Watch your back [Shape-shifters] Watch your friend

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1:39am Sep 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
ooc; I apologize Rika. I really do. D: But I'm in the midst of making my own world, adjusting to new Res, waiting for actual internet I'm not piggybacking on and a whole slew of things. xD I'm also a writer and possibly a moderator on other sites and it's just. O_O!


1:47am Sep 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((My problem is that I suddenly have a social life. o3o

And homework. Lots of homework.

Junior year and relationships and planning for college and hoping I can get a scholarship so I can actually go to college is hard. It's hard and nobody understands.

-shot for Homestuck reference-

If I don't get a scholarship, I can't go to college and start on my way to be a veterinarian. Which I've wanted to be since first grade.

This means I HAVE TO GET EXCELLENT GRADES. So much is expected of me adfgtdkitgf D:

Aaaanyways I should sleep now only have a few hours until school.))

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