(Leader) TK and Kari's kid-Dusk-Feyth
Matt and Sora's kid-Rose Ishumake-BloodRose
Yolei and Ken's kids-Open and Open
Davis and other person's boy-Open
Digimon Partner (When they find the d.w.):
Age (None below 10):
Name: Dusk
Gender: Female
Mother/Father: TK and Kari
Digimon Partner (When they find the d.w.): Nyaromon (Salamon, Gatomon, Angewomon, Magnadramon.) and Moonmon (Moonmon, Lunamon, Lekismon, Crescemon, Dianamon))
Age (None below 10): 14
Looks: She is around 5'4", very small for her age and has a very skinny body.
She has cropped black hair and a bandanna around her head. She is the leader, but the son of Davis and the other women wears the goggles. She hates putting things over her head other than her black bandanna, so she doesn't wear them. The thing that marks her away from the rest as the leader is the blue markings that she was born with. The curl around her arms and trail up to her forehead. They glow when her crest is activated and when she is in trouble. Her eyes are a deep purple color.
Persona: She keeps her emotions locked inside her as if they were some sort of disease. In the group of the digidestined, she would risk her life to save any one of them. She doesn't really like google-boy, but she is in love with Yolei's boy.
Other: The only way hre digimon can get to its other forms is if shebiomerges with her partner digimon.
Name:Rose Ishumake
Mother/Father:Matt and Sora
Digimon Partner (When they find the d.w.):Babydmon
Age (None below 10):12
Looks:Very pretty. She is about 5'6 with silver eyes and curly red hair. She has a petite frame that is covered by pale skin.
Persona:RP it out?