrowheart - IS AN NPC. WE NEED A MEDICINE CAT. Medicine Cat Apprentice: Warriors: Snowstone, Skyslash - Tld Rosethorn - Shadowolf Wildheart - Zozane008 Duskwing - Feyth Raindapple - Detneth106 Willowleaf, Rainheart - Twintkitty Tigerleap - Fullmoon Apprentices: Goldpaw - Zozane008 Mistpaw, Thornpaw - Tld Oakpaw, Shadowpaw - Feyth Graypaw - Detneth106 Bluepaw - Twintkitty Kits/Queens: Other Clans TreeClan Leader: Mudstar Deputy: Poppyice Medicine Cat: Lunarsong EarthClan Leader: Morningstar Deputy: Fishleap Medicine Cat: Foxtail Mentor/Apprentice Pairings PebbleClan Silverpaw - Swallowtrill Sleetpaw - Sunblaze Fogpaw - Littlewing Bonepaw - Thrushsoar Snowpaw - Stormriver DewClan Goldpaw - Snowstone Mistpaw - Rosethorn Thornpaw - Duskwing Oakpaw - Wildheart Shadowpaw - Raindapple Graypaw - Skyslash
Recent Events The RP just started c: Time of Day Morning, around 6:00 AM human time Weather and Prey Report It's a normal, sunny leafgreen day. Prey out right now are mice, voles, shrews and squirrel. Watch out for the odd fox and badgers.

9:11pm Dec 3 2010 (last edited on 10:43pm Dec 3 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
(( OMGIZZLE. I'm a Co-owner. :DD Bios comin' here!)) Name: Silverpaw Warrior Name: Silverwhisp Gender: she-cat Age: 11 Moons Clan: Pebble Rank: Apprentice Appearance:  Personality: Silverpaw is very hard-headed, stubborn, sarcastic, ect. But thats because she's afraid of becoming to attached to a certain cat, and said cat leaving her. rp the rest out. History: Silverpaw had a sister, known as Goldpaw. They were the exact opposite, and argued about everythuing. xD Soon enough, Goldpaw left PebbleClan to live in dewClan. Kin: Her sister, Goldpaw. ;3 Crush: Open~ Other: [Anything I miss?] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Goldpaw Warrior Name: Goldshard Gender: She-cat Age: 11 Moons Clan: Dew Rank: Apprentice Appearance:  Personality: It is okay is I write this after I get the other bio's finished? ^^ History: The same as Silverpaw's. xD Kin: Silverpaw Crush: open~ Other: [Anything I miss?] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Wildheart Warrior Name: Wildheart Gender: Tom Age: 14 Moons Clan: Dew Rank: Warrior Appearance:  Personality: Wildheart is very quiet, prefering to hide in other cat';s shadows. But once you gwt to know him, he cat be a very trustwothy cat. :3 History: N/A Kin: deceased. ^^ Crush:Open~ Other: [Anything I miss?] -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Eagleflight Warrior Name: Eagleflight Gender: Tom Age: 15 Moons Clan: Pebble Rank: Warrior Appearance:  Personality: New charccter. will write later? History: N/A Kin: Decesed Crush: Swallowtrill? xD Other: [Anything I miss?]
9:15pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Yey. o3o "I love fish" Can I have Pebbleclan leader?
9:29pm Dec 3 2010 (last edited on 2:02am Dec 4 2010)
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Name: Graypaw Warrior Name: Graypatch Gender: She-cat
Age: 14 moons Clan: DewClan Rank: Apprentice Appearance:

Personality: Graypaw is a very timid and shy she-cat with a fragile disposition. Though at birth she was more rambunctious, after a long sickness and prolonged apprentice ceremony, she has slowly been creeping into herself. History: Born with an odd defect that leaves her with crippling cramps in her belly. Though not life-threatening, she is much weaker and smaller, and though older, was only just made an apprentice.
Kin: Reedwhisker [older littermate] Crush: Open
Name: Snowpaw
Warrior Name: Snowstreak Gender: Tom
Age: 13 moons
Clan: PebbleClan Rank: Apprentice

Personality: Snowpaw is a mischievous apprentice with a rogue-like personality and a thing for jokes. He enjoys tricking others and often jests of them, but underneath his bold exterior is a loyal cat.
