8:05pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 5:43pm Apr 5 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 923
We may have already started but you may join at anytime c: Plot: You are a dragon in denmark, living in the mountains parallel of the human camp. the plot takes place in the renaissance era, a time where swords are the preferred weapon. The humans have grown tired of dealing with you and your clan, and decided to search for your home. Another issue is that it's breeding season, and us dragons mate in flight, since we are too close to humans, no doubt the humans will take this season to their advantage. Dragon Bio: Name: Age: Gender: Place in the clan: Personality: Looks: Strengths/Talents: Weaknesses/Flaws: Crush(es): Friends: Mate: History: Children: Human bio: Name: Age: Gender: looks: Personality: Place in the village: Strengths/Talents: Weaknesses/Flaws: Crush(es): Spouse: Friends: History: Weapon of choice: Children: Meet the dragons: Leader (Male): Shrap (Emorotweiler) Leader (Female) Soul (Detneth106) Warriors: Adrian & Alex(Whatever6551), Daemon (kink), Dawn (Nononoclick), Saffi (Emorotweiler) Egg protectors: Skyrath(Detneth106) Cave guards: Shayne (Whatever6551) Omega: Children: Angel (kink) Meet the humans: Leader(male) Leader(female) Warriors: Black smiths: Stable worker: Guards: Children: Name: Shrap Age: 200 Gender: male Personality: Aggressive, protective, romantic, unpredictable. Looks: I did NOT draw this Strengths/Talents: Shrap can fly at high speeds, up to 100mph. He breathes blue fire usually more hot than orange flames. his scales blend him into the nighttime scenery Weaknesses/Flaws: He cannot be exposed to sunlight for a long period of time, otherwise he may become blind. Crush(es): closed Friends: open Mate: Soul History: He was born to a large clan in france, the people there did not welcome them with open arms and killed all his clan mates. Shrap escaped to Denmark and wants a clan of his own, to eventually travel back to france and murder the humans who killed his family. Children: none yet
8:06pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm Apr 3 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,002
((Join as dragon female leader?))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:14pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 8:24pm Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
Name: Adrian Age: Adult Gender: Male Place in the clan: Warrior Personality: Sly and smooth, flirtatious and outgoing, but also highly aggressive around food and other males during mating season. Looks:  Strengths/Talents: Breathes blue fire, and is good with the ladies. ;P Weaknesses/Flaws: His fire isn't hot enough to burn even a human's skin. It's actually very cold, and is more likely to give someone frostbite. He uses it only for show, and prefers fighting with claws and teeth. Crush(es): Everyone XD Friends: Open Mate: Nope History: Nothing eventful, he is a young adult male looking for love. XD ~ Name: Alex Age: Adult Gender: Female Place in the clan: Warrior Personality: Tom-boyish attitude, all her friends are males. She is flirtatious and teasing. She'll often fool a male into thinking he'll get something he wants. Looks: 
Strengths/Talents: Breathes normal fire, good at fighting while flying. Weaknesses/Flaws: She is somewhat high-maintenance. Crush(es): Shrap Friends: Open Mate: Open History: When she was little, her mother tried to eat her. It's traumatized her for life, and is the reason she doesn't have any female friends.

8:21pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 8:39pm Apr 3 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 923
Okay I tweaked the bio's, I have put the palce in the clan into the bio, so you may want to edit. Sure nono
11:40pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 923
11:59pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Dragon Bio: Name: Soul
Age: 187 years
Gender: Female Place in the clan: Lead Female?
Personality: She can be sweet at times, and is certainly forgiving, but when roused, she is a formidable and dangerous opponent. She also has mood swings o3o
Looks:  Strengths/Talents: She can move swiftly and with great agility, and her ice breath makes her a good long term/long range opponent. Weaknesses/Flaws: She is very weak against fire dragons and lacks the strength many dragons have Crush(es): Shrap?
Friends: Open
Mate: Shrap? History: *hiss* Children: No
12:11am Apr 4 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 9,641
((Where are they?))
12:11am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Mountains I guess c:
12:13am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Join? C: ))
12:14am Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 12:21am Apr 4 2010)
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Posts: 9,641
((Ok :D)) Steady wingbeats filled the air, making a whismical rushing sound as the deadly shadow pas.sed overhead. Diving downwards, the mas.sive leviathan dove at a herd of grazing deer, causing them to panic and stampede, creating chaos. Soul roared in defiance and snatched up a lagging doe, killing her with one blow of her large claws. Soaring back upwards, her icy white form was lost in the gathering thunder clouds.
12:24am Apr 4 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 923
lauren feel free :D )) Shrap remained in the cave, awaiting night fall for him to go on his rendezvous around denmark, He planned on dining on some animals, maybe a human or two. His fiery eyes scanned the dark mossy cavern, his breathing matching the speed of the wind out side which was howling. His scales blends into the wall he was lying against, almost making him invisible. He stifled a yawn and decided to take a nap, so he would be up for a little hunting when time be. he lie his big head on his arms that were outstretched and fell into a comatose slumber.
12:27am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul flew steadily for the large cave she shared with Shrap, the doe hanging limply in her left foreclaw. Arching her neck, she let out a roar of welcome, to let Shrap know that she was returning. As she neared the cliff edge, she flared her large ice white wings, causing her upperbody to flip, allowing her to land hindlegs first on the hard gray stone.
12:38am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
(btw we can speak) Shrap lifted his head and aimed it towards the cave entrance, and let out a hoot like sound of welcome "Hello soul" his deep voice echoed in the cave, he stretched his muscles, and yawned, watching soul.
12:41am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((I know >.>)) Soul gave a rumbling purr, "Hello Shrap, enjoy your nap?" she teased, setting her burden down. She padded up to Shrap and settled into her own spot, a small dip in the rocky floor. Reaching out with her claw, she snagged the Doe and pulled it closer. Soul opened her maw and picked up a piece of flesh, swallowing it whole.
12:47am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
The corner of his mouth turned into a toothy grin, "Yes I am" he shook his head, sending droplets of water that had been dripping off the cave ceiling scattering around. His eyes peered out of the cave listening for any humans. Luckily he heard nothing but the sounds of him, soul, and the wind. "enjoying your meal" he grinned, not hoping for a piece, he was saving the emptyness for later.
12:50am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul gave a playful snarl when the water droplets hit her scales, freezing immedietly into small frozen beads. She breathed on the droplets falling from the ceiling, causing them to turn into the hard ice beads, which rained down on Shrap, "Yes I am," she replied, taking another bite.
12:55am Apr 4 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 923
Shrap let out a deep chuckle and melted the ice beads with a tiny jet of blue flames and lay his head back on his arms. he looked around the cave and saw that it was nearing dusk. His muscles were flexing under his scales in anticipation.
12:59am Apr 4 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,927
((Hmmm... Still okay to join? :3))
1:02am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
((Of course c:))
1:08am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul licked her lips, finished with the doe, though it was only a meager meal. "Can I go hunting with you? This doe was hardly a fit meal," she said, butting her head against his shoulder.