Razor landed beside Kinzar. Sally climbed down from his back "where did you find them?" she asked, motioning at Cynder and Envy.
"They came here" Simon replyed coldly.
"Don't use that tone" She said.
"Yes Sally" he replied, hopeing to anoy her. Be carefull Kinzar said/thought.
Razor growled shall I kill him misstres? "that is not how you adress me" she said softly to Simon.
Simon turned and began to walk off "whatever".
Sally drew her sword and in a split second, had it through Simon's back.
Kinzar roared in agony as his rider died SIMON!
Razor stood betwen Sally and Kinzar shall I kill him? he asked. Send him away she replied, pulling her blade from Simon's back. Razor nodded and sunk his teeth into Kinzar's leg be gone!
Kinzar growled and sunk clawed at Razor's neck.
"Ganga" Sally said useing Kinzar's true name.
Kinzar snarled before leaping into the air I'll kill you both! he flew, not even bothering to see where he was going. He flew for a few miles over a forest before folding his wings and droping out of the sky, he hit the ground and lay there shudering.
(Okay, Kinzar is in the same forest as Lilly, Philip etc)
Philip jumped when he heard the crash "what was that?".