History: Kin: Crush: Open
Other: Name: Raindapple
Warrior Name: Gender: She-cat
Age: 23 moons Clan: DewClan Rank: Warrior Appearance:

Personality: Raindapple has a very sunny disposition and isn't afraid to show it. With her sunny outlook on life, a cat is hard-pressed to feel sad around her. However, Raindapple can be a bit bossy and her cheerful manner does irritate some of the more morose cats. -coughhailpeltcough- History: Kin: Crush: Other: Name: Littlewing
Warrior Name: Gender: She-cat
Age: 19 moons
Clan: PebbleClan Rank: Warrior Appearance:
 Personality: Littlewing is the sweet yet shy character of her Clan. She doesn't speak much, and rarely gives out advice, but this silent she-cat is always ready to lend a helping paw towards a Clanmember. History: Kin: Crush: Open
Other: Name: Hailpelt
Warrior Name: Gender: Tom
Age: 21 moons
Clan: DewClan Rank: Deputy

Personality: With Hailpelt's serious and morose personality, it's hard to get close to him. He is a no-nonsense cat who dislikes frivolty and lazing about. However, if any she-cat is able to crack his shell, they would find the image the Hailpelt struggles to supress. One that enjoys laughing around with friends and simply having a good time. History: Kin: Crush: Open -winkwink-
Other: Name: Reedwhisker
Warrior Name: Gender: Tom
Age: 18 moons
Clan: PebbleClan Rank: Warrior

Personality: While Reedwhisker isn't afraid of attention, this conservative tom prefers to be admired silently. He works hard and diligently, but his lax side often comes out at the end of the day when he's sharing tongues with his clanmates. History: Kin: Crush: Open

10:38pm Dec 3 2010 (last edited on 2:44am Dec 4 2010)
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Name: Thrushsoar Gender: Male Age: 22 moons Clan: PebbleClan Rank: Deputy Appearance: Personality: Thrushsoar has always been a confident, but hardships have caused him to not take things for granted. The only things he really trusts are his leader, and Clanmates. Thrushsoar, like his name, is quick and agile. His build rather muscular, so he can deal with heavy blows. History: Thrushsoar and his sister, Swallowtrill, have lost a brother. When they were apprentices, their brother, Hawkpaw, was fallen by a badger. Their father died in battle, and the only one left was their mother, who is now a frail old elder (Will be NPC :/ ) Kin: Swallowtrill [Sister], Hawkpaw [Deceased brother], Stormroar [Father, deceased], Leaffall [Mother] Crush: Open Other: None --- Name: Swallowtrill Gender: Female Age: 22 moons Clan: Pebble Rank: Warrior Appearance: Finally settled on an image for her x3 Personality: Swallowtrill, true to her name, is an excellent hunter. She, like Thrushsoar, is agile and fast, like a bird o_o Swallowtrill is a sharp-tongued and quick-witted she-cat, nothing like her looks. When she's around hurt cats, Swallowtrill can turn into something like a loving mother. She's not very patient, and can snap easily. History: See Thrushsoar Kin: Thrushsoar [Brother], Hawkpaw [Deceased brother], Stormroar [Father, deceased], Leaffall [Mother] Crush: Snickergiggle Other: None --- Name: Sleetpaw Warrior Name: Sleetstorm Gender: Male Age: 10 moons Clan: Pebble Rank: Apprentice Appearance: Personality: Sleetpaw is a very logical tom. He's a bit headstrong and stubborn, and refuses to back down on a point he's made. Sleetpaw has a bit of a cold side, especially around boasters. He himself doesn’t like boasting, and prefers to be quiet. History: N/A Kin: Open Crush: Open Other: None --- Name: Fogpaw Warrior Name: Fogwhisper Gender: Female Age: 9 moons Clan: Pebble Rank: Apprentice Appearance: No collar Personality: She's very quiet, and sometimes moody for no reason. Fogpaw is very gentle and kind, and sometimes no good in battle. She's very fast and agile, able to do quick turns and maneuvers. When forced into battle, Fogpaw prefers clinging onto the opponent's back and never letting go. Fogpaw is an independent she-cat, and rarely asks for help History: She was once considering to become the Medicine Cat apprentice, but was all 'neh' xD Kin: Sparrowpaw [Sister, RPed by Feyth] Crush: Open Other: None --- Name: Skyslash Gender: Male Age: 18 moons Clan: DewClan Rank: Warrior Appearance: Personality: Skyslash is a gruff and aloof tom. He doesn't like rule-breaking, and he sticks rigidly to the warrior code. He's a bit soft around she-cats and kits for some reason, but tends to love kits more. History: Born with the name Ashkit, Skyslash attained the ragged slash on his side from a gruesome fight with a fox when he was an apprentice, straying away from his mentor. The wound barely healed, leaving that scar. He's pure-blooded. Kin: Open Crush: Open Other: None --- Name: Mistpaw Warrior Name: Mistdance Gender: Female Age: 10 moons Clan: DewClan Rank: Apprentice Appearance: Personality: Mistpaw is hardy and friendly. She's got a loud and boisterous attitude, and is extremely energetic. Mistpaw has no secrets, and rarely gets embara-ssed. She's short-tempered and a bit overprotective. Because of her past, Mistpaw is a bit dreamy and empty-headed at times. History: Mistpaw was rogueborn. She had travelled with her mother for four moons, then was pas-sed over to her father. He trained her in ways of battle, and that is how she obtained her rough and tomcat-ish attitude. She was given to the Clan shortly after, and has tried to imagine a life with her parents ever since. Kin: Sky [Mother], Katork [Father] Crush: Later Eagleflight? 