11:55pm Dec 6 2010
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[Blah. I may take up the medicine cat spot if needed. And if you plan on changing the bio, Eliv, it must be a male. :/ Sorry.]
6:07pm Dec 7 2010 (last edited on 4:44pm Dec 8 2010)
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Name:Quill Warrior Name:If he comes into a Clan, Quillfeather Gender:Male Age:10 Moons
Clan:Rouge Rank:Young apprentice age
Appearance: Personality:Quill is very prickly, ashis name suggests, and loathes cats who try and help him. His fur is very soft, but his tounge and personality are more prickly than a porcupine. History:At two moons, he ran away from his mother. He lived off of crowfood, and sometimes pickings that other animals left off which were still fresh. Kin:None Crush:None Other:None
6:17pm Dec 7 2010
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[Mmm...I'm a bit iffy about a five moon kit surviving in the wild. :/ Iunno what Tld will think though.]
6:27pm Dec 7 2010
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Posts: 6,296
I'll make 'im 11, or maybe 14, but I want him at least a little young.
11:41pm Dec 7 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Full, sounds a bit... far-fetched. I agree with Det. A 10 moon cat with the rank 'kit-age'? Full, some of my apprentices are 10 moons.]]
10:06pm Dec 8 2010
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[[Bump? ._.]]
10:12pm Dec 8 2010
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[Dx I'd post or something....doing a Swedish report...which has to be at least ten minutes long and is only half-done. Just taking a quick breather. -glances around guiltily- And Full's charrie confuses me... :/]
2:20am Dec 9 2010 (last edited on 2:47am Dec 9 2010)
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[[Alright, Quill is accepted. And yus, we can start. Finally xD ]] Radiantstar strode out of her den, yawning. She paused to take a quick scan of the camp. Nothing dangerous, and no sign of any irritating Pebble or EarthClan cats. Radiantstar twitched her tail, wondering if she was the first one up. She silently stalked through the camp, looking for Hailpelt. --- Snowstone was basking under the sun on a great grey rock. She jumped when she saw her leader, Radiantstar. "Radiantstar!" Snowstone purred, jumping down from her rock. "You're finally up." Snowstone bent down in a luxurious stretch. "I thought I was the only cat up." --- Thornpaw opened up one eye to inspect the apprentice's den. It was still cramped, all of the apprentices still sleeping. Thornpaw wriggled uncomfortably. He didn't like being surrounded by all these cats. Growling in frustration, he picked himself up and wove through the bodies of cats, finally making his way to the mouth of the den, where he sat and observed the camp. --- Mistpaw is sleeping o3o Some cat go wake her up xD --- Skyslash stepped back into the DewClan camp, making his way to the fresh-kill pile and dropping two mice and a thrush. "That will feed a few hungry apprentices." He purred, nodding in satisfaction to himself and padding off. --- Swallowtrill strutted through the camp in a carefree manner, pausing to think about her training routine with her apprentice, Silverpaw. Thrushsoar was sitting on the great red-orange rock, thinking about the patrols. Swallowtrill rolled her eyes. Why worry so much? DewClan and TreeClan seemed rather friendly. She shivered at the thought of them, though. The Gathering was in one day, what would happen? --- Sleetpaw was practicing his fighting with Fogpaw near the mouth of the apprentice's den. "I got you again!" He cried out joyfully, but the quicker little she-cat ducked, causing Sleetpaw to land clumsily by her side. Fogpaw scoffed. "Silly Sleetpaw." She said. "You really are overconfident." Sleetpaw scrambled up, brushing off the dirt from his silver pelt with his tail. "Am not." He retorted. Fogpaw rolled her eyes. "Come on, Swallowtrill and Thrushsoar are up now. So our mentors should be up soon, too."

4:08am Dec 9 2010
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Posts: 1,576
[Neeh? :C Can Twint join?]
