I will be leader of BloodClan instead since someone already called Shadow leader... And deputies of a couple.
Name: Harpystar
Gender: Male
Clan: BloodClan
Position: Leader
Appearance: (with no collar, or person :D_)

Bio: A loyal cat who is rough on the outside, but can be quite caring. He is a fierce battler and intelligent, but sometimes does not make very wise desicions.
Name: Cricketheart
Gender: Male
Clan: ShadowClan
Position: Deputy

Bio: Cricketheart is a strong cat who is very handsome. He is proud, and a little ambitious, but not to the point of going overboard.
Name: Lemonwing
Gender: Female
Clan: BloodClan
Position: Warrior

Bio: A kind she cat outside of battles, but in battle she is fierce. Lemonwing is a force to be reckoned with and hates trepas.sing. She will do anything to defend her Clan.
Name: Limetail
Gender: Male
Clan: BloodClan
Position: Deputy

Bio: Lemonwing's brother. Limetail is protective, but he sometimes his loyalties falter.
Name: Mysticpaw
Gender: Female
Clan: RiverClan
Position: Apprentice

Bio: A quiet young she-cat who doesn't like battles but loves to swim. Mysticpaw sometimes helps with the medicine cat, but not too often. She likes hunting. Racoonpaw's sister
Name: Racoonpaw
Gender: Female
Clan: RiverClan
Position: Apprentice

Bio: Racoonpaw is a smart cat who likes to think of strategies, but since she has a long furred pelt she doesn't like getting wet often, but still likes swimming.
Name: Jaystorm
Gender: Male
Clan: SkyClan
Position: Warrior

Bio: A muscular tom who loves to sit in the trees and catch birds. Jaystorm is quiet and likes to keep to himself, though he does enjoy the company of other cats.
Name: Conan
Gender: Male
Clan: none
Position: Kittypet

Bio: Conan is not to bright sometimes, but he is very lovable and curious. He loves to explore.
Name: Feather of shrieking owl (Owl, also called Feather by her friends)
Gender: female
Clan: Tribe of rushing water
Position: Cave guard

Bio: A striking and fierce cat at first sight, she appears rough and uncaring, but really when she gets to know you she is gentle.