10:51pm Apr 30 2011
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Okay. Shapeshifters and demons are thought to be one in the same and are both hunted by the Demon Hunters, a group of humans bent on ridding the world of the demons. They find out that they are separate species, however, when they find out they're starting to interbreed and create a new, stronger species that is half shifter, half demon. Will these demons and shifters be able to face up against the threat that grows ever larger against them? Will new loves bloom despite this danger? We can pnly hope... _____ This is a onexone with me and Wolfie, btw. <3 Name: Age: Gender: Species: Appearance: Personality: Animal form: (Shapeshifters and halflings only) Powers: (Demons only) Other:
10:16am May 1 2011
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Name: Alex Marie Devonte Age: 15 Gender: Female Species: Shapeshifter Appearance: 
Personality: Alex is stubborn and sticks to what she believes. Rp the rest out. Animal form: 
Powers: (Demons only) Other: Nope
Love is all we need~
4:12pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
11:58pm May 13 2011
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Name: Apollo Wilds, AKA Shadow Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Demon Appearance:
 Personality: Apollo may be a quiet person, but that doens't mean he's not formulating some sort of devious scheme in the back of his mind. He's very good at playing people, as he enjoys studying how people react to certain stimuli. He can make you feel sorry for him one minute, or just have you wrapped around your his little finger. Deep, deep down he actually does have a heart, his slightly sadistic nature tends to override it though. He loves it if he can get a good laugh out of something that's happened at someone else's expense. P: Animal form: (Shapeshifters and halflings only) Powers: He bends shadows and shadow flames to his very will.
Other: None. He's just a very humanoid demon is all.
12:04am May 14 2011
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((I'll start.)) A young girl with hair the color of blood ran through the cold, wintery forest. She was shivering and breathing very hard. An arrow flew beside her head, barely missing her skull, and hit a tree. She turned back to face her attacker. In her mind, she could see what was going to happen. She leapt forward, kicking the demon hunter square in the chest. The man flew back, hitting a tree with a sickening thud before falling to the ground, not breathing. Alex was still shivering, not used to this winter weather. She had never really had a home. She had been on the run from the hunters for as long as she remembered. She had plenty of battle scars along her back, too. She walked back to her makeshift den, and laid down. It was an unoccupied cave that provided a safe haven from the whistling, cold wind and harsh snow. Sighing, Alex wrapped her arms around her legs, and tried to warm herself up.
Love is all we need~
12:16am May 14 2011
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A tall, slender male stepped out of the cover of the trees as the demon hunter fell to the ground, dark eyes glittering with his sadistic pleasure as he chuckled, raven hair falling across half of his face. "Humans are no match for an alert shifter, nor a trained demon..." he hissed before he turned to walk easily through the snow, black eyes staring straight ahead as he moved. "You know, ther are caves here, shifter girl. And yeah, I know you're not a demon. Wanna know how?" He grinned, flashing unusually sharp teeth. "I'd be able to tell if you were a demon, seeing as I'm one, and if you were human, well...you'd smell less like animal," he said, crossing his arms. "Anyways, back tot he point. A cave would be much warmer than a bunch of snow, unless you know how to make an igloo from all of this, that is."
12:22am May 14 2011
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Alex let out a feral growl at the mysterious man. "What do you want?" Her eyes turned to slits. He had just insulted her. She was going to rip his face off before this was over with. "By the way, demon boy," she said, mocking his tone, "I'm not interested in being your shifter-slave." Alex, having many ties to other shifters, had heard that some of the demons were capturing the shifters, and using them as slaves. She kept herself alert, not letting the boy get near her. She stood up, her blood-red hair in her face.
Love is all we need~
1:07am May 14 2011
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Apollo snorted, rolling his eyes. "Do I /really/ look like the type of demon that enslaves shifters?" he scoffed, shaking his head. "I'm trying to help you not freeze your butt off is the snow, but if you'd rather turn into a shiftersicle, be my guest," he said with a shrug of his shoulders before he simply turned around and began walking the opposite direction, the snow slowing him down quite a bit.
