3:49pm Jun 14 2010
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((How about Yaamon?))
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3:49pm Jun 14 2010
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(( Hmm... I would suggest BlackGuilmon, Guilmon, Lunamon, Kudamon, or Impmon. Don't know why, they just kinda popped into my head. ))
3:49pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 2,422
{{Sorry, had to run and get snowcones for mom.}} Rose stared after Dusk. "Did she just dissapear?" She asked, facing Ryu. Shaking her head, Rose followed Dusk. There was no way she could have dissapeared. But, just as Dusk had done, she dissapeared...
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
3:52pm Jun 14 2010
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Ryu stared at the place where now both Dusk and Rose had disappeared. He frowned. They were probably just playing a trick on him. They had been talking about him so maybe this was what it was all about. "Real funny guys." he said, walking up to the place they had disappeared, and just like them, he disappeared too...
3:53pm Jun 14 2010
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OoC:// Feythe; Purrrfect. -goes to edit Cain's profile-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:55pm Jun 14 2010
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Dusk fell flat on her face on soft bouncy ground. "Where am I?" She asked herself, looking around. There were knocked down buildings and little over turned chairs. She stood up and walked around. Something in her pocket tingled and she took out the little Ipod. It glowed blue for a second and the shifted into a strange ob ject with a screen like an Ipod, but had 2 little pulsating eggs on it. She looked around the valley again and saw two glowing items in the distance. As if something was controlling her, she walked forward. "What are these?" She asked, reaching down to pick the yellow one up. As soon as her pale hand touched it, it cracked open and out rooled a yellow cat thing. It stared up at her, unblinking. She felt the other one and it too cracked open. This time, a cylinder-like water drop bounced out. They looked sad...
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3:56pm Jun 14 2010
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((Dragon, you get two digimon.))
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4:05pm Jun 14 2010
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Rose landed on her feet, her hand down to balance her. Just an inch from her middle finger was a strange, iPod like devide with two pictures of eggs. Near to where Dusk had found her eggs, were two more. Rose approched them cautiously. One was blue wiht black markings and the other was yellow wiht white markings. She touched them both in awe.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
4:07pm Jun 14 2010
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Ryu sat up, shaking his head. The shock of the fall had stunned him, but he wasn't injured. He stood up, noticing his sword had fallen a little ways away, and walked over to pick it up. As he bent over, he felt something vibrate in his pocket. He straightened up and fished it out. It was his iPod but as he stared at it, it shifted into something that looked similar but completely different. Frowning, he pressed a few of the buttons and the screen lit up, showing two eggs. He stared at them. Was this some sort of game? He looked around again and spotted something glowing a little ways off. He went over to it and crouched beside it to get a better look. The glow was coming from two eggs, one purple streaked with white and red, the other brown and pink. They were identical to the ones on his iPod screen. He brushed his hand across both then jumped back as they started to hatch. Out of the brown and pink egg came a little brown ghost looking thing with three horns on its head and out of the purple, white, and red one came a round purple thing with a white muzzle. The brown one gave him a sad look but the purple one glared at him menacingly. Ryu took a step back, too stunned for words.
4:11pm Jun 14 2010
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"We've been waiting for you Dusk!" Dusk stumbled abck in fear, but the two creatures caught up with you. "I*m Nyaromon, My tail whip attack gives a nasty punch." "And I*m Moonmon, My spit attacks, leave digimon wondering where I am." The blue creature pipped up. "We're your partners. Together we'll save the digital world!" the two creatures bounced up and down on Dusk's stomach. Then it dawned on Dusk. "Wait, are you two... digimon?" She remembered something her parents had told her, something about creatures they had met on an adventure, she thoght it was just a bedtime story. She sat up and put a hand on the yellow digimon and another on the blue one. "So, your Nyaromon and Moonmon?" Dusk asked. She pinched herself and glanced over at Rose, "They say this is the Digital world, but I thoguht that was just a story." She shrugged and her eyes widened as something flew over the trees...
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4:22pm Jun 14 2010 (last edited on 4:23pm Jun 14 2010)
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Ryu stared at the two creatures. Digimon? He thought he head Dusk call them Digimon. Hadn't Davis told him something about Digimon? He glanced back in Dusk's direction. Big mistake. The purple Digimon's eyes glinted dangerously and it tackled Ryu, full force, right in the stomach. Ryu fell onto his back, the wind knocked out of him. The brown Digimon floated over to him, above his face so he could see it. "Hi," it said, "I'm Kokomon! And this is Dorimon! We're your partners! Nice to meet you!" Kokomon floated around his head, making him slightly dizzy. Suddenly, something flashed across his vision and he sat up, staring up at the sky.
