We are the dragon riders of Alagaesia (Dragon RP)

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2:22am Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 8

6:27pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((YES HE IS EPICLY AWESOME. x) Yes! A different smiley! Awesome. x) ))


8:44pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 23,239
(Hi Torvic 8D. Petra might not be able to get on.....)

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

8:46pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((THAT'S TOO BAD. :(  Woops caps lock. xD))


8:56pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 23,239
(LOL XD What to do......)

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

9:00pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 12,384
(( Time skip?  )


9:07pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 23,239


Gwen sighed and stood up.

Emerald opened his eyes and stod up. Colin fell to the groud with a yelp. Sorry, I should go hunt for something Emerald said/thought as he gently nudged Colin to his feet. Ok... But be careful Colin replied the dragon might come back.

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

9:33pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 12,384

Ash yawned as she slowly opened her eyes and sat up straight. Time to scry, she thought. She got to her feet, stumbling a bit as she did so, and walked off to find a puddle or something so she could scry Sage.

 Sage doubled back. He couldn't keep flying forever, however, and soon he would need to land. He huffed a sigh as he scanned the ground below him, looking for Ash.


9:44pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 23,239
Emerald luanched himself into the air and scaned the ground for any sine of a heard of deer. He spotted some by a small streem and dived at a yong buck. The deer didn't realise what was hapening untill Emerald had landed on it, shatering its spine and then punctureing its wind pipe. The deer twitched and died. Emerald rose back into the air with the deer in his claws and began to fly back to Colin.

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

10:01pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 12,384

Ash continued walking around, so far without any luck. Why is it so hard to find a dang puddle these days? She thought, annoyed.

 Sage continued looking around.


10:06pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 23,239

Emerald landed beside Colin and blasted the deer with flames sending a cloud of smoke into the sky. Colin began to eat......


Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

10:39pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 12,384

Ash looked around.

Sage looked around.

((Mega fail. xc )) 


10:42pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((GTG ))


10:56pm Nov 30 2010

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Posts: 23,239
(Bye ash D8)

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

9:04pm Dec 1 2010

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Posts: 23,239
(I have no idea what to post....... LOL)

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

10:47pm Dec 2 2010

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Posts: 12,384


11:12pm Dec 2 2010

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Posts: 23,239

Colin looked up at the sky "we need to go" he said why? Emerald asked "its not safe here any more, you saw how close it got yesterday" he explained as he climbed onto Emeralds back. Are you sure? Traveling might atract even more atention Emerald pointed out but they know where we are, the could come back, Galbatorix might come Colin said/thought. Emerald hesitaited for a second the lanched him self into the air where to? he asked we should find the varden, then we can do some good in this war Colin said/thought. Where to? Emerald reapeted Teirm, then we'll go to Dras leona and then to Surda Colin said/thought last I heard the Varden were somewhere in the Beor mountains, we'll head there after we've left Surda he said/thought.

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

6:40pm Dec 3 2010

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Posts: 23,239
Emerald frose and hovered in the air what? Colin asked its the dragon that atacked us before Emerald replied watching Sage. Do you think hes seen us? Colin asked.

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

9:51pm Dec 3 2010

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Posts: 12,384

Sage, continuing to look around, spotted Emerald and Colin. Hmm. Maybe if I was able to defeat them, then perhaps I could force them to tell them where Ash was, He thought, Then again, they probably wouldn't even know, and that would be a waste of my time... But if I don't, Galbatorix might throw a conniption, and that wouldn't be good! He hesitated before flying in the direction of the two, trying his best not to look threatening while doing so. After all, if he could get them to go to Galbatorix's side willingly that would save a lot of his time. 


10:01pm Dec 3 2010

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Posts: 23,239

Emerald growled slightly he's seen us he replied riseing higher into the air.


Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
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