9:19pm Feb 12 2011
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(You can. I'm too lazy.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:51pm Feb 15 2011 (last edited on 7:53pm Feb 15 2011)
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Posts: 3,371
I'm *censored*igning the apprentices mentors whether you peoples like eet or not. (srry, probly should have chosen all this earlier.) So; Poolpaw mentored by Nightfrost (dur) Shadepaw mentored by Tawnyclaw Fernpaw mentored by Leafmist Splashpaw mentored by Thornfire (sorry tlood I made both ur warriors have apprentices.) Daypaw mentored by Sundapple Coalpaw mentored by Dawnfrost Thunderpaw mentored by Wildfire Hawkpaw mentored by Graypatch Sparrowpaw mentored by Spottedfeather
8:16pm Feb 15 2011
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We can start now. Who's online?
10:38pm Feb 15 2011
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[[Starteth? :3 ]]
7:57am Feb 16 2011
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Sure. You can start us off.
8:24am Feb 16 2011
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[[awww ._.]] Thornfire slunk out of the warrior's den, accompanied by Leafmist, who sauntered out of there and made a bee-line towards a rather sunny spot in the camp. "Well, Thornfire." She said lazily, settling down and basking in the sun. "I'm up now." The ginger tom seemed to fidget. "Where are the others?" He asked impatiently. Leafmist shrugged. "Don't know, don't care." She replied nonchalantly. Thornfire wanted to do something, a patrol, a hunt, anything. He just hated being stuck in the camp. --- Coalpaw reluctantly inched out of the apprentice's den, feeling the fur of an apprentice brush by his paw. Not able to tell who it was, Coalpaw hissed a very rushed sorry and scampered out of the den and into the sunlight, --- Daypaw hissed in annoyance when she was roused by something. She could only see a faint flash of amber. "Coalpaw." She grumbled. Daypaw may not have looked like it, but she was actually an extremely light sleeper. She disliked being woken up, especially by nosy apprentices eager to wake up early and bother their mentors.

8:50am Feb 16 2011
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(Here. :3 ) Sparrowpaw got up out of his moss-bed and stretched. Flexing his paws, the young apprentice strode out of the apprentices' den. "A nice, calm morning," he mewed to himself softly, "Perfect for watching the last rays of the sun rise into the sky and give light to us all." Sitting himself down in the middle of camp, Sparrowpaw gazed up at the sky. --- Hawkpaw, meanwhile, was trying to sleep in. He had been awake for a minute or two already, but he wanted to sleeeeeeeeppp. Annoyedly, he flicked his tail. Why couldn't he sleeeep?! Groaning, Hawkpaw got up and trudged out of the den. His fur was messed up, but he didn't care right now. --- Dawnfrost's ears perked up. She had been awake long ago, watching the sunrise. Noticing Coalpaw, she meowed a greeting. "Good morning, Coalpaw." Flexing her paws in her spot, they had fallen asleep and were beginning to be numb. Not anymore. Now they had awakened. --- Poolpaw lazily stretched and then bolted out of the den. Running circles around camp to wake herself up, the lively apprentice skidded to a halt in front of the medicine den. "I'm heeerrre!" she announced. Padding in, she nudged Nightfrost. "Wake up, sleepyhead!" she said. Prodding him once more, she wondered if he ever would wake up!
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:37pm Feb 16 2011
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Blinking Ravenwing entered the camp through the gorse tunnel, his black fur heating up almost instantly in the blazing sunlight. Wincing he growled through a mouthful of prey and trotted over to the fresh-kill pile as quickly as he could without dropping his catch, tail flicking with annoyance. Dropping his kill onto the pile he padded over to the Warriors' den, peering inside curiously. It seemed that mostly the apprentices were awake, but very few warriors had gotten on their paws yet. "Wake-up," he meowed loudly into the enclosed space before heading over to a shady patch of gra.ss near the camp wall. Blinking his amber eyes Ravenwing turned around a few times and settled down on the soft gra.ss, waiting for the Clan to wake up. -- Hareleap licked his fluffy brown fur, trying to rouse himself in to wake-fullness. Giving a startled mew at Ravenwing's sudden appearance the tom tried to calm himself down, rubbing his paw over his face to hide the surprised look on his muzzle. Muttering obscene comments about the deputy the warrior slipped out of the den, doing his best not to step on any cat but Echowind, who only batted at his tail lazily before falling back asleep. Purring to himself the hot-headed tom trotted over to the fresh-kill pile, picking out a succelent mouse of his own and settling down nearby to chew on it. -- Echowind sighed heavily as her littermate stepped on her tail, swatting at him irritably before closing her eyes again. Blinking them open she remembered drowsily that she was supposed to get up and do some patrol or whatnot this morning. Yawning she rolled over onto her belly and stood up, stretching out her aching limbs one by one. Finished, the she-cat padded out of the den cautiously, blinking away sunspots as the hot sunlight flashed into her eyes. "Oof," she