8D (Zomg, DRAMA) Other: None --- Name: Snowstone Gender: Female Age: 17 moons Clan: DewClan Rank: Warrior Appearance: Personality: Snowstone has a very cocky and impolite attitude. She’s got a cruel and rather sadistic sense of humor, and doesn’t fare well around kits. She’s hard to break, but extremely easy to mess up once a cat becomes something important to her. She’s fiery and sometimes a troublemaker, and she’s not flirty. Not at all. In fact, she treats all cats with the rough and coarse attitude, save for the leader and the deputy, at times. History: nowstone lead a normal life. She was born white, but eventually her fur turned grey. Her mother died early, so Snowstone had pleaded the leader to not change her ‘Snow’ in her name when she was an apprentice. Kin: Featherstep [Mother, deceased], Leopardclaw [Father], Open Crush: Open Other: None --- Name: Thornpaw Warrior Name: Thornfire Gender: Male Age: 11 moons Clan: DewClan Rank: Apprentice Appearance: The ginger one with white feet :3 Personality: Thornpaw is fiery and has a rather short-temper. He's not gentle with almost any cat, and jumps to conclusions quickly. He's one of the best fighter and hunter in the apprentices, but he acts as if he's not proud of it. It's rather hard to find out what Thornpaw enjoys and likes e_o History: N/A Kin: Flarestorm [Father], Frostspark [Mother] Crush: Open Other: None. --- Name: Radiantstar Warrior Name: Radiantmist Gender: Female Age: 20 moons Clan: Dew Rank: Leader Appearance: Personality: Radiantmist never will tolerate rule-breaking. She's sweet and all, but has not fared well with kits. She can easily trust a cat, but not cats from other clans. Radiantstar, being a new leader, leads with an unsure paw, and isn't 100% confident with what she does. History: Radiantstar fought long and hard to become leader when her older kin brother, Whitefire, died in a skirmish with PebbleClan. She was 10 moons when he died, and they were rather close. Kin: Whitefire [Brother, deceased], Icecoat [Mother, deceased], Saberclaw [Father] Crush: Open Other: None [[I finally settled on deions for all my cats. None of these pictures belong to me, but I played on the 'Make-a-Cat' flash game to create Sleetpaw and Skyslash :3 ]]

10:44pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Can Eagleflight crush on Swallowtrill? ^^ And mabye Silverpaw and Sleetpaw? :D
10:45pm Dec 3 2010 (last edited on 10:52pm Dec 3 2010)
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Name: Wolfstar Warrior Name: Wolfgang Gender: Male Age: 29 Moons Clan: Pebble Rank: Leader(?) Appearance: Wolfstar is a tall, lanky cat. His legs, which are a bit longer than average, are wiry and thin and his body is lithe and lean. Pretty much a WindClan build. Wolfstar's pelt is jet-black and pretty short yet it has a feathery texture to it. His tail is also a bit longer than usual. His eyes are ice blue. Personality: Wolfstar is a very neutral cat. He's calm around everyone, including his enemies. It takes a lot to annoy or anger him and he usually brushes everything off with a flick of his tail. Overall, Wolfstar is a likeable cat. History: Nothing of importance Kin: Most are dead except for one of his sisters who is currently living as a rogue. Crush: Open Other: Nope Name: Bonepaw Warrior Name: Bonesnap Gender: Male Age: 10 Moons Clan: Pebble Rank: Apprentice Appearance: Bonepaw is a large, dark russet-coloured cat. His pelt is a bit ragged and thick, but soft and cuddly nonetheless. He's a bit tall and well-balanced when it comes to muscle, his speed evening out with his strength. His eyes are bright green and they look very much like small, round jades. Personality: Bonepaw is usually an easygoing cat. He's not one to start a conversation but he's known to randomly tag along and pop in during others' conversations. Bonepaw likes to observe others rather than get involved but when he sees or hears something that interests him there is no stopping his curiosity, and Bonepaw is still a very curious cat History: Shortly after Bonepaw was apprentice'd his mom was killed in an encounter with a thunderpath monster. Bonepaw's mom never revealed who his dad was and he was the only kit in his litter to survive. Kin: None Crush: Open Other: None
