8:31am Apr 6 2011
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Posts: 222
(( weba, what about the city they all live in, it should be a big one with some japanese/chinase culture, maybe emm Tokyo?)) Quel and Amika appeared on the roof of a tall building, Quel came closer to the edge and took a good look on the streets and people swarming on them."What in name of devil is this place?" He said mostly to himself then to his young studen. "Master, maybe it was wrong to leave alone?" Amika asked no knowing what to do or say to make her master calm down. "We can not go back, they probably already left the tombe" He turned around and slowly walked to the center of the roof. "We need to find them, and get some information about this place." He said and looked at Amika "You go and find other Mages, I'll prepare a meeting place." Amika bowed and was about to jump on another roof when she looked back and asked "What should I tell them Master?" Quel thought about it for a moment and said "Tell them, that I'm waiting at the top of that steel tower" He pointed and waved to Amika that she should go. ((if you accept the idea of tokyo it could be Tokyo Tower)) **** Gabriel layed on a bed in his room. He didnt slept at all last night, he went outside to get some fun and ended up in a street fight. He turned from his back to the side and watched the window that was right behinde the desk with lost of papers that he need to take to his new school. "Oh damn it! I forgot about those documents" He stood up runed to the desk, grabed every pace of paper that was laying there. He went outside the hotel and ran straight to school he will be goin' to.
3:55pm Apr 6 2011
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((I don't know much about Chinese/Japanese cultures...)) Isidora appeared in a flash of black light just behind Quel, grumbling to herself under her breath. "Couldn't you have picked a better spot to go to?" she said a bit louder. "I hate heights. I always feel like I'm about to fall off." Pulling her white-blonde hair back into a ponytail, she strode to the edge of the building. Far below her, she could see a boy about her own age running to a nearby school building. Her ice-blue eyes narrowed into slits as she recognized the spirit of one of the Zodiac inside him. "Should we follow him?" she called to Quel, her attention not leaving the boy.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
3:57pm Apr 6 2011
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[[what kind of powers do the dark mages have?Can they, like, read minds to know things or whatever?]] Ivan found himself in a bookstore as the magical powder that had surounded him disperced in the air. He blinked and looked around for a few moments, guessing that the shop was closed. Ivan snapped his fingures and the lights came on. He jumped a bit, not expecting the celing to simply glow with such unusual light. He was used to sticks of fire to light things, but these kinds of lights could work for him. Ivan shrugged to himself before skipping along to look at book covers. ~~ "You better not be late for school!" Someone called from upstairs. Lyra sighed before going to her room and packing up her backpack. She was so looking forward to shopping today, too. She grumbled something about her stepfather before leaving the house. Lyra make extra sure to not clean up her plates that she used before she left.
4:12pm Apr 6 2011
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((It depends on what they major in. Like Isidora majors in using black magic and telepathy.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
4:41pm Apr 6 2011
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(( what i mean by "culture" was that it would be a little wierd to have Chanese zodiac in USA dont you think, and since japan is well know of cosplayers noone would giva a damn about guys with swords (yeah Quel always wears katan with him) on the street)) Quel felt magic around him, he knew who it was and didnt even turned around to make sure he was right. Isidora complaining about spot he picked and hights almost made him laught but when she said that she found a zodiac he gave her his full attention."Should we follow him?"she asked, "No, we need to find out more about those times we are in, plus if we get this one other might hide" He said and came a little closer to her "I already sended Amika to find others, and I'm not sure about our magic abillitis, we have been sealed in that tombe for centurie." He forcefuly grabbed Isidora chin and approached her so that their face were just inches from each other "Patience my Dear, this time we will get them" He let her go and went to other side of the roof. Amika was searching for even the smalles signs of magic in the air. And then she felt it, somthing between confusion and excitment. Amika jumped down on the street and with little help of magic she opened the lock in the door. She went inside and looked around, thise place was almost like her Master's library,"Lord Dark Mage, where are you? Master Quel'thas sended me to guide you on where he is waiting" she shouted while walking and checking every possible place ...
