10:25pm Nov 23 2010
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Shelby was getting a bit paranoid. She could feel Lux's eyes burning holes in her back. Zane turned around to find the silhouette of some people. In an instant, she was behind Shelby. Zane hoped that Shelby's body would hide her's, but it only hid the essentials. She looked around frantically, trying to do something to cover herself. She could think of only one thing, change back. She knew that if she changed Shelby would be mad, so she remained in her human form. Shelby turned around, seeing the figures. She laughed at how ridiculous Zane was being, then looked back at Lux. She looked him square in the face, her blue eyes staring into his. "You decide what we do," Shelby whispered back.
Naida looked up at Sheridan and then at Faolan.
Love is all we need~
10:27pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Elena peeked around the corner. "H-hello?"She asked. (Fail)
 (Banner made by Kina)
11:16pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 516
Sol followed the scent,eventualy coming up on a group of Shifters.He didnt want his presence known,so he submerged.His white color matched the colors of the rocks below. (FaIlUrE)
1:45am Nov 24 2010 (last edited on 1:46am Nov 24 2010)
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With a frown creasing his brow, Sheridan leaned forward to hear Faolan as he mumbled, "Yes. I watched after Kailee." Sheridan's only reply to the statement was taking out his clipboard, from under his arm, and taking notes after a soft hmm. His pale, pale blue eyes were like a Siberian husky’s, out of place in the face of a human, but Sheridan could prove that he was one hundred percent homosapien, to his disappointment. His eyes were thoughtful at the moment as he tried to peace together the acts and repercussions that must have triggered this rebelling. Though the subjects detested their confinement, Sheridan had never thought they would escape. It had never crossed his mind before, so now he delighted in the challenge of thinking up theories. His instincts told him that Faolan was holding information, but Sheridan didn't bother pressing the matter. He couldn't decide if it was personal or subject to the job, so it was unnecessary to push the point. What I don't know shouldn't hurt me just yet, he thought placidly. Suddenly Sheridan pinned his steady gaze on Naida, as he tucked his clipboard under his right arm again, "Who was watching the foxes? They are tricky and conniving; it would be easy for them to escape if a simpleminded guard was watching them." Sadly it was true. There project was on the low down, so funding was sparse and the government didn't bother sending their best men to them for baby sitting. Even though it was a topic secret, deadly being they were to keep watch over. Glancing over his shoulder, Sheridan wanted to roll his eyes as when he spotted two guards trying to bait Alella into coming closer. Luckily, experiment Bell kept to her corner. Momentarily distracted, Sheridan took out his pen and clipboard to note that experiment Bell didn't even flatten her ears or hiss at the unwanted attention. Fascinating, he mused. She went into a highly aggressive state when there was a high frequency noise in the air, but in the silence of familiarity she is completely calm. Writing that he would have to take further note of this topic, he underlined to stress that he should put music on during her next exercise routine. Looking up from his notes, Sheridan stated, "The new subject, Alella Nero Macedon, seems to be transitioning well enough. Being that she has been here for only-" checking his notes, even though he knew the date, "eight days. She had become co-operative with her routine." After a moments pause, he asked, "Before the rebellion, how were your test subjects behaving?" Closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead, Sheridan interrupted, "Wait. We need to figure out how to find those who have escaped. How do you two suppose we should start?" Meanwhile, Alella sulked in her farthest corner. Although she wasn't afraid of nudity, she preferred to stay in animal form when the guards were near. Their preying eyes were cold and sickening to her, and she found it even harder to sleep now because whenever she awoke they would be staring. Her sapphire eyes had dulled to the blue-gray of a leopard's but they were still stunning as the stalked the guards' movements. They have to get bored eventually, she promised herself. With a huge sigh, she curled her paws under herself to recline on the floor. Her long, fluffy tail curled around to touch her nose before tapping in front of her. The long ebony whiskers twitched and wiggled with the odd smell of sweat, sanitation, and other not quite animals, though the room was nearly empty. "I wonder if they all got out," she mused to herself, knowing that the guards only heard a soft chirping noise. It was almost embarra.ssing to be such a powerful animal, yet her vocal cords were designed to chirp and do sing-song notes, not deep throated growls. "Wouldn't surprise me, I always get left behind." With a mournful sigh, Alella rested her chin on her forepaws, all the while glaring at the guards. Mentally shouting, go away! OoC: I hope that's not too much. I just wanted to get some ideas flowing. ^.^' Anyone can join in on either Sheridan or Alella, I didn't know who, if anyone, was left in the other pens.
