We are the Digidestined- New Plot!

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1:29pm Jun 14 2010

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(( Gah, digimon wiki is giving me a headache >_> they need to fix it somehow )) 

Name: Ryu

Gender: Male

Mother/Father: Davis and Other person (lol)

Digimon Partner:

Kokomon (Lopmon, Prairiemon, Antylamon, Cherubimon) 

Dorimon (DORUmon, Death-X-(Dex)DORUgamon, Gaioumon, Death-X-(Dex)DORUgoramon)

Age (None below 10): 13

Looks: Too lazy to type a deion right now... Here:


Persona: Ryu takes more after his mother as far as personality. He's quiet and shy and doesn't really have Davis's leadership qualities. He's a bit of a pushover and easy to take advantage of. 

Other: N/A

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

1:44pm Jun 14 2010

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((I meant Moonmon and Nyaromon.))

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1:52pm Jun 14 2010

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((Ok, I is going to start))


Dusk yawned, stretching her pale arms behind her body and leaning back her shoulders. She looked out the wide window next to her bed and then sighed. Dusk pulled the covers off of herself and lept off the bed, throwing her. Her cat came onto her bed after Dusk had gotten off and settled down on the covers which were already covered in his cat hair. Dusk rolled her purple eyes and stumbled over to the dresser, tripping over her brother's old skateboard as she did so. She stopped and turned to stare at the priceless ob
ject, "Oh Tiru... Why..." Dusk mumbled. A vocie sounded up the stairs.

"Dusk! I*m off to teach kindergartners the alphabet!" Dusk wandered out the door of her bedroom, pulling her purple t-shirt over her matt of black hair. She tied a bandanna around her neck and pushed it up to her hairline. Dusk tightened her pants, pulled up the zipper and wandered downstairs.

"Where's dad?" Dusk asked, cocking her head, "He already left." Her mom answered, turning to leave. "Love you!" Dusk called as she stepped. Dusk smiled, school was over and summer had just begin, thogh, they had recently moved and she still had to finish unpacking. She wandered out of the door, locking it behind her and stepped into the humid summer air. "I*m going to go see Rose." she said, snarling as she thought of Ryu...

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2:04pm Jun 14 2010

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Rose burried her face into the soft pillows as her puppy, Noku, played with her red hair. She sighed and rolled over, making Noku jump off the bed and wander into the kitchen. Standing, she pulled on her favorite pair of jeans, a black tank top, and a purple jacket that only wore down to the bottom of her chest. She glanced down at her foot that had been taped up. She had stabbed it one day on accident and hed been told to tape gauze to it until it healed. SIghing, she walked downstairs, into the kitchen, and out into the horrible heat. SHe hated the sun and all the heat it forced upon the earth.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

2:08pm Jun 14 2010

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Posts: 3,141

(( Why does she hate Ryu? D: )) 

"Ryu! Think fast!" The shout had barely registered in Ryu's mind before he spotted a soccer ball going top speed right at his face. He ducked just in time and it whizzed over his head, hitting the tree behind him and falling harmlessly to the ground. 

Ryu stood up and glared at his dad, Davis. "What was that for?" he demanded, burying the tip of his wooden sword into the ground. He had been getting in some morning practice before the heat rose. He was wearing camo cargo shorts and a tan t-shirt, along with his favorite pair of blue goggles. He wasn't wearing any shoes since the gras-s was so soft.

"Just checking you're reflexes before I leave for work," Davis said with a grin on his face. He walked over to Ryu and placed a hand on his shoulder before going over to the car and getting in.

Ryu waved to him as he left. When his car was out of sight, Ryu sat down on the ground, using his arms to support him as he looked up at the sky. His mom had left earlier so that meant he had the house to himself. Not that he really wanted it. He liked being outside. Deciding to wander around a bit, he stood up and slid his wooden sword into its makeshift holder, a piece of rope tied around his waist. He glanced at the soccer ball before kicking it into the open garage door and stepping out of his yard and onto the sidewalk. Thankfully, the sidewalk hadn't heated up yet so he could walk around without shoes. 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

2:43pm Jun 14 2010 (last edited on 2:59pm Jun 14 2010)

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Join as the kid with the Crest of Darkness?



Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:12pm Jun 14 2010

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Posts: 6,948

((Why Dragon? Also, May, Dusk doesn't HATE him, she just thinks he is positively annoying.))