4:53pm Apr 6 2011
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Isidora narrowed her eyes as she followed him. "And why not go after it now? They most likely won't know about their powers, trapped in mortal bodies as they are. They're weaker by themselves. You know that," she hissed in irritation. Black tendrils of magic snaked down her arms, lashing back and forth with their creator's anger. She cast a longing glance back at the direction they had come before turning back to Quel. ((Lol, I have absolutely no idea what to do with Artemis right now. xD))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
4:54pm Apr 6 2011
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[[I didn't know what day to say it was... And I think it's NATO or soemthing like it.]] "Lord?" A childish voice giggled in the far corner of the library. Ivan was about to go to Amika, but something caught his attition before he could. It was a very large stack of large papers that were tied together with a string. Ivan walked over to it and tugged at the string. He looked down at the paper for a few minutes before picking it up and reading off of it. "April 6th. The fighting in some of the African countries has worsen, espically Lybia, regardless of NATO's actions." He set the paper back down. "How long has it been since we were sealed?" He murmured to himself and Amika
5:15pm Apr 6 2011
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Posts: 222
((weba same here, i think ill leave Gabriel for a little untill the whole plot with Mages gos on)) Amika looked at Ivan and said " I do not know My Lord, but Master Quel'thas may answer your question" She carefully grabbed his arm started to drag him out of the store. "We need to go, Master shall not be happy if we be away to long" She said and looked behide her to check of any signs of angernes on Ivans face. "He may be a kid, but then again his a Dark Mage and Master warned me to not let them out of sight" she thought. Quel'thas eyes turned from black to bright red, he was well know of short temper. No one ever told what will happend when his angry, no one ever servived to tell it. "Do not test my patience" He gave Isidora a hatefull stare, but calmed him self when he felt that air around him geting hoter and hoter. He smiled and looked at his katana "Ah Ifrit your awaken, good" he said and looked back at Isidora "Dont be to hasty child, they may be weaker but dont take them lightly. If you accidently fully awake the Zodiac within, then we might ended back in that tombe again" (Quel'thas Majority is summoning he has many pet, most of them from hell like Ifrit tle="Ifrit">[Pic here]
5:21pm Apr 6 2011
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Isidora glared back, her ice-blue eyes flashing dark purple for a few brief moments. "Child? I am no child. As well you know, Quel'thas, I have been in that tomb as long as you have. The two of us combined can easily defeat a single, unawakened Zodiac." The tendrils of magic around her arms crackled like lightning in agreement. The whiplash caused them to sink into Isidora's skin, drawing blood. The Mage ignored the pain and continued to glare and Quel'thas. "Are you afraid, Master?" she said sarcastically. "Afraid of an itty-bitty Zodiac, all alone, with no one to help it?"
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:37pm Apr 6 2011 (last edited on 5:37pm Apr 6 2011)
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Posts: 222
In bl ink Quel was behide Isidora, he covered her eyes with hes hand and whisper in her ear "I have been hunting zodiac before your grand perents were even born, And if you want to fight then go ahead ill watch, but if you fail i shall skin you alive and drown in salt. Mark my words, death would be a release to the pain you shall feel" he backed a little and sited at the egde of the roof "Well are you goin' or waiting here for other Mages?" he smiled at her (i think that was a little to sadistic, but then again I wanted him to be like that =x))
5:41pm Apr 6 2011
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((I thought Quel was only 25? xD And it's fine. I'm attempting to do the same with Isidora.)) Isidora glared at Quel silently, her eyes again darkening to a deep purple. Excited by her anger, the tendrils of magic wriggled into her skin, drawing even more blood. Appearing faintly interested, she looked down at them. The tendrils emitted a faint squealing sound and disappeared. Isidora flexed her hands, watching with slight masochistic amusement as her blood dripped onto the roof of the building, staining it a dark red.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:53pm Apr 6 2011 (last edited on 5:54pm Apr 6 2011)
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Posts: 222
(( thats only by look, ill explain it later on the RP why it is like that ^^)) He didnt wait for reply, he just looked at Isidora with pure amusment "Anger, how sweet. I havent felt anything for so long and now you thanks to you i can feel anger" He laughed, he came close to her and pulled his katana out "I must say your more then i thought you were when you cam here, if your so bored then maybe i should let you play with Ifrits Hellish Flames" His eyes turned from red to green wich was a sign of more playfull mood of his.
