9:29pm Aug 23 2011
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Ooc; That is a kickin' plot. Bio will be up shortly.
hello my name is elder price
9:39pm Aug 23 2011 (last edited on 10:49pm Aug 23 2011)
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Name: Irissa Rosen (In the mortal world, I'm guessing) God's Name(s): Iris, Goddess of Sarcasm, bad luck, and all things ill in the world. |D Gender: Female. :3 Personality: Iris is the type of person who is either liked or disliked upon first impression. Some see her sarcastic, sharp tongue as intensely irritating and others see it as a turn-on or as someone who is just plain fun to be around. Irissa loves to toy with other people, especially the mortal boys (if you know what I mean. ;D) and her humor tends to get out of hand. (Though not in her eyes) Thus saying, Iris can make quite a few enemies with only a mouthful of words. Along with her wit and witty remarks, Irissa is perfectly capable of taking care of herself emotionally and physically. Elements: Sarcasm, greed, bad luck, envy, and Lore: When the world was first created, the gods and goddesses saw to it that all was peaceful, but with peace and prosperity comes greed and jealousy. These new, raw feelings of varying greed were not controlled by a god, and so Irissa came to claim them. Eventually, she gave quick wit and sharp tongues to those who's hearts were full of greed and ambition, but would eventually give something back to the world. Sarcasm was born with Irissa's control which, in turn, was a relief for those who could show the new emotions they were feeling. Though many believe her to be a black cat, which they've learned to avoid by now, Irissa comes in the form of a snake which depicts the sharp, stinging bite that can come from her mouth. |D Sacred Animal: Cobra, yo
Looks: Irissa has straight black hair that naturally has the rainbow coloring deep hues of black get. The streaks aren't prominent, but you can tell they're there; the purples and blue tints are most obvious in the sunlight. Her face is extremely angular with a slightly upturned nose and almost pointed ears. Most would describe her as delicate looking, but her dark green eyes that border on being a mossy gray carry a piercing look. As for her body, Iris stands at about 5'5'' and the muscle on her legs and arms are less noticable, but you can tell she's fit.
Lover/Crush: G'luck. ;D Other:
hello my name is elder price
9:53pm Aug 23 2011
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Name: Mei Li God's Name(s): Meili Dhi Beiren (translates from Chinese into 'beautiful white wave') Gender: Female Personality: Beautiful, yes. Fragile or delicate, not in the least. Mei Li is the kind of woman who has earned her place among the gods, showing the strength and engenuity of 'the gentler gender'. She is quick with her razor wit, dealing out punishments both verbal and physical to those who have deserved them. She is mercurial as the sea which is still one minute and stormy the next, but as predictable in her shifts as the ever-changing moon in its mapped phases. There is, of course, a loving, sweet side, though she tends to keep it close, not wanting to show vulnerability to her fellow gods, who are famed for bickering amongst themselves, jockeying for power. Elements: Moon, Water, Womankind, Wrath Lore: Hurr, maybe later Sacred Animal: Golden Eagle :Looks:  This is not Princess Yuei. It just... Looks a lot like her. Honest.TTATT Lover/Crush: Open, I guess?
Other: Nah, she's a pretty staight-forward character.
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10:45pm Aug 23 2011 (last edited on 11:41pm Aug 23 2011)
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Ooc// Thanks guys. <3333 I must say, I'm rather in love with this character right now. He'll be oodles of fun to roleplay~ |D ---
Name: Alabaster Xavier Infirmatti [Ala] God's Name: Infirmatti, God of the Mind Gender: Male
Personality: Like his main element, Ala is borderline insane...if not completely over the edge. His mood swings like a pendulum, going from infuriatingly calm and serene to frothing with rage and vengeance. The part of him that never seems to completely transform, though, longs for love and understanding--two things that are withheld from him, being the god of insanity and having a good many personality flaws. His "true" nature, so to speak, is indeed rather serene, but deeply caring at heart with a spark of something darker. He enjoys flirting outrageously to keep his mind off the fact that he very might never find true love. Despite this, Ala makes many promises to himself, such as the fact that he'll find someone someday. He also has a tendency to fight with his many different personalities. [It's a bit crazy to explain...hopefully the actual roleplay will clear things up.]
Elements: Insanity [Main], Revels, Thieves, Luck and Masks
Lore: If a black fox crosses your path on your wedding day, it is said that your marriage is doomed to end in thievery and betrayal. If a child is born within a week of a mother coming across a black fox, it is said that the child will grow up to be insane, or rich (Two very different endings for such a dark legend). It is said that if one dreams of black and gold masks, fortune is theirs for a year to come. People pray with offerings of fine masks and lucky objects when asking Infirmatti for something. Sacred Animal: Black fox [A semi-rare creature in our setting, perhaps, instead of a rare genetic mutation?]
