7:57am Dec 10 2010 (last edited on 8:14pm Dec 10 2010)
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Snowstone noticed a small little bundle of mews coming out from the apprentice's den. Peeking from her post at the rock, she saw Goldpaw. Leaping down from her rock, Snowstone prowled up behind her apprentice, looming over Goldpaw. "Good morning, Goldpaw." Snowstone said, grinning. --- Swallowtrill pounced on Silverpaw, sliding her away from Eagleflight. Thrushsoar sat a few tail-lengths off, sighing and rolling his eyes. "Come on, Silverpaw. You got to be all awake and energetic!" Swallowtrill bounced on the ground excitedly, her tail flickering erratically. --- Thrushsoar looked sharply from his sister to Eagleflight. "Eagleflight." He said, nodding towards the tom. "I'm thinking of leading the border patrol soon. Would you like to come?" He asked, twitching his whiskers. "And perhaps Stormriver. He seems free."
7:57am Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 582
I here voices and they always boss me around XD
8:00am Dec 10 2010
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[[Kogaz! Don't lurks, join D: ]]
8:02am Dec 10 2010
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[No! I sent youz an Rmail :)]
I here voices and they always boss me around XD
8:32am Dec 10 2010
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"You slept too long and I wanted you to wake up. Maybe our members would hunt together?" His whiskers tiwtched with excitment, but he tried not to show that he had a secret crush for the she-cat sitting opposite him. "Who's your mentor again?" He was a very forgettful apprentice, unlike his brother... ----------------------------------- "Fogpaw! I brought something for you!"Sparrowpaw came bounding over and lay down a small shrew that was in her teeth/ She smiled and let her sister take the first bite, for she had already had some food. After putting it down, she ran into Whitenose's den to drop of the catnip and yarrow she had collected...
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8:37am Dec 10 2010
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Mistpaw chuckled at the enthusiasm and energy that Shadowpaw showed. He really was like her, a hyperactive apprentice. "My mentor's Rosethorn, Shadowpaw." She said, getting up and giving her pelt a shake. "Come on, we should get out. You know how bossy Raindapple could get sometimes." Mistpaw smiled and strode out of the den, waiting at the mouth for her friend. --- "Sparrowpaw, thank you." Fogpaw purred as she picked up her shrew and bit into it. "Mmmf, it's really juicy." She said, picking it up and following her sister and sitting at the entrance of the den. "How's the herb-collection going, Sparrowpaw? Maybe I could ask Littlewing to let me help you collect herbs some time." She offered. [[I really hope cats can smile. All I can imagine is a smirk.]]
8:39am Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 582
I here voices and they always boss me around XD
8:45am Dec 10 2010
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((Ha! My cat smirks at me when I give her food, I hope its actually a smile because sometimes she winks too. My kitty is strange.)) "Oh... I forgot." Shadowpaw chuckled and raced after his friend, his black tail trailing out behind him. "Mistpaw, How many moons are you?" He couldn't remember if they were going to be warriors at the same time, though he was pretty sure that she was older than him. He sighed and watched as a warrior trotted out of one of the dens. "Oh, Raindapple, yep, she's bossy, but I guess if I want to be a warrior, I have to pay attention. He sat straight up like a hunting cat with his ears pricked... ---------------------------------------------- "Herb collection? Oh. Its fine. I mean, its really great. It looks like we could use some more poppy seeds and cobwebs, if your mentor says its iokay, I'll go out with you." She said in a quiet voice and then smiled a her sister as if nothing was wrong. But something was wrong, she had a disturbing dream and even though she was the med. cat apprentice, she didn't think it was just a 'dream'...
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8:57am Dec 10 2010
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[[My dog smiels, burps and farts. And yes... Dogs are awesome.]] "10 moons, Shadowpaw. Give or takes." Mistpaw rolled her eyes. "I don't really keep track, but I'm sure only two more moons to go until I'm a warrior." Mistpaw purred happily. "Rosethorn is pretty off-track sometimes, because she's got her head up in the clouds at times." Mistpaw shrugged. "But Raindapple's really cheerful too." Mistpaw grinned. --- Fogpaw narrowed her eyes and crouched on the ground, creeping towards Sparrowpaw. "You're a bit untalkative today, Sparrowpaw." She pointed out softly. [[Nehh... fail on Fogpaw xD ]]
9:05am Dec 10 2010
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((g2g, I will post after school.))
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3:05pm Dec 10 2010
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[Posting when I'm done checking up on my role-plays and replying to my private ones. -flails- xD]
3:05pm Dec 10 2010
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(( Silverpaw and Wildheart arent't in the same clan as snowstone. xD Goldpaw is. ))
3:28pm Dec 10 2010
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[I apparently need a catch-up too. o_o Anyone willing to help?]
5:23pm Dec 10 2010 (last edited on 6:51pm Dec 10 2010)
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"Good, because that's what we're doing. And this time, we're mainly going to focus on birds." Sunblaze replied. "Fogpaw, if you want to go with us, you'd have to ask Littlewing first, anyway." Sunblaze delicately did a large stretch, very slowly, then stood up striaght. "Okay, Sleetpaw, where's the best place to find birds in our territory?" He asked, with a twinkle in his eyes. ~-~ Whitenose blinked. "Thank you, Sparrowpaw!" She purred as she noted the herbs in her apprentices' mouth. "Just put them down, I'll sort them." She decided to quiz Sparrowpaw, making sure she knew the name and proper uses of the two herbs she'd brought her."Do you know what those herbs are called, and what are they used for?" She asked.
6:39pm Dec 10 2010
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((Full, Sparrowpaw is the med cat apprentice!))
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6:50pm Dec 10 2010
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6:57pm Dec 10 2010
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"Burdock Root is commonly used for cuts and scrapes. They are especially good for rat bites. Poppyseeds are used to numb pain and keep the cat you are treating calm." Sparrowpaw recited, proud of herself...
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7:01pm Dec 10 2010
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((Sparrowpaw brought Catnip and Yarrow to Whitenose....))
8:19pm Dec 10 2010
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[[Most of the cats are waking up, mentors are looking for their apprentices and etcetc :U Not much really happened, just have your mentor/apprentice find their mentor/apprentice xD ]] -Mistpaw waits for Shadowpaw's reply- --- SLeetpaw thought for a moment. "That way, towards the river. We're surrounded by forest, but the river would be a good place for birds to nest and such." He said, straightening up his back proudly and waited for his mentor's response. --- Fogpaw shrugged. Maybe Sparrowpaw didn't want her getting to nosy with her sister's thoughts. She seemed busy enough with Whitenose, so Fogpaw quietly slunk out of her den, searching for her mentor, Littlewing.
8:55pm Dec 10 2010
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"Agreed, Sleetpaw." Sunblaze nodded. "But, another good answer wouldv'e been in the gr@ss area, as all the early birds are searching for meals." Sunblaze trotted forward, heading towards the camp entrance, which was heavily guarded by thorns and such.