8:36pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 5:39pm Apr 26 2010)
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Plot: It all had started a few months back. My long-had owner p*censored*ed away, and I was almost to myself. Well, atleast I was just curious looking around my house, waiting for their return. After a while I fell asleep out of boredom, just to have Jack (owner) come back, with a whole bucket of tears coming down his eyes. I followed him into the kitchen to have him pull out a knife. He sat it down and banged his head on the table, "I can't... I CAN'T..." He was getting very depressed as I could tell... "Why do these kind of things happen in life?!" he sobbed. Then he grabbed a hammer and jammed down the window. Now I was... Absolutely confused... "Oh dear Germaine, you're a dog... I wish you'd understand... And if you do..." he continued to sob, "My fiance, your other owner..." he yelled out tears, "SHE'S DEAD!!" Just doing that had made him even more depressed. Of course that he didn't know, I could understand. I ran to my dog room and lay down. But at that time, I thought maybe then would be the time I needed to runaway. But the next day, that little smoker Jack had p*censored*ed because of all those cigarettes. So here I am nowadays, living in this abandoned house. Name: Germaine Gender: Male Breed: Doberman Looks:  Personality: A proud dog, he would make a great pack leader. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ((I hope some people join!))

8:46pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 8:53pm Apr 22 2010)
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Name:Nainie (ni ni) Gender:Female Breed:Doberman Looks:
Personality:Proud, yet listens to others and is not afraid to admit it when she's wrong.
Name:Pacey Gender: Male Breed:Aussie Shepard Looks:
Personality:Joking, laughing enjoys life. But when someone threatens his sister he's completely dominant and agresssive Name:Tara Gender: Female Breed: Aussie Shepard Looks:
Personality: Kindand soft spoken. Enjoys life and lives it to the extent. Name:Kalik Gender: Male Breed:Hovawart Looks:
Personality:Rp him out Name:Kikla Gender: Female Breed: Hovawart Looks: 
Personality:Rp herout. Name:Phoenix Gender: Female Breed: Japanese Akita Inu Looks:
Personality:Savage. Dislikes others at first, but once you get into her heart youare her best friend.
8:56pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 9:14pm Apr 22 2010)
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Name:Shadow's Torment((Shadow))//Shadows Velocity((Velocity or Vi)) Gender:male//Female Breed:German Shepherds Looks: 
 Personality:rp them outim brining in the twin dogs ;D
10:28pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 10:37am Apr 23 2010)
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((I'll join as my dog.)) Name: Bandit Gender: Male Age: A year and four months Breed: Mongrel, but (I think) he has some Jack Russel Terrier in him. Looks: ((Minus the collar.)) Personality: Um, can I play it out?
5:50am Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 5:54am Apr 23 2010)
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Posts: 253
Name: Obsidian Gender: male Breed: Greater swiss mountain dog Looks:  Personality: wise and quiet, but a firce fighter for any he is close to. ____________- Name: Mica Gender : Female Breed: Caanan dog Looks:  Personality: Sweet and kind, motherly to any pups at all, lonely most of the time. Note* Mica is blind. Obsidian is blind in one eye Name: Steven Gander: Male Breed: Pug Looks:   Personality: jsut a naive inoccent puppy.
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5:35pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 825
((alright, I guess it's time to start then. :D Oh, and I just figured out I have A.D.D!)) Germaine stare off into the distance as the wind flew by. The moonlight rose through the trees as he walked silently across the street. "Why are these days I go through so... Alone?" he whispered to himself. He sniffed alll the way to through the park and over to a river. To him, it wasn't very long of ways from his houseto the creek. That was where he always got his water every night and day. He lay to lick out of the long creek, as he heard a small rustling in the bramble...
5:40pm Apr 23 2010
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Phoenix stepped out of a large bush, lowered her head and pinned her ears back as she saw Germaine, "What are you doing here?" she snarled. A savage growl escaped her throat and she demanded, "Get out before I kill you"
5:46pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 825
"Keh..." he chuckled. "kill me? I'd like to see you TRY!" he growled. Germaine pulled forward as he was just asking for a fight.