11:43am May 14 2011
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Alex shivered once more before saying, "Wait!" She ran up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Where is this place that's warmer than where I'm at? If you tell me where you'll take me, I'll let you help me."
Love is all we need~
7:17pm May 16 2011
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Love is all we need~
4:28pm May 17 2011
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Apollo chuckled, turning his head to look at the shifter. "I told you. It's a cave. It's about 5 meters east of here, but since you can turn into an animal the journey shouldn't be too rough on you," he stated before he started walking again. "If you want to come, simply follow me," he purred, pausing a moment to let the girl catch up if she wanted to.
6:35pm May 17 2011
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Alex sighed. She had to come. If she stayed out there, even her warm fox coat wouldn't help her escape the cold winter. "Fine. I'll come." She began to follow Apollo, a bit scared. She was told by one of her shifter friends who was killed by a hunter that demons were very, very deceptive. Alex ran a hand through her red hair, trying to stay calm. Freaking out over the situation probably wasn't going to help in her case.
Love is all we need~
7:42pm May 17 2011
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Apollo turned and started walking again, shoving his hands into hsi pockets with a low sigh. "Humans are idiots, I swear. How can they confuse a demon with a shifter? We're totally different!" he grumbled, shaking his head in disbelief. How could human beings be so stupid! The differences were obvious, too!
8:03pm May 17 2011
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"In the bible, demons can take different forms. So I guess that the hunters believe that anything that has different forms, or has abnormal powers, is a demon. I've had my fair share of run-ins with hunters," Alex said, suddenly feeling self-consious of the scars on her back. She rubbed her arms, trying to warm them up. She would shift into her fox form if Apollo wasn't there. Of course, if shifters shifted, their clothes fell off, or ripped, depending on the animal that they shifted into. She shivered once more, following Apollo silently.
Love is all we need~
12:03am May 18 2011
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"You know, you can shift if you want to," Apollo stated, shaking his head. "There are threes all over the place if you're really that bashful," he stated, holding his arms out to the side with a light chuckle. "I can stand here and wait. There's no need for you to freeze before we get there," he stated, looking back at the shifter over his shoulder.
9:32pm May 20 2011
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Alex rolled her eyes, and thought, If he looks at me while I shift, I'll kick his ass. She walked around to a side of a large pine tree where Apollo couldn't see her, and took her clothes off. She then concentrated, and she began to shift. Pale human skin gave way to a glorious red coat of fox fur. Her human face elongated, forming to that of a fox. Her ears grew pointy, and had black tips. She picked her clothes up in her mouth, and walked over to Apollo. Her fur gave her a bit of warmth, but it wasn't much. Her amber eyes searched his face, telling him that it was okay to continue.
Love is all we need~
9:32pm Jun 7 2011
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Love is all we need~
9:42pm Jun 7 2011
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Apollo nodded and started heading off again, sighing softly as he shoved his hands into his pockets and tilted his head. "I've always wondered just what it is that goes through those humans' heads. I just don't understand them," he said, deciding to strike up a conversation. He was extremely bored and he didn't see himself getting entertained any other way.
9:54pm Jun 7 2011
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Alex didn't respond. Although she could talk in her animal form, she had her mouth full with her clothes. She was still shivering. She walked behind Apollo, her tail swishin back and forth. She was the one spot of color in the forest. Everything around her was either black or white. Apollo's clothes and hair were black, and the ground was white. Even the trees were white, covered in the thick snow. She sighed, and shook her head. No wonder hunters were always after her; she was like a neon sign in the middle of the night.
Love is all we need~
10:54pm Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 11,785
A little while later, they reached the cave that Apollo had spoken of. The demon motioned to it before he turned away. "I'm going to go gather wood for a fire. Make yourself at home. I have a few pelts in there from animals I found that died before I was anywhere near them. They'll help you keep warm until I get back," he stated as he headed back intot he forest.