Looks: Alabaster's appearance is as unseated as his personality. One moment he can be the hondsome charmer, with a grin that will melt your heart, the next a vicious-looking maniac, and the next as quiet as a stone (and as unemotional as well!). One thing never changes, though--his dark black hair, exotic gold eyes, and fair skin. His body, in fact, stays much the same as well, but his ever-changing demeanor belies the fact, as well as the way he uses it when in his different mood swings. He's tall, about 6' 3", and lithe, with a slim and graceful build more than one of strength. His face is sharply defined, and his eyes are often hollowed out, with a strong jaw, high forehead, and perfectly mundane nose. Lover/Crush: He's a hopeless flirt. Any and all ladies, look out--but if he ever finds that special someone who can accept him for who he is--well, let's say it would make him a different person.
Other: His representative colors are black and gold.
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10:46pm Aug 23 2011 (last edited on 8:39pm Aug 26 2011)
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Name: Tanith Eran
God's Name(s): Tanithena
Gender: Female
Personality: Tanith is a very sensual and warm person. She has the ability to put anyone at ease and to charm just about anyone. She is a very loving woman, as well as affectionate. She greats everyone with a kiss. She makes people feel at home, safe and secure, despite her open sexuality. She can, however,be very jealous, especially of a lover she is passionate about.
Elements: Fire, love, hearth, fertility, fate
Lore: none yet Sacred Animal: wolf, because of theirpack nature
Looks: Lover/Crush: open, but nessecary, I think, for her
Other: this is not my image. and her sexuality is truly open

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:17pm Aug 23 2011
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ooc:// Heeeeeeeeey. Hey Fire. Heyheyheyheyheyheyheyhey heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey. Our characters. They should totally hook up. Because, like... Mei is all about women ruling the world. Don't get me wrong, Infirmatt sounds gorgeous, but I don't think Mei would like partnering herself with what she considers the weaker sex. Soooooooo........ :33
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11:23pm Aug 23 2011
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((That would so work. Though maybe... hmmm... if we were being VERY open about this, it could work as an on again off again menage e toi?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:30pm Aug 23 2011
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Ooc// This shall be interesting. x3 I think I'll divvy up the powers into, maybe five different orbs? That way they can have interconnecting powers, like our own. @Steph: If you'd like to add on any other attributes to Tanith feel welcome to~ We also need to address the setting. Maybe a fantasy realm of sorts, medieval-esque time period and all? c:
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11:31pm Aug 23 2011 (last edited on 11:33pm Aug 23 2011)
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((I'll look. And Lola what did you think of the above idea?)) ((Edited: I'd like to add fire and the hunt. And some kind of maybe Greek setting, maybe? Or fantasy.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:33pm Aug 23 2011
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ooc:// But we need to leave Infirmatt for Shadow's girl. D:> Can't leav her all alone...
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11:34pm Aug 23 2011
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((True. Ah well. Hmm... Reina, maybe we could find a mortal to seduce...))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:35pm Aug 23 2011 (last edited on 11:35pm Aug 23 2011)
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Ooc// Pairings don't have to be perfect, lol. <3 Maybe Ala ends up with some mortal girl who dies a tragic death and really sends him over the edge~ |D @Steph: Okay~ I kind of did some rough workings for the orbs, but that might end up pretty well, actually. You said originally you wanted love, fertility, fate, and the hearth as well. Would you still like them?
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11:37pm Aug 23 2011
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Ooc; I actually think Iris would make a suitable match for Infirmatt; once she actually grows a heart and hopefully, he doesn't mind a bit of...well...sarcasm. |D
hello my name is elder price
11:42pm Aug 23 2011
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Ooc// I was wondering why everyone was writing Infirmatt, without the i... AND THEN I REALIZED THERE WAS A TYPO. /shot. So, just so you know, his "godly" name is Infirmatti. With an i. xD; @Shad: If you think it's a good pairing, then I'm find with it~ <3
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11:55pm Aug 23 2011
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((Yes, please.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:05am Aug 24 2011
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Ooc; Woohoo and nice one, lola. <3 xD
hello my name is elder price
10:41am Aug 24 2011
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Ooc// I always do nice ones, thank you very much. :> Anyways, I'm jsut popping in before school, so when I get back (Around...3:30-ish Res time?) we can finalize the setting stuff and get started. /happy dance.
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10:57am Aug 24 2011
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ooc:// Yaaaaay!
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12:23pm Aug 24 2011
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((Awesomness! I'll be at work, but I bow to your wisdom.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
6:59pm Aug 24 2011
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Ooc// So, maybe we can elaborate on the setting as we go? The characters can add quirks and traditions to the culture and setting through their eyes, and so on. It would be kind of fun to make it up on the spot. ^^ Intros should maybe start when they descend to earth? Shall we have them all together, or join up later in the roleplay?
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.