We Are The Past {Warrior Cat RP} The Present And The Future

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7:27pm Dec 23 2009

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Fireclan - Fallenwind, Falconwing, Russetpaw (Med. Cat Apprentice)

Oceanclan - Skyefeather (queen), Swiftbreeze

Treeclan - Blackstorm, Fangheart

Caveclan - Silentheart  


Fallenwind padded from the warriors den and glanced around, thinkinon the sun-high patrol. Gooming his fur, he came up with both the sun-high, as well as the sun-down patrol. Glancing around the camp, he padded up to Firesoul. "Would you mind to lead the sun-hig patrol? Take Falconwing with you." We need moe warriors, its good we have so many kits. "Patrol Cavecan borders excpessially." He meowed, nodding. Padding up to Silverstar, he sigheds she padded into the nursey. Sitting a few tail lengths away, he waited.

Russetpaw sniffed around the medcine cats den herb supply, getting used to the scent. She wanted to prove to her mentor she was the right choice to become the next medicine cat.


11:54pm Dec 23 2009

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Posts: 1,771
((Tis ok, I'm going to do it too, eklipse. But if you have a word document or Text edit open with all the Clans, ranks and names, it helps a lot. At least for me.))

Just call me Siri.

4:39pm Dec 24 2009

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Posts: 1,771


Firesoul looked at Fallenwind and nodded. Sluggishly going over to Falconwing, he pawed her gently on the shoulder. “Time to get going, we need to do boarder patrol.” I wonder why I always have to do the morning patrol. With a sigh, Firesoul trotted out of the warriors’ den and stretched out each leg in turn before licking his chest. Glancing up when he heard movement, he saw Falconwing coming out of the den looking more awake than he was, “Ready.” Firesoul didn’t say it as a question, but instead trotted off toward the tunnel that leads out of the camp. I hope there’s a mouse out there, because I’m famished.

Silverstar licked each kit in turn and merely chuckled at her sisters’ moody tempers. They really are kind, but I wish that mother would have taught them how to guard their sharp tongues. Affectionately rubbing against her sisters’ in turn, Silverstar left the den to see Fallenwind sitting a few tail lengths away. “Just the tom I wanted to talk to,” she said with a delighted look on her face, “We need to get Emberkit a mentor. I was hoping that you would be willing to teach this rambunctious one.” Judging the tom’s reaction, she hoped this was a wise choice. We are short on warriors and Fallenwind is very thorough on teaching his apprentices. I hope he agrees.

Just call me Siri.

5:16pm Dec 24 2009

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Posts: 1,771

((Since Emeraldpaw already sleeps in the apprentice den would it be alright if Thunderstrike was her mentor? Without the ceremony like it already happened or something. Also, Stray I hope you don’t mind if Echopaw was nursed by Skyfeather.))


Stormheart’s ears swiveled to the sides; she-cat’s can be very confusing at times, like at this time. Well most of the time really. Walking up to Seastar, he mewed quietly into her ear, “Echokit is ready to become an apprentice.” He’d been watching the little kit get on Skyfeather’s never ending patience. That little cat will be a handful for any warrior. I wonder if Seastar might take her.

Just call me Siri.

5:47pm Dec 24 2009

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Posts: 1,771


Nightpelt grew tired of waiting outside for Eaststar to wake up when Leopardheart came out of the warriors den. “Leopardheart, would you come here.” Nightpelt meowed quietly, “Do you think Blackstorm would make a good mentor for Stormkit?” Blackstorm seems very well put together, no hesitation in obeying orders and loyal as any cat. Looking into Leopardheart’s eyes he saw no malice; I was his own apprentice and became deputy before he did. Yet he seems more pleased with this than if he was the new deputy. When Leopardheart nodded, and replied, “That would be a great pair. They think alike and will work well together, just make sure Eaststar agrees.” Bobbing his head, Nightpelt felt delighted that Leopardheart thought that the match was good too. I may not be his apprentice anymore but he is the second cat, only to Eaststar, that I go to when I need guidance. I wonder if Eaststar would accept Leopardheart as Lionkit’s mentor.

Just call me Siri.

5:56pm Dec 24 2009

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Posts: 1,771


Cloudfoot crept up behind Poisoneyes and Phoenixstar, “I could go.” Cloudfoot was silent and light on her paws, one of the greatest hunters CaveClan has, and she enjoyed patrols. Running about and slinking through all the tunnels or catching some other Clans cat’s in our territory and chasing them off. I adore the rush.

