5:37pm Dec 27 2009
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((OceanClan)) Morningflower purred in amusement, picking up Moonkit from the scruff of his neck. "Don't stay on top of Nightkit, or she might just take your nose off." She began to wash him, and thought, they're getting bigger every day. They'll have to be apprenticed soon.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
5:52pm Dec 27 2009
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((eklipse, Thunderstrike is Emeraldpaw's mentor. Sea, I was hoping that Blackstorm could be Stormpaw's mentor but I'm waiting for Stray to respond and then I would like Leopardheart to mentor Lionpaw.))
Just call me Siri.
7:50pm Dec 27 2009
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((Sure, Blackstorm can mentor Stormpaw.)) Oceanclan Swiftbreeze purred in amusment towards Echokit. "Sure i'll play, not like I have anyting better to do." She meowed, falling into a fake crouch. Snapping her mouth commicly, she pretended to be a fox. "Alright, im a fox about to eat you. What are you going to do about it?" She asked wickedly. I love kits, with their senese of adventure and innossence. I wish they could stay this way. Skyfeather purred in amusment as her foster daughter played with her sister. Sometimes I think Swiftbreeze is more of a kit then kits themselves. At least she's a good hunter with a good heart, or she would still be nothing more then a apprentice with her easy-going personality. She thought helplessly, falling into her side while waitying for sleep to come over her. Fireclan Fallenwind looked down at Emberpaw with humor, yet strictness. "I hope your ready to work. I'll let you know right right i'm not a easy mentor, ready to dish out kind words for mistakes. I'll let you know what I think weather it's harsh or not, and will punish you for breaking the warriors sode of for acting stupid. And if I, Silverstar, or a senior warrior tell you to do somthing, do it then and dont comlain. But you seem eager to learn, and are smart. I think you'll make a fine apprentice." Licking the top of the new apprentice's head, he glanced over at Silverstar. "Alright, go get something to eat and pick a nest. Trainging starts tommorow. "Dissmissing the apprentice, he padded over to the leader. "Have you heard anything from Firesoul about Caveclan border? Im worried what that clan might be up to." He meowed, sitting down beside her. Falconwing hid a purr of amusment as the tom missed the prey. Flicking her fluffy tail over her mouth, she nodded. "Alright." She meowed, getting back up with one more glance at the Caveclan territory. "I hope they dont try anything." She murmured to herself. Shaking off the worries, she started back to camp, catching two mice and missing a large blackbird.

2:39pm Dec 28 2009
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Emberpaw looked up at his mentor, the drpity and mewed as evenlly as he could even though he was so excited, "I am more ready than any appretnice you've ever mentored"
7:05pm Dec 28 2009
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((I wish Fullmoon would come and play Eaststar, Stormkit and Lionkit should be apprentices'. I think I'll message her after I post.)) (Fireclan) Firesoul came into camp with Falconwing right next to him, both carrying a fair amount of prey. Trotting over to the fresh-kill pile Firesould dropped his catches then headed over to Silverstar and happened to hear Fallenwind ask, "Have you heard anything from Firesoul about Caveclan border? I'm worried what that clan might be up to." Speaking up he greeted them, "Silverstar," he dipped his head, "Fallenwind," another dip. "I wanted to tell you that I caught the same cat-scent very close to our board with Caveclan." Firesoul meowed evenly as he continued, "I don't think they're planning anything as much as one cat is getting too confident." Watching them think that over Firesoul thought, or maybe Caveclan is having a hard moon catching prey and Fireclan has had plenty of prey. Firesoul was about to say this when Silverstar said, "Has there been less prey by that boarder?" Adoring his leader even more, Firesoul shock his head, "Not that I noticed but maybe Falconwing saw something." Silverstar flicked her tail, signaling that he could take his leave. Dipping his head again, Firesoul was about to go to the warriors den for some rest when he over heard that Fallenwind was now mentoring Emberpaw. I guess I should go congratulate him, since I wasn't here to see the ceremony. Cuffing Emberpaw on the ear, gently, Firesould meowed, "One step closer, it's hard work but don't give up, being a warrior is worth it."
