8:03am Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 222
Amike stoped at looked at Ivan "I'm very sorry,I'm Amika Arako and Master didnt allowe me to call Dark Mages other then 'Lords', I am just a slave of his will" He smiled and started to pull Ivan again " Yes , Master Quel'thas is wating for you, and the other Mages at the top of a some kind of tower. He was again stoped and touched Ivan forehead, concetrating she sended the image of the tower straight in to his mind. "We wont be happy if we dont get there soom".
4:33pm Apr 7 2011
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((Lol I have no idea what to put now. Dx))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
4:53pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 222
(( think of a way to put down that fire you and Ifrit made on the roof, or Quel will end up as crispy chicken ))
4:55pm Apr 7 2011
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"Okay, Amike! Are we going going together, or must you search for the others?" He asked happily. He started to look around as they went out side to see if he could spot any towers of sorts.
5:01pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 222
Amike thinked for a moment "Most likely Master already found someone, so i think its better that we get there together My Lord" She looked up at the roof she jumped off when she first came her then back at Ivan " we should use those roofs they are solid and no one will see us" she jumped up and gracefully laneded at the roof, then turned around and walked to the egde "do you need any help My Lord?" she asked.
5:09pm Apr 7 2011
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((How do you even harm an Ifrit? o3o))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:10pm Apr 7 2011
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Ivan looked at her in awe. "How did you do that? Can you teach me?" He tried, and failed, to jump up like she did. Ivan, in truth, didn't expect Amike to be able to do something like that. But, then again, Master didn't simply allow servants every day.
5:26pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 222
(( Weba Ifrit is a flame creature, so you have 3 ways to send him back to hell. Its the same as killing a fire, use water , earth (ground) or cut off air, just make sure to not get too close to it hot air also can hurt as you most likely know)) Amika looked at Ivan with schock, "dont you know how to use magic to make your body lighter?"she asked,she concentrated on Ivan and using telekinesis she made him body as light as feather."try now, and I'm sorry but im not allow to teach, maybe Master could show some tricks" she said and turned around starting to jump from one roof to another pulling Invan behinde her with magic.
5:28pm Apr 7 2011
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((Isidora controls none of those, though. Her magic is an energy/lightning-like substance that she can't control sometimes.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:35pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 222
((Isidoras a smart girl i sure she will find a way like emm using lighting to cush the fool under Ifrit and leting the rest of the roof fall on him, or somthing like that))
5:36pm Apr 7 2011
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Ivan laughed as he was pulled along. "Nope! I don't know that much, actually. And when I do remember something, I'm good at forgeting it." He lied. Of corse he knew something so simple, how could he call himself a Dark Mage if he was unable to do something so simple.
5:38pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Derp. x.x So...are all the Dark Mages meeting...? And have the Zodiacs gotten together in one place yet? x.x))
5:47pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 222
(( Rika not yet,and all Dark Mage are about to get in one place))
5:48pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 2,713
(("Cush the fool"? What? XD And yeah, Rika-chan-sama. The Zodiacs haven't gotten together yet, though. I was thinking maybe at that park the one Zodiac was at?))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
6:04pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((That could work. The dogboy would have to walk his dog anyways. xD; And should I have Hund and Alyxe just kind of...appear?))
6:09pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 222
()weba crush, -miss spelled T^T, dunno and Rika well your a mage i think you should be albe to teleport. Oh I know Weba if you can teleport your self that most likly you can teleport other just send him somewhere, where you can find water XD ))
6:14pm Apr 7 2011
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Isidora eyed the blackening material of the roof thoughtfully. Two tendrils of the lightning-like magic reached out for the two daggers, pulling them back towards her. She put one of the blades in her mouth holding it between her teeth. She raised one arm perpendictular to her body. The magic moved down that arm, coalescing at her fist. She then lowered her fist til it pointed towards the roof right where the Ifrit was standing. With a harsh booming noise, she released the magic, sending it flying towards the weakened roof.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
6:30pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 222
The floor under Ifrit feets crushed, and he fallen in to a lower floor of the building rolling backwords deeper in to the room. He was about to stand up when a part of roof above him crashed down. Quel looked happy, he knew Ifrit wont come back from under the rock of once roof. He came a little closer to Isidora and asked "Was it fun? " he looked at her, she had litte buring mark in few places, he came even more closer "Or maybe your looking for a diffrent kind of game" he smile. Before Isidora could answer Amika came back taginf Ivan befinde her, she shouted from the other side "Master! Master! Look I found Lord Ivan, he was in some kind of library" Quel looked at the kid and sighed heavly "so who do will miss? "
6:42pm Apr 7 2011
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Isidora examined the burns with interest, poking one with a finger and giggling hysterically at the fluid that oozed from it. She glanced up, about to respond to Quel, but instead turned at the sound of Amika's voice. She watched the child and the newcomer with interest, her eyes returning to their normal ice-blue.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
6:47pm Apr 7 2011
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Posts: 1,557
"Hia Quel! How are you? Who is she? Do I know her?" Ivan started to babble happily. After a few more questions, he turned to Amika and thanked her for helping him get to Master. He turned back to the other two. "Do you know what time period we're in?" He asked, serious for once.