5:48pm Apr 23 2010
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Velocity padded through the park, nose to the ground. Her thick fur was unaffected by the weather. She trotted at a brisk pace. She was interupted by a sharp bark and turned to see her brother, Shadow. "Vi!" Shadow barked, "I see a fight brewing over there." he said, grinning wolfishly. "Let's go!" Velocity barked, trotting back the way her brother came. Her stomach growled in protest, but, Velocity would rather see a fight, then eat after.
6:00pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 253
Obsidian trotted to the creek himself to get a small sip of the water. He Stopped at the sound of loud barking and looked out through the bushes with his good eye and barked out, "hey! what's going on here?"
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6:23pm Apr 23 2010
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Being raised as a fighting dog, Pjoenix was confident in her ferocity. "Try? Me?" she asked cockily, "If I attacked you would be dead before you could say-" she was cut off by another large swift dog. Nainie dashed in and snarled at both dogs, "Phoenix stop being so threatening. It's not just your's. This place belongs to everyone. We need more to be here in order to make a suitable pack. So just shut up." turning her pointed head to Germaine she snarled at him,"And what are you doing? Waltzing right into someones territory and demanding a fight" She sighed and hung her head.
6:29pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 253
((dang, I just checked and the person who plays germaine is offline...)) Obsidian walked out, thouroughly confused. "What's a house dog doing here anyways?" he said threatningly. "Our territory, our prey, our water, go beg your master for some." Obsidian stopped growling as Mica stumbbled in. Mica sniffed the air and tilted her head. "another intruder?" she barked softly.
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6:43pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 4:34pm Apr 26 2010)
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Name: Kismet Gender: Female Breed: German Shepherd & Husky mix Looks:  Personality: Shy, and quiet. She usually keeps to herself, but she might warm up to you. Name: Dusk Gender: Male Breed: German Shepherd Looks:  Personality: Rude, mean, and lonely. You'd be lucky if he'd even smile at you. Name: Dawn Gender: Female Breed: Siberian Husky Looks:  Personality: Usually kind, and sweet. She cares for her friends, and her pack members. She can be agressive if you annoy her. ((Join?))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:55pm Apr 23 2010
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Kalik and Kikla awoke and came to the stream, "Who are you?" asked Kalik and a deep, gruff bark His ebony and tan pelt fluttered in the slight breeze. "This is our territory. Their is no leader here." he snarled, "We are equal and if enough of us choose so, this snivelling housedog may join us"
8:05pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 253
"fair enough." barked obsidian tiredly before taking a drink in the creek. "It doesn't matter to me one way or another, though it would be another mouth to feed, and he has his master to feed him instead." Mica walked up and sniffed at him, then simply walked away, back behind obsidian.
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8:29pm Apr 23 2010
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Tara overheard them barking and padded up to Germaine, her small size nothing compared to his long lean legs, "Or have you lost your master?" Phjoenix couldn't take the friendliness her "pack" was showing, "That's it" she snarled savagely and lept across the stream and unto Germaine.
8:39pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Velocity stepped into view, blocking Phoenix, "Enough! There is no reason to fight at the moment." She snarled, lip curling. She had been raised as a champion fighter, along with Shadow, and the two were a fierce pair. She barely noticed when her bulky borhter stepped to her side, "it is obvious that this newcomer is a House Dog, and it is unfair to attack him. He doesnt know any better." she growled.
8:43pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 253
Obsidian stepped up to pheonix's side. "let them fight, we might see if he would be good enough to be a contribution to the pack and not just a burden." he barked. He set his paws down firm and growled at Velocity and Shadow.
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8:44pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Snorting Phoenix spoke gruffly, "I suppose. Stupid Housedog." padding away ears flat against her skull, she felt bad. Being raised as a fighitng dog, living with the most viscous of dogs she had never thought of anything but violence for an answer.
8:49pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 253
Obsidian sat down to watch the fight with his one good eye and kept his focus. ((Brain dead...))
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