 Name: Rosethorn Warrior Name: Rosethorn Gender: Female Age: 18 Clan: Dew Rank: Warrior Appearance: Rosethorn is a lithe, snow white she-cat. Her fur is short and she doesn't do much to groom it. Rosethorn is a very light and nimble cat, weighing nearly as much as an apprentice despite being much older. Being as light as she is, Rosethorn walks rather gracefully and fights in the same manner, agile yet elegant. Her claws are unusually long and sharp and her eyes are pale blue. Personality: Rosethorn is one of those cats that have their heads in the clouds 24/7. She can look like she's giving you her complete and undivided attention when she's actually off daydreaming in her happy place. Because of this, Rosethorn is distracted easily and she's gotten in trouble many times for spacing out. Even in a battle, or while she's hunting, Rosethorn is sometimes caught off guard. Other than that, Rosethorn is usually bright and kind but she can get irritated pretty easily. History: Nothing of importance Kin: None Crush: Open Other: Nope
10:48pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Feythie is not co? Oh well. I don't really love fish, but alright. Join as Mad. Cat apprentice. A few kits and a warrior or two?
 <-- Click me
10:48pm Dec 3 2010 (last edited on 10:50pm Dec 3 2010)
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[[All characters accepted, Shadow... though I find Wolfgang a very queer name for a Warrior. But he's a leader... so -shrug- Dewd, Zozo... Swallowtrill is so much older than Eagleflight xD I just asked if Mistpaw could later like Eagleflight. No... you're not a co, Feyth...? You weren't inside the whole 'warrior cats brainstorming' group. And yes, you can join, though I don't really like it when people RP out a few kits. Kits are just... sometimes an excuse to have a male. And they rarely do anything. ]]
10:50pm Dec 3 2010
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((nope, I didn't see it and I was kidding, being co is hard.))
 <-- Click me
10:51pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( PFFFFT. xD Sure. ^^ DUN MAKE FUN OF MY FAIL. I'm tired, tis almost midnight here. :3))
10:58pm Dec 3 2010 (last edited on 8:41am Dec 10 2010)
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Med. Cat Apprentice: Name: Sparrowpaw Warrior Name: Sparrowsong
Gender: Female Age: 10 moons Clan: PebbleClan Appearance Personality: Like all medicine cats, she is kind and caring and gentle, but because of her young age, she tends to get cocky. She often mixes up herbs, but she tries her best to keep them all check. She tends to be quite curious and once ate a deathberry and would never have survived if the medicine cat who she will precede hadn't caught her from the brink of death. She steers clear of these red berries and now knows what to do if someone eats one and she gets to them in time. She loves a cat, but it is forbidden. She keeps to herself for this, but is otherwise open. History: (Coming)
Kin: Eaglepaw-Brother (Feyth), Fogpaw-Sister (Tld?) Crush: Forbidden... Other: Rest of my kittehs are coming. Warriors (2): Name: Duskwing
Warrior Name
Gender: Female Age: 17 moons
Clan: DewClan Appearance Personality: Duskwing, as her name suggests, is as mysterious as the night itself. She may say some details about her life, but only a minimul amount, preffering to not have any betrayles as she did with her first mate. She hunts during the night when nobody else is out and it is easier to find the prey. She has no desire to have an apprentice for she is always fearful that she will dissapoint them for she is tired during the day when most young cats want to learn. she is just waiting for the right kind of cat. History: Her pas, up until her mating years,was perfect. When she picked a mate, a cat named Bloodriver, she loved him. She truley loved him, not just kitten love. She had a lot in common with him, but it wasn't enough. One night, he crept out and brought wild cats into camp to kill her. Not only did he break her heart and lose her trust, but her ravaged the clan. Duskwing has never been able to love after that for fear of betrayel. Kin: Not anymore
Crush: Open, but it won't be easy
Other: Nada Name: Stormriver
Warrior Name
Gender: Male Age: 20 moons
Clan: Pebble Appearance Personality: He is a fairly good cat, good in the sense that he is calm and carries himself well.In all other aspects, he acts like akit. He is too curious for his owngood, he does things without thinking of the consequences and he thinks that the world revolves around him. He is playful and rambunctious and is a great cat to watch kits because he works well with them. He doesn't like hard work, but he does it when necesary. He follows orders, but if he feels in his heart that they are wrong, he will follow his heart. History: Not telling.