4:28pm Jun 14 2010
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The flying monster circled them above, "Thats Flymon, he's champion level. His deadly stinger attack will leave you defensless." Nyaromon explained, though she seemed as scared as Dusk was. The flymon dove at Dusk and Nyaromon leaped in the way, "TAIL WHIP!" Nyaro's yellow and black striped tail collided with the flying digimon and she was nocked to the ground. "Its no use, he's too strong." She said weakly. "Let me try! Spit attack!" A bubble of blue and pink appeared in Moonmon's mouth and then it shot out at the flymon, but it just made it madder. "Deadly STING!" Flymon said in a deep voice. Dusk scrambled away and the Flymon's stinger left a nasty gorge in the ground. "Help us!" she called to Rose...
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4:29pm Jun 14 2010
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Name: Aria Gender: Female Mother/Father: Yolei and Ken Digimon Partner (When they find the d.w.): Gummymon and DemiMeramon Age (None below 10): 13 Looks: 1_-anime-girl-anime-girls-6891592-1024-768.jpg Persona: *Lazy* Other: She's Cain's younger sister. ((Where can I come in? ^_^ ))
4:47pm Jun 14 2010
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Ryu paled slightly at the sight of Flymon. He absolutely hated bees and this one looked like a giant one. Still, he gathered his courage and dashed over to Dusk, Dorimon and Kokomon in hot pursuit. "We'll take care of this!" Dorimon said, dashing straight at Flymon. His ears shifted forward and he lunged at Flymon, hitting it square on. The Flymon was knocked from the air and landed with a loud crash. For a second, Ryu thought they had got it but the Flymon stood up again, looking madder than ever. Kokomon moved in front of Ryu to shield him. "Koko Crusher!" it shouted, sending a stream of bubbles right at Flymon's face, distracting it. "How are we supposed to beat this thing?" he demanded.
5:28pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((That means Aria is realated to Ryu)) Dusk stood up again and the thing on her digivice glowed with a blue light. Suddenly a flash erupted from it and Moonmon and Nyaromon glowed with the same pulse. "Nyaromon digivolve toooooooo... Salamon!" Salamon cried, leaping into the air with new found strength. "Moonmon diivolve toooooooo... Lunamon!" Lunamon said in a quiet voice. Nyaromon, now Salamon, had transformed into a dog like digimon with now claws and Moonmon, now Lunamon, was a digimon with two ear like apendages sticking from her head and two ties that crossed her belly with pin like thing on her stomach. "I*m Lunamon, My Lunar Claw attack will leave you seeing stars." "And I*m Salamon. My sledge crash attack packs a powerful punch!" Salamon stated and leaped into the air, "Sledge Crash!" The ring around her neck came off and thwacked the flymon into the ground. "Lunar Claw!" Lunamon's claws pulsed with a dark light and she dug her claws into the flymon. It burst into data which collected in the air and zoomed into Dusk's digivice...
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5:45pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 5,310
[[ Where can Cain jump in? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:47pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((I know. ^_^ Still, where should I come in...? O.o; ))
5:49pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:53pm Jun 14 2010
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(( Ryu's Davis's son not Ken's... )) "Wow," Ryu said, glancing from Dusk's digivice to the newly Digivolved Lunamon and Salamon. "That's really impressive." he was still in shock from everything that had just happened and it was a wonder that he could speak that much. Dorimon tackled him in the back, sending him to his hands and knees. "Quit gawking! You missed our opportunity to digivolve." Dorimon growled, glaring at Ryu. Ryu looked totally useless to him. How could such a useless human be his partner. Not that he really wanted a partner, but it could of at least been someone more useful. Kokomon did a figure eight in the air. "Relax," he said, "I'm sure there'll be plenty more opportunities in you're quest for power." He rolled his eyes. Dorimon could be so cruel. He floated over to Ryu. "Are you ok?" Ryu nodded and stood up, feeling slightly embaras-sed that he didn't do better in the battle. He didn't really even like fighting.
5:57pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((You're right, she's related to Cain. XDDD ))