12:14pm Jun 17 2010
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[[ -groan and is too lazy to think of something- I'll be back... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:50pm Jun 17 2010
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Posts: 6,948
, waits)
 <-- Click me
3:37pm Jun 17 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((Daragon, you'd better be back! >) We wanna roleplay! =P ))
3:59pm Jun 17 2010
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Posts: 2,422
{{Peoples! I would really like it if you don't go off on my when I aint roleplaying. Cuz then, I'll need nother recap.}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
6:11pm Jun 17 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( *lurks*/bump.... I can't think of anything worthwhile to post... D: And nothing really happened other than they took down Flymon and Dusk's Digimon digivoloved into Lunamon and Salamon. That and Maybell's character came in through a different portal and Dusk stuck her arm through the portal and dragged Cain through. ))
8:44am Jun 20 2010
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((Dragon...? O.o; ))
8:35am Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 6,948
 <-- Click me
12:25pm Jun 21 2010
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Cain's eyes widened when he saw his little sister vanish... into thin air! Getting up from the table, he wearily walked over to the place that shimmered before another girl came out and pull him in by the shirt. "Hey!" he cried, anger scorched his tone, "What was th-" Cain didn't get to finish his sentance for a ball of black popped him on the back of the head with what looked like an ear. The boy's head jerked forward and his eyes narrowed and almost took on the appearance of ice. Turning to face what had done that to him, he stopped short when he saw it. He saw a black ball with two backwards pointing ears with a darkish brown mask, green eyes that had a mischeivous glint, and its lips were smirking. One small fang was protruding from its lips. Furrowing his brows together, a question formed on his lips. "We're Digimon," a voice explained for him. It sounded like it was right next to his ear. Cain turned his head slightly to see a scaley red ball with a tail with its tip dyed black. Underneath its bright, intelligent eyes was a black mark. It had a white underbelly and wing-looking ears. "Digimon?" Cain asked. Then he remembered what his parents had told him about the Digital World. A smile curved his lips and the angry glint faded from his blue eyes. "Awesome." "I'm Gigimon," the small red Digimon said rather polietly. "Yaamon is my name," the black one said in a rough tone. Cain cocked a brow at that. Yaamon's tone must always be like that. Shrugging the not-perched-on shoulder slightly, he said; "I"m Cain." Then he noticed Aria standing with two Digimon. Relief flickered across his features.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:57pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Aria grinned as Dusk Pulled her brother through the portal. "Hello again, Cain. I was worried that I'd have to wait here for you while the rest of us went off on our adventure. You have Gigimon and Yaamon, huh? Mine are Demi Meramon and Gummymon." she said, taking a step towards Cain. "Looks like we're both Digidestined... Probably because our parents were... If I remember correctly, our father had some sort of worm, and mom had a bird..." "Sounds like Wormmon and Hawkmon", Gummymon chirped, bouncing on Aria's shoulder. Demi Meramon nodded again, apparantly agreeing with Gummymon. "Yes, I believe you are correct."
1:20pm Jun 21 2010
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Cain smiled crookedly. "Aw, Aria. I would be depressed if my younger sister went on an adventure I would love so much." His head turned in the direction of Gummymon before looking at DemiMeramon. "Wormmon and Hawkmon?" he asked. "Digidestined? So... what does that include?" Yaamon narrowed its green eyes again. "Your going to have to save the Digital World from the Digimon that want it destoryed," the black ball rasped. Gigimon only nodded in agreement.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:34pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"You know I would never leave you behind, Cain", Aria said softly, gently hugging her brother, "Especially not now. This will be dangerous, if what I remember of our parents' stories are correct... They say if they hadn't had their Digimon, they would have never survived. I remember our dad telling us something about the horrible and cruel Digimon Emperor.. When I asked mom, she said they'd killed him many years ago. We might have to face someone like him, Cain. I wouldn't want to go against someone like him without you."
1:53pm Jun 21 2010
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Cain wrapped his arms around Aria and hugged her back. "Neither would I," he said. Releasing her, he took a step back and smiled crookedly. "But if he is back, then we're just going to have to beat him back into the abyss he crawled out of."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:44pm Jun 21 2010
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Aria nodded in agreement, smiling as her brother released her. "We'd show him who's really in charge here... Those who are the natural inhabitents of this universe. The Digimon. The good Digimon, anyway. Not the ones who want to destroy this place." Her grin widened when Gummymon jumped onto Cain's head and nestled in his hair. "Are you Aria's twin as Lopmon is mine?" he asked "You have the same soft white hair, and you seem very similar." "No, they are siblings, but not twins." Demi Meramon observed, looking at Cain, "Aria has a younger face." "Oh", Gummymon said, obviously disappointed. He leapt from Cain's head to Aria's, leaving behind a small area of tangled hair where he'd been sitting.
3:51pm Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 3:51pm Jun 21 2010)
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Cain had froze when Gummymon had lept into his silver hair. One brow raised slightly and he smiled. "We may not be twins, but we are very similar," he said, running one hand through the rumpled locks caused by Gummymon. "And my hair is silver, not white." Gigimon smiled and his eyes shone bright with amusement. The tip of his short tail twitched slightly as a small chuckled escaped him. Cain imediantly snatched the red ball of his shoulder and gave it a noogie. Yaamon chuckled from where he bounced.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:58pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"Same color to a Digimon", Gummymon said, making a motion that looked like he was shrugging. Aria laughed at her Digimon's remark, placing Demi Meramon bak on her shoulder and plucking Gummymon from her head. She tickled what appeared to be his tummy, and he laughed as well. Demi Meramon joined Yaamon in chuckling at the siblings' antics. He floated over to the black Digimon and commented, "They have no idea what is about to happen, or what we are about to go through, do they?"
4:09pm Jun 21 2010
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Yaamon's mischeivious green eyes glanced at DemiMeramon. "Probably not," he said in his raspy tone. "They'll find out along the way, and we will tell them as well." Gigimon let out a happy squeal-like noise before wriggling out of Cains grasp and bounded around the boy before climbing into Cain's shirt. That caused Cain to start 'dancing' around as he tried to get the red digimon out of his shirt.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:22pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Aria laughed even harder as Cain's Digimon dove into his shirt, wriggling around as Cain tried to pull him out. Gummymon escaped from her hands and nestled back in her hair, still giggling. A sad ex pression manifeted itself on Demi Meramon's face. "I don't envy them when the do learn their fate. It is a dangerous path they walk... And they are far from ready... The poor girl doesn't even know that her father was talking about his past persona... That he was the Digimon Emperor... He's changed greatly since, but still... I do not want to be the one to tell her that the father she so obviously looks up to was one of the Digital World's greatest villains..."
4:51pm Jun 21 2010
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Cain cast his sister a sort-of glare before finally pulling Gigimon out of his shirt by the digimon's tail. Smiling, he set Gigimon back on the ground before sitting in front of the red scaley ball. "What would Cain do if he found that out as well. There is a darkness that lies deep within him. Though it is masked by other emotions. Even he does not know about it," Yaamon said quietly, not wanting his human partner to hear what he was saying.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:30pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"I fear what will happen when that darkness does make itself apparent." Demi Meramon said sadly, "It will crush Aria... She is one of few modern humans that actually has a decent, loving relationship with her sibling... She loves him and looks up to him... If anything happened to jeopardize their relationship, she would be destroyed..." He sighed, doing what appeared to be shaking his head.
5:42pm Jun 21 2010
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Yaamon sighed. "Then we cannot let his darkness show if he means that much to his sister," he replied as one ear twitched before glancing at the four; Aria with Gummymon and Cain with Gigimon.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.