meowed in a thick voice, stumbling over to the fresh-kill pile and nabbing the first piece on top, a small shrew. Heading over to her brother she cuffed him over the head, albeit weakly, and settled for gulping down a quick breakfast before Ravenwing called out the patrols and hunting groups for this day. -- Hesitating at the fresh-kill pile, Graypatch was so absorbed by the simple task of choosing her breakfast that she completely missed both the deputy and the two notorious littermates, her entire focused centered on whether or not she should have the chaffinch or the mouse. Twitching her ears irritably the small gray she-cat dabbed at the two pieces of prey indecisively before swooping down and grabbing the chaffinch, pushing the mouse back into the pile. "Finally," she meowed in a muffled voice, padding over to Ravenwing. Sitting down by her friend the she-cat sighed and began crunching up her meal, ignoring the dark looks the deputy was sending everycat in the camp. "You're in a fine mood today," she meowed cheerfully, licking her lips once the bird was finished. -- Growling Tawnyclaw swatted at the ground irately, digging his claws into the soft soil. "Where's my apprentice?" he meowed darkly, glaring around the camp as if his gaze would cause his apprentice to appear out of thin air in the middle of the clearing. Unfortunately for Shadepaw, this didn't happen. Hissing with displeasure the warlike tom slashed the dirt again and stood up, padding over to Thornfire and Leafmist. "Have you seen Shadepaw?" the ginger tom meowed grumpily, blinking his amber eyes. -- Purring happily Fernpaw padded up to Coalpaw and Dawnfrost. "Hi there!" she mewed eagerly, trotting around the two quickly before settling down next to Coalpaw. "Have either of you seen Leafmist?" she asked curiously, blinking her pale green eyes. Whiskers twitching she meowed in amusement at Coalpaw. "You don't look so happy to be out here," she meowed teasingly. [EVERY SINGLE CAT oAo -dies-]

4:39pm Feb 16 2011
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Shadepaw watched Fernpaw from across camp. He had just woken up, and the first thing he did was go to watch her. I probably shouldn't spy on her....what if she sees me? -- Nightfrost blinked open her ice-blue eyes. "Yes, Poolpaw?" She stretched out as she asked the question. "Did you need something?"She sat up and began to organize herbs as she waited for Poolpaw's reply. -- Sundapple picked up a shrew from the fresh-kill pile and slowly began eating it. Once she finished, she purred happily and laid down in a patch of gr*censored*, then rolled over onto her back so that the sun warmed her. -- (OMG, FAIL.)
5:07pm Feb 16 2011
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[Shadepaw you stalker. <3 But Fernpaw likes Coalpaw. D:]
5:50pm Feb 16 2011 (last edited on 6:21pm Feb 16 2011)
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O.o EBIL FERNPAW! Shadepaw will stalk yoo till yoo fall in love with heem. XD)
6:56pm Feb 16 2011
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[[Huh? Fernpaw likes Coalpaw? O_o I don't remember you mentioning that, Det.]] Daypaw gave another, more muffled hiss of of displeasure when Ravenwing came in to wake them. She heaved herself up to her paws and sauntered out of the den, looking around for her mentor. She saw Sundapple, lying under a patch of sunlight. --- Coalpaw looked up at his mentor, nodding a greeting. "Good morning, Dawnfrost, Fernpaw." Coalpaw flicked his tail towards the center of the camp. "She's there, with Thornfire. I saw them come out of the warrior's den." --- "Tawnyclaw, you're as active and energetic as Thornfire today." Leafmist drawled. "What in the name of StarClan gives both of you such zeal?" Thornfire sighed. "I can't find Splashpaw either, Tawnyclaw. Leafmist doesn't seem interested in finding her aprprentice."
7:46pm Feb 16 2011
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Posts: 9,641
['Cause every female apprentice of mine likes him, duh. //eyeroll] "That's because I'm here," Fernpaw huffed as she trotted up to her mentor after meowing a quick goodbye to Coalpaw and Dawnfrost. "But you know," she mewed evenly, "even Tawnyclaw is looking for his apprentice." Glancing at the two males she purred. "Good morning Thornfire," she meowed, dipping her head quickly. "You too, Tawnyclaw. I think I saw Shadepaw a few heartbeats ago. He was...uh...staring at me intently." Twisting around the she-cat looked at her pelt worriedly, licking a few rough patches quickly. -- "Morning Fernpaw," Tawnyclaw sighed, and nodded at Fernpaw's remark about Shadepaw. "He's besotted," the tom muttered as he padded away from the two she-cats and headed over to Shadepaw. Cuffing the apprentice grumpily the warrior groaned. "Get your head out of a daze," he snapped irritably. "We're battle training today and you'd better have practiced your moves." -- Ravenwing growled and stood up abruptly, padding over to the center of the camp. "Once you're done your meals come here for patrol and hunting patrol a.ssignments," he yowled loudly, sweeping his amber gaze across the camp. -- Sighing Graypatch got up and followed the deputy, though changed her course when she noticed her sleepy-headed apprentice outside of the Apprentices' den. "There you are," she meowed kindly as she approached her apprentice. "We're going to go hunting today, unless Ravenwing puts us in a patrol of some sort."