Kin: (nope) Crush: Open Other: Nope
Apprentices (3): Name: Oakpaw Warrior Name: Oakleaf Gender: Male Age: 9 moons Clan: DewClan Appearance Personality: Oakpaw, though young, is very wise and tends to not really get jokes. He doesn't like it when other cats tease him because he can't seem to figure out the difference between jokes, threats, and real things, so he sticks to 'science'. He likes to hunt, but it takes him a logn time because he is unsure of himself and thinks himself incapable of feeding the clan. He is fantastic at clearing out bedding of elders and likes to listen to their stories.
Kin: Shadowpaw-Brother (Feyth), Hawkeye-Mother (Deceased) Crush: Open Other: No Name: Shadowpaw
Warrior Name: Shadowlark Gender: Male Age: 9 moons
Clan: DewClan Appearance Personality: Shadowpaw is the exact opposite ofhis brother. He is a smart alec and a joker who does not accept the consequences of what he does. He doesn't much care for his companions of his clan, but has great loyalty for his brother. Being that he was born first, he thinks of himself as Oakpaw's protector. He likes to bounce around and be like a kit and often does not know when he has gone too far in a joke or a trap. He likes to converse with his kit friend, Larkkit because she likes making jokes too and will be and apprentice soon.
Kin: Oakpaw-Brother (Feyth), Hawkeye-Mother (Deceased) Crush: Mistpaw
Other: Nope Name: Rainpaw (My name on the Warrior site) Warrior Name: Rainshadow Gender: Female Age: 11 moons
Clan: PebbleClan Appearance Personality: Being quite a bit older thanher fellow apprentices, she feels the need to keep them in check, well, at least some of them. She acts like a mother to all the kits and someday she wants to have kits of her own. Like most cats, she is curious and tends to wander off, out of camp, often getting herself in trouble. she has found, though, as long as she brings back some prey, she will not be scolded as badly. she really would like to know what the thunderpath and the monsters really are, but every time she gets up the nerve to try and look, she is stopped by her concious. History
Kin: Shadowspark-Mother (Deceased), Amberkit-Younger sister (Feyth), Nightkit-Younger Brother (Feyth) Crush: Open(Have you noticed that if you mix around the letters of Open, they spell Nope?)
Other: Nah
Kits (2): Name: Amberkit
Warrior Name: Amberfall Gender: Female Age: 5 moons Clan: PebbleClan Appearance Personality: [This is not optional] History: [This is optional. No sob stories] Kin: [Your character can be kin with another person's cat, just ask first.] Crush: [Romance is encouraged] Other: [Anything I miss?]
((Rest are coming. I am tired. I am using this pic: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQddTJ2rjnz7LELhRg-tuMwolBem_P7OvyNrS-oBSxnhtHvswCn))
 <-- Click me
11:01pm Dec 3 2010 (last edited on 11:09pm Dec 3 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
[TROLOLOL FAILFAILFAIL. Why you asking me about Sparrowpaw being Bonepaw's sister ._. He's Shadow's baby xD Edit;; Oh, then sure :3 I'll go change her Kin now. And you can't use that picture for Duskwing. Shadow is already using it for Wolfstar.]]
11:07pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Ya, I knew that. Oops. I think I meant Fogpaw.))
 <-- Click me
12:35am Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Will finish mine...soon. >_>]
2:03am Dec 4 2010
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2:24am Dec 4 2010 (last edited on 2:25am Dec 4 2010)
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[[Haha, finally xD I, personally, prefer using the game I used to make Sleetpaw and Skyslash o3o C-Can Swallowtrill later crush on Hailpelt? o_o That would be so awesome xD I think we should wait for 1-2 more days, to see if anyone else wants to join. Then we start :3 And we need Medicine cats, and a leader for PebbleClan >_< ]]
2:32am Dec 4 2010
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[Lol sure Swallowtrill can. ^^ And I've tried that before. :o Iunno. Just went with Kitten Creator.]
2:45am Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Yey. Alright, added a leader for DewClan. My Warrior Cats... so many @_@ WE NEED MEDDY CAT >:I]]