5:34am Dec 9 2010
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[[Yuss. Please read the rules :3 ]]
9:00am Dec 9 2010
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Duskwing snuck up behind Snowstone and her whiskers twitched in slinet amusement. "You thought you were the only one up? Come on Snowstone, you know me better than that, I have been hunting all night. There is food on the fresh kill pile. I think I shall get some sleep now." The pitch black cat blinked her eyes a few times and slunk away into the shadow, returning to her den without trudging through the already risen sun... ---------------------------------------------- Shadowpaw, is claws sheathed, prodded Mistpaw, attempting to get her to wake up. "C'mon Mistpaw!" he whined. "your mentor is probabkly going to want us-you to hunt or something." The black cat sat and peered down at the sleeping cat, looming over her with big brown eyes. If only the she-cat would awake. Then they could have some fun until the mentors told them to get going. Of course, that might only be a few minutes... ---------------------------------------------- Oakpaw, who had only just woken up, trotted over to his brother. With a loud yawn, Oakpaw nudged his brother with the tip of his tail and Shadowpaw jerked away from Mistpaw and started to walk towards the door. As soon as Oakpaw was out of site, however, he returned to adapting a vulture like pose as he watched the other apprentice. Oakpaw sighed, knowing that his brother was probably still watching Mistpaw. He had promised not tell hi9s secret, so he just went to the Elder's den to clear out the bedding and get new, fresh bedding from the hill... ---------------------------------------------- Sparrowpaw yawned loudly and stretched, sheathing and unsheathing her paws. She gazed blearly at the stacks around her and sighed heavily. They had been blown apart by the harsh winds. Well, better restack. After taking a few minutes to reorganize the herbs for Whitenose, she trotted out to go find some catnip. Technically, without a mentor, she shouldn't be leaving, but she was old enough to know exactly where not to go and where to go, even though she was curious. She sighed and picked a few sprigs of it... --------------------------------------------- Stormriver returned from the hunting patrol after rescenting the bornders. He dropped the thrush and the vole into the pile. With a smile widening of his mouth, the large tom cat lay down on his bedding and his eyes fluttered close. He expected that his apprentice wasn't up yet, but even if she was, she could wait a few minutes for him to get a few winks in... ----------------------------------------------- Rainpaw trotted towards the warriors den and peeked in. "Reedwhisker?" she called softly, wondering where he could be. The sun was crwling higher and higher into the sky and she was itching to bring nback some prey for her brother and sister toeat, for they were almost 6 moons old and would soon be hunting with her. She sighed after realizing that onlyStormriver was sleeping in the den. She crept out quietly and trotted off to find her mentor... ((I hope it is okay that I made Rainpaw's mentor be Reedwhisker. she isn't on the apprentice list, so she needed a mentor.))
 <-- Click me
4:01pm Dec 9 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Could you let Tld choose? i have no qualms about it, but she may have a different opinion or something.]
5:12pm Dec 9 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Sure, I can just change the name.))
 <-- Click me
6:28pm Dec 9 2010
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NameTigerleap Gender:Female Age:25 moons
Clan:Dew Rank: Warrior Appearance:Tigerleap is a light orange with black tabby markings(Mackerel) and light blue eyes.Tigerleap's nose is black,and she's a mid-hair, with a slightly scruffy, long tail. Personality:Tigerclaw is very blunt, and it often gets her into trouble, or at least, other cats annoyed with her. It goes like this: There's barely any food in the forest. A kit walks up to her and asks, 'Are we all going to die?' Tigerleap would say. 'Probably.', or something along the same lines.
Crush:Opneh Other:
6:47pm Dec 9 2010 (last edited on 6:53pm Dec 9 2010)
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Sunblaze curled his tail in amusement as he watched his apprentice and Fogpaw practice. "Nice dodge, Fogpaw!" He called, as Fogpaw slipped down, avoiding Sleetpaw's overconfident a'ssault. "Sleetpaw, always be ready in case an enemy pulls a trick like that." He said in a mock stern tone. "Anyway, it's time to do some hunting!" ~-~ Whitenose stared sadly from her den as she watched Fogpaw and Sleetpaw practice,and felt it going deeper as her brother headed towards him. What if I had stayed a warrior apprentice? I would be able to fight, and hunt, and..... She sighed. Mate. Not that anyone would want me. She quickly sorted through her herb supplies, trying to ignore her brother and the two apprentices. Okay, so we're low on Dock leaves and Tansy. -~- Quill hissed at the older tom in front of him. "It's not your prey." He growled, unsheathing his claws. "Ah yes," Said the tom, "but I stole it, fair and square." Flashing a toothy grin, the tom dove into the woods, carrying the plump shrew quill had caught with him. "Mousedung!" Quill spat. Now I have to go hunt. Again.