Just call me Siri.

6:41pm Dec 24 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((Could there be a war? I want Eaststar to do something.))


7:14pm Dec 24 2009

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Posts: 1,771
((Eaststar could talk to Nightpelt. Stormkit and Lionkit need mentors and Nightpelt has some suggestions.))

Just call me Siri.

8:03pm Dec 25 2009

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Posts: 2,842


Hailfeather walked into the clearing of the camp and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?". She thought to herself Well, theres always something I can do to help. I just don't always know what it is.  


9:17am Dec 26 2009

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Posts: 2,092


Fallenwind pricked his ears in surprise, amber eyes gleaming. "Of course I'll mentor Emberkit." He meowed. "He's been a pawful to his mother so he'll make a excellent apprentice and then a warrior." He purred, looking towards the nursery. "Also, the reason I wanted to speak with you Silverstar, there have been scents of Caveclan closer to our borders then whats comfortable." He meowed tightly, thinking about the other clan. Sighting, he sunk his long claws into the ground. "When is Emberkit's ceramony?"

Falconwing sighed in annoyance as Firesoul trotted off, leaving her to catch up. Running after the tom, she sniffed the air in curiosity to make sure no cat was nearby that should not be. "Caveclan border?" She asked, remembering the scent of the clan when she was patroling with Fallenwind.


Skyfeather purred in delight as she watched Echokit bounding around the nursery. Even though the kit was not hers, she loved her as much as if she was. It's getting close to the time she should be apprenticed. With my new kits on the way, I cant have her tummbling all over me. Licking the she-cats head, she flicked her tail towards the entrance. "Go out into the camp, just dont et under warriors paws." She cautioned. Glancing outside, she chuckled as she spotted Swiftbreeze, her sister padding towards the den with a small vole on her jaws. "I hope thats mine." She teased as Swiftbreeze layed it in front of her. "Of course."



12:03pm Dec 26 2009

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Posts: 1,713


"Very well, you may go, Clouudfoot." she meowed quietly.


((U guys I need a oceanclan cat for a mentor for Emeraldpaw))


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4:00pm Dec 26 2009

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Posts: 2,092
((Swiftbreeze can mentor Emeraldpaw))


8:25pm Dec 26 2009 (last edited on 6:48pm Dec 28 2009)

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Posts: 1,771

((That would be great Stray! And I'm excited, I get to do an apprentice ceremony~ Being that eklipse and Stray said yes to this pairing, I'm going to power through the ceremony so that we don't have to wait for a simple, "Yes."))


Silverstar purred with delight, “It will be this nightfall. Just when Silverpelt begins spread across the tree lines.” Standing up, Silverstar brushed against Fallenwind as she walked away to find Emberkit. I can’t wait to see the look on Emberkit’s face. I can still remember the joy I had felt when my leader had come and announced my naming ceremony.

Firesoul slowed when Falconwing meowed, “CaveClan boarder?” Looking back he saw that the she-cat knew it was ClaveClan’s boarder and had simple quizzed herself on it. Opening his mouth Firesoul took a deep breath, scenting the air, and caught fresh cat scents. “They’ve just come by on their own boarder patrol. Let’s mark heavily here, since they came so close.” I don’t like it that they keep coming closer and closer to us. They should stick to eating their bats and leave our mice alone. Done marking, Firesoul looked around for Falconwing and panicked when he couldn’t see her. Did the CaveClan patrol find her? Leaping through some brush he startled a robin off. “Uh, let’s head back to camp and tell Silverstar about CaveClan pushing our boarders,” he mumbled, “And catch some prey on the way home.” Looking guiltily at the spot where the plump bird had sat pecking.

(Time lapse)

Silverstar practically pranced threw the camp until she got to the Highrock, where she bunched her muscles and leapt gracefully to the top. Sitting there for a moment to look at her healthy Clan, she called out, “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting!” When all the cats gathered around, Silverstar felt her fur fluff with anticipation. “It is time for Emberkit to leave the queens den and become an apprentice.”

Jumping down she motioned for Emberkit to come forward, his fire-red pelt was gleaming in the dusk as he walked to where Silverstar sat. “I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this kit. He would like to become a warrior of FireClan, but must first become an apprentice. From this day forth, until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Emberpaw. Fallenwind,” as she said his name, Fallenwind walked forward, “you will train Emberpaw. Our lost friend Redtail was your mentor. I hope that his skill and loyalty will pa.ss through you to your new apprentice.” The mentor and apprentice touched noses, and the Clan cheered the apprentices’ new name, Emberpaw! Emberpaw!