Just call me Siri.
12:34pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 516
((I dont know what to post..))
12:49pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: I wish that I could give you something to post, but my shifter is still caught. =(
Just call me Siri.
12:50pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 6,409
((I'm waiting on Elainie...))
Love is all we need~
1:25pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 200
Lux's eyes flashed momentarily. Women. "Ahh, hello there." He tried his best to sound polite and eager, even though he was nervous. He opened his arms and stepped towards the girl a bit, wanted to seem all the more friendly. Faolan stood and stretched. "As you said, the female Shelby is most likely the leader of the pack." He walked over to Sheridan, momentarily irritated by the height difference. "If I'm not mistaken we placed trackers in each of the subjects, no? So we could just go to the computer and look for them. When found, we go to them. Or, make them come to us; whichever meets your needs." He smiled. "Of course, we always face the obstacle that the subjects have removed the chip, it wouldn't be hard." He paced the room, not wanting to say anymore. He knew of a few shifters that didn't have chips--intentional, he had either not placed them or taken them out.
1:29pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 6,409
Naida was intimidated. Even with high heels on, she would be a foot shorter than Sheridan. "Shelby did have good leadership skills." Shelby looked at Lux, then at the girls. What the heck is he doing? He's gonna scare them. She would be scared if she saw a guy, naked as a jaybird, in the middle of the woods come towards her. She put a hand to her head and rubbed her temples in frustration. ((*headdesk* braindead.))
Love is all we need~
5:53pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 6,409
((*Waits for tri.*))
Love is all we need~
2:28am Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Not the most intuitive person, Sheridan frowned at Faolan's and Naida's obvious unease. He couldn't think of anything that would cause such reluctance to speak or be around him. Unless they were more stressed about the loss of the subject than he was, which was a possibility. Since Sheridan had keep keen attention on Experiment Bell, she had not escaped, and he had nothing to really worry about. Well, that and the fact that Sheridan wasn't much of a worrier. Shifting his weight, Sheridan felt the exhaustion of the day, having stayed up late editing his notes and waking up early this morning. His attention was drawn back to Faolan as the other man spoke, "As you said, the female Shelby is most likely the leader of the pack." Sheridan nodded, hoping to encourage more information, "If I'm not mistaken we placed trackers in each of the subjects, no? So we could just go to the computer and look for them. When found, we go to them. Or, make them come to us; whichever meets your needs." To meet my needs? he raised his brows. He wanted to interrupt but didn't want to be rude, so he stayed quiet. "Of course, we always face the obstacle that the subjects have removed the chip, it wouldn't be hard." "That is a convenient idea," Sheridan stated. "I almost forgot about the tracking chips. They were designed with this situation in mind, so I agree that we now use them. That is if they are still in place." Spotting a chair, Sherdian sat down to rest his feet. Crossing his legs in a casual manner, he loosened his navy tie, and took note that he would have to place a chip in Alella sooner, rather than later. Would hate for her to slip away because a delay in a simple task, he mused. "As for meeting needs, I don't know if I could be of much help in this. I do not know these test subjects, and the two of you do. They would most likely fear me and run, rather than compromise with you," he explained mildly. "Besides, I still have the clouded leopard in my possession and I would hate for her to be left without a doctor's attention." Looking the two of them in the eye, first the slender, young Naida and second the also young, quiet Faolan, before asking, "Unless neither of you could hold a tranquilizer gun to your subjects, and would rather stay behind to watch Alella."
Just call me Siri.
2:32am Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 12,418
"Hi. I'm Elena Doffrey. This is my little brother, Matthew. We're lost. A-are you guys scientists?"Elena asked. (Fail)
 (Banner made by Kina)
3:29pm Nov 27 2010
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OoC: I'm going to be gone this weekend. So don't mind me if I don't post. ^.^ When I get back there will be finals for me, but I will try to post as soon as possible. ::Bump::
Just call me Siri.