11:20pm Dec 10 2010
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((I gave up on trying to find them in the warriors, book, so I changed them.))
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9:33am Dec 11 2010
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DewClan Cats
His muscles shifting under his pelt sleekly, Hailpelt leaped down from the steep partially rubble hill that rose by the camp. Dodging a few sharp pebbles he ducked into the camp entrance, nodding hello to the awakening cats. He probably would have said something too, but his jaws were stuffed full of prey. Hailpelt padded over to the fresh-kill pile, dropping the stringy mouse and two plump mice onto the rest of the prey before looking around the camp for some of the free warriors. "Skyslash," he meowed, just loud enough so that the warrior would hear. "Can you and your apprentice round up some other warriors and patrol the DewClan border?" The gruff tone of his only conveyed that he wanted his orders obeyed at that moment and for the warrior not to fight. "Hunting can wait," he meowed after a moment, catching the tom's eyes. --
Purring gently as the warm sunlight touched her fur, Raindapple glanced around the camp from her perch by the warrior's den. She was crouched on the small stone ledge the jutted out from the cave wall, paws clinging to the rough rock tightly and tail swinging from side to side in a slow, relaxed movement. Raindapple narrowed her eyes against the incoming sunlight as she looked for her apprentice, finally spotting him inside the apprentice's den (?). Leaping off the ledge gracefully she picked her way towards the den with an air of importance hovering around her.
Feeling left out by the rambunctious Mistpaw and Shadowpaw, Graypaw shivered nervously in the back of the den, disliking the damp feeling that her bedding had. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath to steel herself and clambered out of her nest as quickly as her cramping limbs allowed her. As she slipped past the apprentice's and out into the open she began feeling anxiety creeping up on her at the realization that she was finally an apprentice...Skyslash, one of the most unsocial warriors in the camp.
PebbleClan Cats Reedwhisker touched Littlewing's side gently, listening to his close friend purr loudly as she lounged in the sun. "Don't you think you have some duties?" he meowed curiously, flicking her ear lightly with one idle paw. "Your apprentice is probably waiting for you." Rolling over onto his back the sunny warrior closed his eyes and rested in the sunlight, ignoring the slight hiss that Littlewing gave out as he slapped her muzzle with his tail in his movements.
Glaring at the tom angrily Littlewing thrust herself upwards onto her paws and stalked off, not even deeming to give him an answer. Ugh, she thought. Stupid toms. Padding for the fresh-kill pile she glanced around to see her apprentice slinking out of the medicine cat's den. "There you are," she meowed brightly, quickening her pace to catch up to Fogpaw. "What did you want to do today?" she asked.
Shaking himself roughly to remove most of the water that clung to his fur from his little spat with the river, Snowpaw clambered farther away from the water, shivering. "All I wanted to do was hunt some fish and the river attacks me," he grumbled under his breath, shaking his head one more time. At least his expedition had come to some fruit, as two medium sized silver-scaled fish lay on the riverbank.

3:09pm Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 3:12pm Dec 11 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
"Good, Sparrowpaw!" Whitenose said happily. She started shuffling the two herbs into their piles, making sure not to mix them up with other herbs, as the results could be deadly. ((When I post this -~- to speparate my posts, it means 'Clan switch', so the character i'm posting with next is from the opposite Clan. When i'm posting ~-~, it means they're both from the same Clan.))
3:12pm Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 3:13pm Dec 11 2010)
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Shadowpaw rolled his silver eyes and tackled her. "Betcha I can find my mentore before you can find yours." He laughed and ran off in the direction of her scent. With a crash, he slammed into his mentor and went flying onto the ground. She shook his head and attempted to grin, all he could manage was a grimace though.....