Just call me Siri.
11:56pm Dec 28 2009 (last edited on 11:58pm Dec 28 2009)
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(Oceanclan) Frostleaf looked at Rose-eyes and called over, "Are you hungry?" Not really waiting for an answer, the she-cat brought over two small fish and dropped one in front of her and started to eat the other herself. Between bites Frostleaf asked, "Is there any pain? Are you tried? Have they been moving?" Frostleaf jumped when Emeraldpaw was set in front of her. "What happened?" she asked worried, but when she heard the story she mrrowed with laughter. "Emeraldpaw is just a bit scared is all." Stormheart looked at Seastar and the other cats then sighed. "Seastar!" he yowled. Catching her attention he felt his fur go warm for tail-tip to whiskers, "We need to talk about Echokit, Nightkit and Moonkit becoming apprentices'." Glancing at the other cats he wished they would leave them so he could talk to Seastar in private. ((East, I hope that get's her attention. Lol =3 ))
Just call me Siri.
2:13pm Dec 29 2009
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"Thank you, Frostleaf."she meowed thankfully. "And, yes I have felt them.... I beleive there is 4 of them..." she meowed. "And I am sort of tiered.." she meowed drowsily.
"Emeraldpaw nodded, it is all true.." she meowed regretfully "I am afraid of hight.". "How am I going to finish my apprentice teachings?" she meowed worried.
2:14pm Dec 29 2009
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((Siri, or East.... Why can I not change fonts anymore, and make my letters coloured?
hrmm..... O>o ))
12:31am Dec 30 2009
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((Eklipse, if you want to you may. I just had tired eyes that day I read your post and was all O.O o.o O.o o.O But you can go back to it if you like.)) (OceanClan) Frostleaf purred, "There is no worry Emeraldpaw. We are OceanClan and we pride ourselves in being the best swimmers." Straying from her normally stoic self, she teased, "Unless you want to join those TreeClan cats."
Just call me Siri.
4:12pm Dec 30 2009 (last edited on 4:16pm Dec 30 2009)
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((no no, I ment It was not posible for me to change fonts, like the whole bottom thing dissapeared. O>o)) Rose-eyes saw a glint of happiness shawn in Emeraldpaws eyes. "Yes, thank you Frostleaf." she meowed happily. (Time lapse) ((Siri, in zeh time lapse, could we start from after Rose-eyes had her kits?))
4:58pm Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 1,713
Name: Pheonixkit Gender: Female Age: like one day Postion: kit Clan: Ocean Looks:down dere Mate:no no Crush: OPEN Other: Thinks eating birds is wrong :p
Name: Duskkit/duskpaw/duskstrike Gender: male Age: like one day Postion: kit Clan: Ocean Looks:down dere Mate:no no Crush: OPEN Other: va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out." cl*censored*="menuTrigger hover"> Name:nightkit Gender: Female Age: one day Postion: kit Clan: Ocean Looks: Other:same as pic, but backwards silver stripes and black pelt, green eyes Name:Silverkit Age: One day Position:kit Clan:ocean Looks: Other: thinks she can fly and agrees with her sister, pheonixkit ((really sorry about pg strech))
1:45pm Dec 31 2009
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2:42pm Jan 1 2010
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8:32pm Jan 1 2010
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((Eklipse, sure.)) ((I'm going to make it short so people can read it.)) (OceanClan) Frostleaf purred, she had just helped Rose-eyes deliver her kits and they are all healthy.
Just call me Siri.
2:28pm Jan 2 2010
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3:23pm Jan 2 2010
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((bump ~Post Later~))
5:40pm Jan 2 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((I wish it would go to a new page)) ~Bump
Just call me Siri.
8:36pm Jan 2 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((I will bump until it does))
8:36pm Jan 2 2010
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8:36pm Jan 2 2010
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