5:59pm Apr 6 2011
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((As a heads up, Isidora likes pain. She's a masochist and a sadist. xD And she's also a lot older than she looks. Most likely still younger than Quel, though.)) Isidora grinned, her eyes lightening to a pale yellow. "I'd like that." The blood from her magic-induced wounds had already begun to dry, forming a dark maroon cast around her forearms. She scowled at the dried blood, then reached out to touch the edge of the katana's blade, wanting to feel the metal slice through her skin.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
6:13pm Apr 6 2011 (last edited on 6:14pm Apr 6 2011)
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Quel smiled seeing that Isidora cuted herself with his katana. He grabed her arm, pulled her closer to him and gave her a forcefull kiss while stabing his blade in to the floor. Ground around it started to crack and fall in leting the flames blow up, its looked as in the room under them was hell it self. He pushed the girl away and called Ifrit to come to their world, when the flame beast showed up he closed the gates of hell and said "Ifrit, play with my little sweet Isidora, but mind that I dont not want to see her ashes I want her alive!" Beast bowed and roared lightly at the girl. Quel'thas turned he attention back on Isidora "Do what ever you want, hes a demon thats already dead so i dont mind if you send him back to hell" He picked up his katana and backed out of the way of those two "This shall be intresting" he thought. ((oh i forgot to say that hes also a perv))
6:20pm Apr 6 2011
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Isidora grinned, blood flowing from her new wound and mingling with the drying blood. She pulled two long, slim daggers from their hidden sheaths inside her boots. The clean blades flashed in the light. Isidora's eyes turned a reddish-orange color with eagerness at the approaching battle, which would seem like a game to her. A game filled with glorious pain. Dark energy crackled down her arms and twisted around the blades and hilts of the daggers. More energy, more purple than black, fitted itself above her upper arms, torso, and legs to form a sort of armor. She bowed to the Ifrit, keeping her eyes locked on it.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
6:21pm Apr 6 2011
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((It's perfectly alright. xD In case you hadn't noticed, Isidora likes being abused.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
6:33pm Apr 6 2011 (last edited on 6:34pm Apr 6 2011)
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Posts: 222
Ifrit looked at his master, and Quel waved his hand to show his pet that he should start. On the sign he got, Ifrit roared mightly and hes whole body started to burn with white hot fire, he leshed at Isidora and started to fight. Gabriel was wating at the Schools Head Masters office, when he felt sothing deep in his heart, what was this felling 'Fear?!' was he afraid od somthing. Head Master called him in and told him everyhting that he should know about this school, their little chat took almost 30 min. When Gabriel finaly was released from the office he sighed deeply, this wierd sesation he felt didnt left him. He didnt want to gave up to this wierd felling 'Maybe im much more tired then i thought i was" he thought while geting out from the school and siting under a tree in the near by park "A nap wouldnt do any harm" (( I'm leaving the fight to you weba, as Quel said do what ever you like with him XD looks like Quel has a weak spot for freaky chicks XD ))
6:38pm Apr 6 2011
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((Should it be after school or no?)) Isidora stared at the Ifrit for a few brief moments, a lopsided grin on her face that didn't quite meet her eyes. The dagger in her left hand suddenly flew out of her hand towards the creature, guided by the lightning-like magic that crackled with every movement. A split second later, the right dagger did the same, aiming towards where the creature's heart would be if it was a human.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
7:05pm Apr 6 2011
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Posts: 222
(( I think it would be better if it were after school that way we can easly get everyone there)) Ifrit roared as the two dagger burried themself in hes flash, thought it was painful he pulled them out, but there came no blood only lava. Quel laught and shouted to Isidora "if you want to win agaisnt him then you better use your magic. I think water would be fine, as i said hes already dead, those wounds will just close." Flame beast didnt wait for another attack from Isidora, using his breath he seted most of roof area on fire creating a flame cage. Temperature around him and Isidora started to raise very fast, turning the floor around hes feet white. Quel looked at the scee before him, is Isidora wont this of somthing fast he will have to recall Ifrit or the floor might collapse.
8:18pm Apr 6 2011
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Ivan just giggled as Amika pulled him away. "Hey, just call me Ivan. I'm not sure why you're so intrested in calling me 'Lord". Oh, and who are you again? I've forgotten." He laughed again, obviously not feeling fearful at all. "Where are we going? Did you say that Quel will be there? What about the others? Am I boring you? A lot of people say that I talk to much." He babbled on. Ivan almost added the whole 'most people who say that don't live very long' part, of corse. It was never smart to scare off others, even if they deserve a warning of some sort.