10:40pm Dec 9 2010
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[Name: Bluepaw Warrior Name: Bluestone Gender: Male Age:10 moons Clan: [Dew Rank: Apprentice Appearance:Silver tabby Personality:Shy , sweet but slightly arrogant History: None Kin:Open? xD Crush: Open Other: Eh, i didnt get what you meant by highlight the rules..? Name: Willowleaf Gender: Female Age: 15 moons Clan: Dew Rank: Warrior Appearance: White w/ green eyes Personality: Childish at times, but sweet. History: None Kin: Rainheart Crush: Open Other: None Name:Rainheart Gender:Female Age: 15 moons Clan: Dew Rank: Warrior Appearance:White w/ blue eyes Personality: Willowleaf's sister, similar personality but not childish. Gets anger outbursts at times, but infrequently Kin: Willowleaf Crush: Open :3 ]
2:25am Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Eh, I'm a bit iffy about Willowleaf's personality, but alright. ]] Snowstone rolled her eyes. "Always the overachiever, Duskwing!" She called out, grinning and flicking her tail. She gave Radiantstar a shrug and returned to her sunning, wondering if her apprentice, Goldpaw, was up. --- "Unnfuhgah?" Mistpaw mumbled, slowly opening her eyes. When she saw Shadowpaw's eyes peering into hers, Mistpaw gave a hiss of surprise and sprang up, muscles tense. She relaxed them immediately, however, when Mistpaw realized that it was just Shadowpaw. "Ugh, Shadowpaw!" She said, rubbing her eyes with a paw. "You really scared me. Did I wake up late?" --- Sleetpaw rolled his eyes when he heard Sunblaze. "Of course, Sunblaze." He drawled, then grinning and pouncing, landing square on Fogpaw's back. "Hey!" She squeaked. "That's not fair. We aren't playfighting anymore!" She wriggled underneath him and out of Sleetpaw's reach, sticking her tongue out. Sleetpaw sat up. "I could go for a hunt." He said readily. Fogpaw shook her head. "Not me. I'm sure Littlewing would prefer battle training right now." [[Hurr... sorry about that. I didn't see Rainpaw's bio, but I found it. She's added, and Reedwhisker can be her mentor :3]]

7:11am Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( ilufgntoe7tjo7ytd487tyj I fail playing two clans. xDD I have no idea what to post. ))
7:18am Dec 10 2010
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[[Just make your characters wake up or something ._. Snowstone is thinking about looking around for Goldpaw anyways :3 ]]
7:27am Dec 10 2010
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Goldpaw yawned, blinking away the grit in her eyes. slight rays of sunlight peirced through her den, warming her pelt. She frowned, not wanting to get up. She stared at the ceiling of her den and sighed. She had to get up, even if she didn't like it. A groan escaped her lips as she sleepily climbed out of her den and outside. She waited for her eyes to settle, then headed out to find her mentor. Wildheart let out a purr of amusment. "Good morning," He said, tail moving to and fro as he talked. "It took you long enough, sleepy-head," he teased, giving Goldpaw a lick behind the ears. Goldpaw just rolled her eyes and kept moving. --- Eagleflight stalked groggily out of his den and to the fresh-kill pile. Picking out a plum mouse, he sat down to eat his breakfast. Silverpaw hissed. Morning already? She stalked out of her den and layed against Eagleflight. "Morning?" He said, slightly surprised. "Must sleep...Hide me..." She yawned, scooting closer to Eagleflight. Eagleflight purred with amusment.