Name: Thunderstrike
Gender: Male
Age: 17 Moons
Clan: OceanClan
Rank: Warrior
Mate/Crush: None
With a white star on his neck/chest
Personality: Reserved (only to cats he dosent know), loyal, fierce when needed but gentle otherwise, brave, smart
Other: A large cat, very good sense of smell
Name: Morningflower
Age:14 Moons
Clan: OceanClan
Rank: Queen
Personality: Sweet but very fierce to protect her kits, loyal, clever
History (optional): Her mate was killed by a rouge cat, has a bit of a grudge against them
Mate/Crush: Dead (look above), maybe looking

Name: Moonkit
Gender: Male
Clan: OceanClan
Rank: Kit
Personality: Loves his mother, a bit ambitious but loyal to his clan, smart, can be sarcastic, impatient, but kind and loving also
History: (look at mothers)
Mate/Crush: None
Name: Nightkit
Gender: Female
Clan/: OceanClan
Rank: Kit
Personality: You'll see
History: (look at mothers)
Mate/Crush: None
((Needs a mother))
Name: Leafkit
Gender: Female
Clan: TreeClan
Rank: Kit
Personality: You'll see
History: Was found in the forest smelling like TreeClan, TreeClan took her in (hopefully)
Mate/Crush: None