((I made Redtail Fallenwind’s mentor because you’re supposed to say the new mentor’s mentor in the ceremony and I didn’t know who it would be. And this was way longer than I thought it would be X.X sowwy))  

Just call me Siri.

9:35pm Dec 26 2009

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Posts: 1,771


Echokit ruffled her fur playfully, “But I like to play with you! And Stormheart looks at me like I’m a pesky salmon.” Rolling onto her back, Echokit flipped around when she saw Swiftbreeze, “Will you play with me?”


Cloudfoot had done a quick boarder check and ventured close to FireClan’s boarders. I think I went too close today but they seem to have a lot of prey. Looking into the moist caverns she thought, and we seem to have so few.


Nightpelt looked at Leopardheart in surprise when he offered to relieve him. “Thanks,” he meowed happily. I don’t like sitting about and he knows it. Looking around camp he saw, more like heard, Hailfeather and bounded over to her. “You could come on a hunt with me.” Nightpelt offered kindly, she’s a busy cat much like myself and she does a lot for the Clan.

Just call me Siri.

10:37am Dec 27 2009

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Posts: 1,713
((Thanks stray!))

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10:47am Dec 27 2009

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Posts: 1,713

((Cave Clan))

"How was the border check, Cloudfoot?" asked pheonixstar, looking around for movement of prey. She sat onto the ground signaling to Poisoneyes, who was sitting about 5 foxlenths awaydoing nothing, to go do something impotant. Poisineyes got up and walked away angrily.



 Icestorm turned around in her den, restocking the supplies in her den. "Thorneyes walked in the den. "Could you check this?" she asked to her.



((I wil type the rest later bye!)) 

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3:40pm Dec 27 2009 (last edited on 3:41pm Dec 27 2009)

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Cloudfoot looked up at Pheonixstar, "Nothing unusual. I found a plump mouse but it dashed into Fireclan territory, so I had to let it go." Her belly let out a rumble of disapproval, announcing clearly that it was hungry. "I would like to either go further into the caves to find bats or hunt in the gr*censored* for stray birds and mice. Would that be alright Pheonixstar?"

Just call me Siri.

4:54pm Dec 27 2009 (last edited on 4:56pm Dec 27 2009)

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Posts: 694

((Thunderstrike was already going to mentor Emeraldpaw

And if Blackstorm is going to mentor Stormkit, who's going to mentor Lionkit?))

Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D



5:05pm Dec 27 2009

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Posts: 1,713
((sorry I get confuzzled sometimes :P ))

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5:20pm Dec 27 2009 (last edited on 2:03pm Dec 29 2009)

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Posts: 1,713


"Yes, that would be alright ."she Paused."But please try to stay out of Piosoneyes way, she has been a little...well angry." she whispered, trying not to let Poison eyes overhear her speaking.


 Icestorm turned around in her den, restocking the supplies in her den. Thorneyes walked in the den. "Could you check this?" she asked to her. Icestorm looked at her, scanning for ignores."Well you look fine to me." she Meowed trying to be furm but polite. "No, it is my shoulder, when I was trying to catch a bird, it scratched me." she meowed in embarrasment. "Wonderful job, thorneyes." downfall joked. Thorneyes lat out a purr of amusment as Icestorm bandeged up her small wound with a bundle of cob web.


Emeraldpaw walked up to her mentor, Thunderstrike. "What do I do nooooowwwww..." she moaned loudly as she turned and climbed a tree. She looked around. This is beautiful. she thought, then she looked down. Her paws felt like they froze,she stoped moving. Her heart beat faster and faster. She begun shaking. 

Nightclaw looked up at Emeraldpaw, then at the tree. "Are you alright Emeraldpaw?" he meowed wearily. He jumped up onto the tree. "Are you scared?" he meowed. She slowed nodded her head, he grabbed her scruff and slowly from branch to branch jumped down the tree. He put her on his back and walked to the medicine cat den."Is anyone here?" he meowed loudly. "Asist this apprentice, she has something wrong with her.." he said gently. "She is scared..." he meowed.

Leopardeyes looked for her mother along the long silver-coloured beach. Where could she be?? she thought. She walked along the beach farther hoping to see her mothers light brown, lit up pelt. 

Rose-eyes let out a long yawn, she looked forward, out from the medicine cat den, I wish I could catch prey now... shethough to herself.



((Rose-eyes is a Queen :D and will be expecting kitts right away.)) 

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