9:00pm Feb 16 2011 (last edited on 9:00pm Feb 16 2011)
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Splashpaw padded over to Thornfire. She was still tired, and had just woken up, but she had heard him say her name. "Were you looking for me?" She asked curiously. She was one of the older apprentices, but didn't act like it. She shifted her paws. ---- "S-sorry..." Shadepaw stammered, laying back his ears nervously. He sighed. "Which moves are we practicing today?" He hoped he didn't sound mouse-brained. --- Blackear watched Shadepaw and Tawnyclaw for a moment, then walked away. --- Wildfire was still asleep. (HE'S SO LAZY. GET UP!XD) --
3:00am Feb 17 2011
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[[Fein. Then Leafmist shall later leik Tawnyclaw. LOLOLOLOL. Take that, Det :U]] Thornfire twitched his ears, irritated. Splashpaw seemed to regard him with no respect, even if he was just a few moons older than her. "Yes, I was. I even dragged Leafmist out of her den to search for Fernpaw." Leafmist purred in amuesment when she heard her apprentice's comment about Shadepaw. "Oh, Tawnyclaw shouldn't be so hard on Shadepaw." She said, slowly getting up. "The Clan needs more kits, anyway." She gave Thornfire a mischievious look. The ginger tom just seemed slightly more aggravated by the older she-cat. Thornfire quickly got up. "Come on, Fernpaw. You heard Ravenwing. We should start hunting now." --- "Um. Alright then. Bye, Fernpaw." Coalpaw was sure that Fernpaw wouldn't be able to hear him. He turned back to his mentor. "So, Dawnfrost, what will we be doing today?" He asked, perking up. --- ...-Daypaw waits for Sundapple- ._.
7:44am Feb 17 2011
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Sundapple stood up and went to Daypaw. "We're going to go hunting." She announced. --- Splashpaw looked up at her mentor. "Sorry, Thornfire. Are we going to hunt too?" She asked, hoping that they would. She was a pathetic fighter, and needed practice in fighting, but maybe Thornfire would forget? She hoped so. She sat down and curled her tail around her paws.
7:24pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 694
((So sorry, here posting))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
8:44pm Feb 17 2011
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(Muhhh. Sorresh, I haven't been on for a while. D: ) "What should I do now?" Poolpaw asked her mentor eagerly. She couldn't help but bounce in place for her energy was just bursting at the seams from her run around camp. The young apprentice would calm down soon - but only soon. That would take awhile still. Flicking her tail, she attempted to catch it like the mouse-brained dogs she had seen. Jumping up and taking a half-spin in midair, she extended her legs to grab the tail in her paws. Alas, it didn't work. Duhh. Flicking her ears, Poolpaw looked up at Nightfrost once more. "Sooooooo.... what should I do now?" --- Dawnfrost angled her ears towards the forest. "Hunting," she simply mewed. "We'll be practicing and hopefully improving our skills. But first, eat something." --- Hawkpaw energetically ran at almost top-speed towards his mentor, Graypatch. Leaping into the air, the apprentice landed square on the she-cat, probably surprised her in the process. "Morrrrniiiiiinnnggg!" he said. Lightly cuffing Graypatch's ears, Hawkpaw slid off down her back and sat down with his tail curled over his paws. "What are we gonna do today?" he asked.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:32am Feb 18 2011
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[[Where is teh Detters.]] Daypaw twitched her tail. "Sounds like a plan." She said simply to her mentor, getting up and stretching. [[ew. short post :c]] --- Coalpaw had picked up Daypaw and Sundapple's conversation. "As in, with Daypaw and Sundapple?" He asked Dawnfrost. He waited for his mentor's reply before starting off towards the fresh-kill pile. --- Thornfire saw the spark in Splashpaw's eyes. "We're not going hunting, Splashpaw. Don't try to fool me." His voice resonated with amusement. Thornfire himself had tried that trick with his old mentor, except it was the opposite. He was always the best fighter, but never the best of the hunters. "Today, we'll improve your fighting skills." He flexed his claws.
4:32pm Feb 18 2011
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Splashpaw sighed queitly. "Okaaaayyyyyyyy." She mumbled. She looked at Thornfire. "Let's Go!"Sundapple mewed. (UGH, FAIL.)