Dusk walked onto the sidewalk, the light breeze making pieces of her cropped black hair play around on her face. She looked at the houses, momentarily forgetting where Rose lived and then sighed. She did a face palm and turned the other way, knocking right into Rose. "Sorry." Dusk said with a laughing smile on her face, "I forgot where you lived because I live near you now." Dusk said, patting her friend on her shoulder...

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3:18pm Jun 14 2010

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Rose stepped back from the colision and shook her head twice. She raise dher hand, but stopped as she saw it was only Dusk. "God, don't scare me like that. I could've clawed you face off." She said, holding her hand to her face, trying to calm down. Shaking it off, she asked, "What are you up to?"

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

3:18pm Jun 14 2010

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-shrugs- Can't exactly say. The reason won't come to me.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:21pm Jun 14 2010

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"Just wanted to go find you, something's wrong with my computer, I hate to say it, but can you go get Ryu?" Dusk looked over at her house and then back at Rose, "I*ll start walking towards my house, don't worry, I*ll wait for you." She smiled, stuck her hands in her packets and started to walk slowly towards the door...


((-evil eyes at Dragon-))

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3:22pm Jun 14 2010

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-hides under a rock-

Do you honestly want to me to join and stay?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:23pm Jun 14 2010

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Posts: 3,141

(( lol, that's kinda mean since Ryu's so pathetic. XD ))

Ryu climbed over a fence that was blocking his way and balanced on top of it, looking around. He hadn't really had an exact destination in mind. It was much more fun to just wander around until he found something interesting. Speaking of interesting, he spotted Rose and Dusk on a sidewalk past the yard. He smiled. Maybe he should go over and say hi. Then again, Dusk didn't really like him... he sighed, wondering what to do. Maybe today would be the day that he could convince her that he wasn't such a bad guy.

"Hey guys!" he shouted, waving his hands in the air to get their attention. He jumped into the yard and started to make his way to the gate that opened up onto the side that the girls were on. Unfortunately, he hadn't planned on a dog. The thing jumped up and started barking madly at him, causing him to bolt away in fright. It chased him, but luckily he was faster. He made it to the gate and jumped over it, landing on his front on the sidewalk right next to Rose.  

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

3:23pm Jun 14 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Yes. You can be the evil guy. JK. Be whoever you want.))

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3:25pm Jun 14 2010

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"Down Prancer." Dusk wrsestled ehr dog to the ground. As much as she wanted to see what would hapen, she hated it when people got hurt. She glanced at Rose, "Well, you don't ahve to find him anymore." She said and then nodded towards them. "Come here." She sped up pace and litterally dissapeared when she reached the door...


((digital time!, btw, they can't go in and out of the digtal world like in the 2nd season.))

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3:28pm Jun 14 2010

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Crest of Darkness is mine! -snarl-

-goes to make up some kind of character sheet-

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:30pm Jun 14 2010 (last edited on 5:45pm Jun 14 2010)

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Posts: 5,310

Name: Cain Silverbane

Gender: Male

Mother/Father: Yolei and Ken

Digimon Partner: Yaamon -> Impmon -> Beelzemon -> Beelzemon Blast Mode

                         Gigimon -> Guilmon -> Growlmon -> WarGrowlmon -> Megidramon/Gallantmon

Age: 14

Looks: Cain has pure white hair that falls just pas-sed his jaw. It is his natural hair colour and he hates it when people make snide comments about it; escepecially from adults. His eyes are the deepest, clearest blue that turn to ice whenever her glares. His skin tone is that of a really dark tan. Cain stands somewhere around four feet eleven to five feet tall. Lean, wiry, and lithe, Cain spent a lot of time chasing after the family Greyhounds when he was a kid.

Persona: Cain is mostly self-conscious of how people react to his hair colour. But aside from that, he is an easygoing kid with a slow fuse and a very calm temperatment. Retaliates only when picked on first, and rarely speaks unless he has something to say. Though,when he does get riled up, it is best to try to stay as far away from him as possible.

Other: Has the Crest of Darkness. With Guilmon, he can digivolve into Gallantmon through Biomerging during digivolution.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:31pm Jun 14 2010

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3:38pm Jun 14 2010

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Ryu jumped up, brushing some dirt off his front. "Were you guys talking about me?" he asked. Had they been looking for him? He smiled slightly. Maybe his good luck had already begun. He began to follow Dusk but stopped. Had she just disappeared? Surely she hadn't opened the door yet, but she was gone. he turned to Rose. "Did you just see that?" he asked.

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

3:39pm Jun 14 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((bump, I am waiting for Rose))

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3:43pm Jun 14 2010

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I ish having trouble finding a suitable Digimon Partner for Cain...

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.

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