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3:38pm Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 3:41pm Dec 11 2010)
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Tigerleap lazed, watching as every-cat went to their mentor or apprentice. She chuckled to herself. She didn't have an apprentice, she could laze all she wanted until she was summoned for patrol or hunting. She swished her long, furry tail, and with a leap, ounced on a leaf that had dumbly landed in front of her. Hey, it is a good way to practice! She'd always said to her mentor, Mistyfur. And it still is true, Mistyfur! She said silently, staring up and the stars. She sighed. She died the night I was named, and it's all my fault...... ~flashback~ "Tigerleap! Tigerleap!" The Clan yelled her name happily. Tigerpaw, now Tigerleap, brimmed with pride, picking her mentors voice out easily. She bounded from the her perch to lad softly by her former mentor, Mistyfur. "Oh, Mistyur!" Tigerleap purred, twining her tail in Mistyfur's bushy silver one. "Good job, Tigerleap!" Mistyfur emphisized the word 'leap' as she said this.
Tigerleap sat on her vigil, waiting for the sun to come up. She suddenly had a thought. One of those dumb thoughts that you shouldn't listen to, but listen to anyway. Silently, Tigerleap wandered out of camp, and headed into the forest. It wold only be a while.....
Tigerleap was frightened. She couldn't find her way back, and it was almost daylight. She kept walking, knowing she'd either find the boundary, or camp. She scented something strange in the darkness. No, badger! Tigerleap's heart was filled with fear. A badger could find her easily with its sense of smell. As she thought this, the badger she'd scented burst from the woods. It snarled swiping at Tigerleap, inficting a deep wound in her left cheek. The bushes rustled again. Another one! Tigerleap thought nstantly. But what she saw was a relief. A patrol! Her heart sank as she saw Mistyfur was one of them. "Go, now!" Snarled Mistyfur, swiping at the badger with her claws. The badger whacked her, sending her flying towards a tree. She landed, lifeless. "NO!" Tigerleap screamed. She tried to head towards her, but a strong shove sent her in the other direction, sending her back to camp...... -~- Quill stalked through the undergrowth, opening his mouth and letting the scents in. Stale rabbit, earth, the basic scents.... Ahah! Quill said to himself. He followed the trail of a pidgeon for a while, then finding the source. He pounced, and in a flurry of feather, he'd grabbed the pidgeons neck and killed it swiftly. "Better eat it fast..." He mumbled quietly to himself.
9:24pm Dec 11 2010
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Skyslash nodded at Hailpelt. "Of course, Hailpelt." He mewed, looking towards the apprentice den in search of Graypaw. Seeing her come out of the den, Skyslash padded slowly towards her at a leisurely pace. "Graypaw!" He called. "How do you feel about a border patrol with a couple of other cats?" He mewed. --- Mistpaw laughed. "That's not fair! Raindapple was also looking for you! That's cheating!" She followed them, still grinning. Mistpaw looked around the camp for the snow-white pelt of her mentor, Rosethorn. "Raindapple, is Rosethorn up yet?" She asked. --- Fogpaw's ears twitched when she heard her name. "Littlewing!" She meowed cheerfully, getting up and sitting in front of her mentor. "You're finally up! I was waiting for you." Fogpaw grinned. "I don't mind some hunting or battle-training, Littlewing. My paws are just itching for something to do." --- Sleetpaw rolled his eyes. "So, are we hunting birds today?" He asked, getting up. He saw Littlewing and Fogpaw, already together and chattering about what they would do for the day.

9:36pm Dec 11 2010
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"Yes, of course, Sleetpaw."Sunblaze snorted. "Why would've I quizzed you about birds if we were hunting mice?"He dissapeared out the entrance of camp, heading towards the hunting place.-EXTREMEFAILPOST-
9:47am Dec 12 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"It's not cheating, I didn't know she was looking for me." He mewed indignatly... ((No... that was fail.))
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7:33pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 176
can i join? i found this picture on google and automaticly fell ing love 
7:39pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 215
Please don't Necropost. c:
"Stay thy blade from the flesh of the innocent. Hide in plain sight. Never compromise the Brotherhood."
Live and die by the Assassin's Creed. Will you take the Leap of Faith?