5:58pm Jun 21 2010
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ooc: Ok, re-read. bic: "My parents are Kari and T.K. If I remember correctly, Mom had Gatomon and T.K. had Patamon, but I can't remember." Salamon (When they digivolve to rookie, they stay that way unless they use an immense amount of power.) nodded as Dusk said this, obviously agreeing. “Yep!” she finally said. “Kari had Gatomon which is what I will digivolve into for champion. T.K. had Patamon who digivolves into Angemon for champion, but Patamon hasn’t been seen in many years. He is my counterpart.” Salamon said with a smile, explaining herself…
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5:58pm Jun 21 2010
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"So shall we make a pact to keep it concealed if it is within our power? And to protect them both from themselves if it does free itself?" Demi Meramon asked, following Yaamon's gaze. "I would be unable to bear it if Aria had to witness her brother consumed by his inner evil... She is far too attached to him, it will be her downfall if his hidden Demon ever shows itself... Cain seems to be the reverse of his father, who was a horrible villain and than became a hero... Cain is good, and will be consumed by darkness... A horrible fate for such a kind boy..." Demi Meramon thought, sighing again as he watched the siblings play with their Digimon.
11:19am Jun 22 2010
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Salamon looked over at Demimeramon and Yaamon and narrowed her yellow eyes. She could hear every word they were saying, they weren't exactly loud, but her sensitive ears heard every word. She loked around to see if anybody else had heard it, but they showed no signs of having heard it. She sighed and resumed to watching Dusk. "WEll, first things first, where are we again?" Dusk was very forgetful sometimes. "We are in primary village." Salamon reminded her. "Ok, so.... We need to find where that flymon came from and figure out why it attacked us." Dusk thought for amoment and then stated her plan... ((Ok, so the plot is.... Angemon, TK's digimon, was the first to be taken from the Human world. The gap that connected the two worlds closed when he was taken. Nobody thought muchof it at the time, but as more and more digimon were taken from their partners, they started to wonder. Something happened and every memory in the entire world about digimon was erased. The only people who knew anything were the original Digidestined and the (second season) digidestined who actually went to the digital world. Angemon was corrupted when he was taken and now he is trying to rule the digital world, his counterpart, devimon, has somehow become nice because he now has a common digimon enemy with the digidestined. Will the digidestined get to Angemon and save him in time or will all be lost....))
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11:34am Jun 22 2010
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Yaamon nodded as best he could. "Yes. We should. I could ask Gigimon about it as well," he said in his raspy tone. Gigimon's ears flicked slightly. He had heard what the two were talking about, but decided not to tell Cain about it. Cain glanced towards Dusk who seemed to be lost in thought. His blue eyes narrowed as his brows furrowed together as he wondered what she was talking about. [[ Braindeadness... -headdesk- ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:38am Jun 22 2010
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Dusk looked back at Cain, feeling his stares on her back. She rubbed ehr blue marked arms absent mindedly and started to walk forward, motioning the others to follow her... (Me too...))
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4:16pm Jun 22 2010
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Aria noticed her brother's confused ex pression and said, "We were attacked by a flymon earlier. I arrived just in time to see Salamon and Lunamon take it down." She followed Dusk as she went off in no apparent direction, wondering just where this path would lead them. "And I will confront Gummymon" Demi Meramon agreed, nodding as he floated off to follow his partner.
4:19pm Jun 22 2010
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"Oh," Cain said, the confusion slowly faded from his face. Then, he got to his feet to follow his sister. Gigimon was riding on his shoulder. "Alright," Yaamon said before he bounced off towards his partner.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:07am Jun 23 2010
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Dusk stared back at the other two who seemed frozen and then shrugged. Oh well She thought. Salamon leapt into Dusk's arms and pushed against Dusk's hand like the cat/dog she was. Dusk rolled her eyes and started to pet the little digimon. "You know we are heading towards a frozen tundra of doom, right?" Lunamon pointed to the distance, but Dusk, unable to admit her mistake, kept walking...
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8:44am Jun 28 2010
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10:25am Jun 28 2010
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Demi Meramon 'landed' on Aria's shoulder, a small, worried frown on his face. He caught Salamon's remark and chuckled. "A frozen tundra of doom? That won't even faze me, I'm a fire." "Maybe not, Demi Meramon, but the rest of us will probably have a harder time than you surviving in the cold." Aria laughed, grinning at her partner. "Salamon, you know we have to go this way..." Gummymon sighed, smiling ruefully, "It's the only way to reach where we need to be."
5:15pm Jun 28 2010
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"Ya, we do, but shouldn't we tell them how to get other clothes?" Salamon said, staring at Gummymon... (Writer's block)
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2:45pm Aug 1 2011
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((Haha, this is not necroposting for it is my bored! Anybody that joined want to continue?))
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