12:34pm Jun 15 2010
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Aria stared at Moonmon in disbelief. "Digimon", she squeeked, her eyes growing wide. She felt something in her pocket change shape slightly and jumped, broken from her reverie. She pulled out what had once been her i-pod, and gasped. An odd device with two glowing eggs on its screen rested in her palm. She noticed two matching eggs in the field before her. Stunned, she walked to them, laying a hand on each egg. Her digivice fell to the ground as she did so. They hatched instintaneously. Out came a gooey Gummymon and a flaming DemiMeramon. "Homygosh..." she managed, staring blankly at them. "Where is Canis anyway... He should've followed me...."
12:36pm Jun 15 2010
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((I have to go, but I will post this)) "Those are your digimon." Dusk said, pointing to GHummymon and Demimeramon. "They'll digivolve, I think if you are in danger or something, I haven;'t really figured it out." Dusk scratched ehr head absentmindedly and sighed, staring at Moonmon and Nyaromon who had leaped into her folded arms...
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1:04pm Jun 15 2010
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((I thought they were now Lunamon and Salamon...? O.o; )) "I'm Gummymon!", Gummymon chirped, grinning up at Aria. "And I'm Demimeramon!" Demimeramon chimed in, floating into the air and hovering at eye-level in Aria's face. "Unh.." Aria mumbled, nodding incoherently, backing slightly away from the flaming Digimon. "Digimon... I didn't think they were real... Wait 'till Cain comes after me... Wait 'till he sees this..."
2:35pm Jun 15 2010
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((They undigivolved after the fight))
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2:51pm Jun 15 2010
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(( Err... most digimon stay in their rookie form. So why would they go back to in-training? ))
2:58pm Jun 15 2010
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((Your right, I geuss its different. One second.)) Suddenly Dusk's digimon glowed and they were back to being Nyaramon and Salamon...
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3:03pm Jun 15 2010
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(( :3 )) Ryu stood a little ways away from the two, watching Kokomon make more shapes in the air. "So what kind of digimon will you digivolve into? Some sort of ghost?" he asked. Kokomon made a 'no' symbol in the air. He was enjoying having someone to show off too. "You'll just have to wait and find out." he said. --fail---
3:05pm Jun 15 2010
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((Those are the same Digimon. You mean either Lunamon and Salamon or Nyaramon and Moonmon... Right...? And can you please reply to Aria...? ))
3:07pm Jun 15 2010
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"When can digimon digivolve?" Dusk asked Kokomon and the others as Kokomon made symbles in the air. Lunamon kleaped into the air and joined the fellow digimon. She made a square around Kokomon and then a face. "Hey, stop messing aroujnd." Dusk smiled. Salamon piped up, "I don't know why Flymon attacked us, they are usually such docile bugs." She frowned and Dusk could see the little gears in her brain giving off sparks as she thought...
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3:08pm Jun 15 2010
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((Sorry, yes I did mean Lunamon and Salamon)) Dusk glanced over at Aria, "They seem to be real, I mean, if Moonmon and Nyaromon hadn't digivolved into these two, I would have been toast" she answered the other girl...
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3:28pm Jun 15 2010
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"I heard about them when I was little... My parents told Cain and I about them in our bedtime stories... Mother told me about her bird Digimon, and father about his wormlike partner.... They said something about them being Digi-Destined... I thought it was just a story..." Aria breathed, taking Gummymon into her arms while Demi Meramon hovered above her shoulder. "Do I look lie a story?" Gummymon asked, laughing. "We are very real beings", Demi Meramon agreed softly, nodding. It seemed to be bobbing up and down more than anything.
3:30pm Jun 15 2010
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"Well, then what are we here for?" she asked, staring down at Gummymon, he seemed to be the know-it-all around here. Well, him and Salamon. Salamon sat on her little rump and stared at the forest beyond, "Well, we should get going, its getting dark." She stared up at the three moons in the sky...
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3:37pm Jun 15 2010
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"You are our partners. You are the newest generation of Digidestined. Aria, You, Ryu, Rose, and another. Probably Aria's brother, Cain noting that her portal is still open." Gummymon said, leaping onto Aria's unocupied right shoulder. "Good thing too, because I'm not going anywhere without Cain. He wouldn't want me to." Aria said resolutely, sticking her hand in the empty space between DemiMeramon and her shoulder, scooping him up and carrying the fire Digimon to where he was facing her. "Aria's right, we should not leave without the final member of our team." DemiMeramon said, nodding in his funny way again.
3:40pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 5:22pm Jun 15 2010)
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"You can reach in there you know, you just can't leave fully." Dusk looked at her hands and stuck one of them through the ripple in space. She left one foot in the digital world while she grabbed Cain's shirt and dragged him from the table that was not to far from the ripple. She pulled him in and it closed as soon as he was in...
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3:51pm Jun 15 2010
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((What happened to the caps? JK I'm gonna wait for Dragon to post... ))
5:23pm Jun 15 2010
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((Fixed, sorry about that))
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10:00pm Jun 15 2010
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((*Clears throat* Well, in Digimon Adventure, Gatomon and Wizardmon seemed to have some sort of relationship that some see as strong friendship, others as romance. Will that happen with our Digimon, or shall we leave that out...? I thought it would be interesting if we kept it. Also noting that Gummymon and Kokomon are twins, as are their digivolved forms Lopmon and Terriermon. They would probably end up good friends as well, noting that they are considered to be siblings. XD Just pointing thise things out!~ Yaamon is gonna be interesting... Impmon was certainly a conflicted character in the Taimers continuity. Reading up on this has certainly sparked my Digimon memories. XD Poor Wizardmon died saving Kari and Gatomon... Than his ghost returned to warn them about Ken, Aria's dad. Which is actually SERIOUSLY freaking ironic. I never bothered much with the 02 Adventure, finding the new characters confusing although I DID watch a few episodes. Ken's daughter has the digimon that warned Gatomon about him...? I mean, really. XD Sorry, super long post about nothing. Seems because of this thread I've re-discovered an old favorite!~ ^_^ ))
10:12pm Jun 15 2010
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((I am waiting for Digimon: Xros Wars to come out in english. The 6th season, that is, it is finally come after a few years, at least, of waiting! I LOVE DIGIMON!))
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10:19pm Jun 15 2010
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((Haven't heard of it. XD I havn't even watched the anime since... Well, about five years. XD It's a miricle I remember as much as I do, even with the internet's help. XD ))
3:37pm Jun 16 2010
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