I can join, nya?=3
Name: Silverpaw
Gender: Male
Clan: Thunderclan
Position: Apprentice to Hawkfeather
Appearence: Has golden yellow eyes and a silver pelt.
Bio: He was originally the kit of a kittypet, but before he could get used to the environment, his mother had tried to protect him and the other kits from a fox and died in the midst of it. He was the only kit surviving and now has a very independent personality.
Name: Hawkfeather
Gender: Male
Clan: Thunderclan
Position: Warrior(Apprentice: Silverpaw)
Appearence: Has dark orange eyes and a cream pelt spotted with brown.
Bio: Hawkfeathers skills consist of syalking and killing prey and fighting. He is very friendly, though, and seems to be able to teach Silverpaw considerably fast.
That good? I haven't read it in a while, so...Dx