We've been abandoned in the jungle! {Assassin's Creed/Uncharted/Predator based small group

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4:12pm Jun 20 2011

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Posts: 15,067

Dean looked around, hearing a clipped, "Yo! Anyone out there?!"

"Sammy, you hear that?" He asked his brother, gripping his revolver tighter.

"Yeah, I did." Sam nodded, pulling out his Glock. He stepped to the side, his feet falling silently, as was the way he was taught.

"HELLO?" Dean said loudly, figuring the voice sounded human enough. He didn't exactly remember how to kill aliens, but a couple bullets between the eyes might work.  


5:56pm Jun 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,991

"Alright we-"

A loud yelled interupted her mid sentence. She ducked as several birds flew from the trees into the skies. "Good lord who was that?" She said looking over at her taller male companion. Jethro scratched his chin and shrugged. Rolling her blue eyes she punched him in the arm. "C'mon their are others out there." She moved past him and  turned around heading back in the direction she heard the voice. Jethro shook his head and fell into step behind the girl. "What you plan on scalling a tree or something Princess?" he asked refering to how the girl climbed random objects and her parkour.

"Shut up." She said moving form brush out of the way with her hands. "HELLO?" she called out. She knew her voice would stand out considering the two voices she had heard were both male. "Any one else out there?"

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

2:54am Jun 21 2011

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Posts: 3,426

Talon tensed when he heard people shouting. He could hear several voices, obviously human, at different distances from himself.

He straightened up to listen carefully, thinking it might be a trap. Was anyone really stupid enough to shout and draw attention to themselves out in an unknown area. They were almost asking to be hunted and eaten.

"God, don't let me be stranded with a group of idiots," he muttered. He didn't believe in God, really, but if one was out there he was hoping he wouldn't be so royally screwed by Him.

Putting the gun back in his belt, he placed his hands on a tree with good hold and carefully climbed up, crouching on a branch for a moment before leaping silently from branch to branch until he found the source of the nearest voice.

Once they came into view, he ducked behind the tree trunk, peeking at them through the leaves and branches. They were two males, one with a slimmer build and the other with a bigger one. Talon pulled out his pistol again, aiming carefully at the taller's head while still staying hidden and protected up in the tree.

"Who are you guys?" Talon asked, loud enough for the other two males to hear. His voice was calm and clear. "And don't try anything because I've got a gun aimed at one of your heads. I just want to know what you know and what's going on. I'm not looking to fight unless you start something."

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

2:40pm Jun 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
((Wants to post so bad xD))


2:56pm Jun 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409

((Que Sera Sera. May I join with one character?))

Love is all we need~


3:36am Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(Sure, if you can post the same length as me and the others.)


4:30am Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 4:32am Jun 22 2011)

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Posts: 2,378

Abadon spun on his heels, aiming his twin pistols up at the new human on the scene, who hada gun on his head, probably due to him being more agile. He looked out of the side of his eye at Jonah, "Don't try anything, this might be one of thsoe rare occasions were we can talk ourselves out of everything." He looked back up at the man in the tree, "My name's Abadon Buer, my brother here is Jonah."

Jonah huffed slightly, taking out his combat knife and embedding the tip in the tree, ready to throw it if needed. Abadon kept his aim held steady on the forehead of the man, not waverring at all, "I'm going to put one of my guns away, you put yours away and I'll get rid of the other... Then you can come down here and we can talk as civilised people?" Jonah chuckled softly, grabbing a hold of his smg with one hand and spinning it round, leaving it hanging by his side.

"Nobody said I had to be civilised," He stood off to the side, using a second knife to scrape out the dirt from underneath his fingernails, not particularly one for socialising. That was when he heard something off to the side, he say a beast sprinting at them, four legs - wait, no, two legs, two long arms. It was sprinting on all fours, its vile teeth nashing.

Jonah threw the knife in his hands, taking out one eye, throwing the other one in the tree, taking out the other, before jumping to the side. Rolling up onto his knees, he watched as the beast ran past them and turned around for a second charge, "Those knives did nothing to it!"




5:12am Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224
((Hey am I still not allowed to join?))


3:55pm Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 15,067

((I don't know what to post.))


5:11pm Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(Have Sam and Dead see the beast and run to help the others maybe?)


5:34pm Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 15,067

((I just thought the same thing.))

"You hear that?" Samon asked, striding over to peek at a clearing in the trees. Dean followed, his eyes widening at the sight.

"Is that an alien?" He asked, a slight whine to his voice.

"Well, it's not normal." Sam answered. Dean sighed, loading his gun and aiming at the creature's head, firing off one bullet.

"Think that'll be enough?" Sam asked, skeptical. Dean shrugged, walking into the clearing warily. "Maybe." 


6:21pm Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
((Nevermind. I just realized that I am caught up in way too many roleplays right now... o.o'))

Love is all we need~


1:35pm Jun 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(Le'bump, Serenity's turn I do believe.)


4:51pm Jun 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,991

"Geez Princess, I don't know why-"

He was cut off by Ellowyn suddenly grabbing his arm and pulling him down into a squat. "What the hell?" She placed a finger up against her mouth telling him to shush before she pointed at the two men in the clearing infront of them. Then she moved her finger towards a different beast up against a tree. She had never seen anything like it before, it was clearly not normal, nothing that you would see on Earth.

"The hell is that?" Jethro said peering at the creature through the bushes. It looked almost, no deffinately Alien. He watched as a bullet hit the alien in the head, and two other men came out. "Good Lord, I'm going to be surrounded by testosterone." Ellowyn muttered to herself under her breath, which of course caused Jethro to smile. "We should stay here, just to see how things pan out, then-" She reached into her boots and pulled out two blades."if things go south we can jump in."

(Fail XP)

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

4:05am Jun 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378


3:35am Jun 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(Bump, I'll just rmail Loki)

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