10:09pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,216
Wood shavings littered the ground he sat, the constant, smoothe sound of a blade p*censored*ing through wood now the usual song of his life. Silver eyes blinking up wearily at the sunlight streaming from overhead, he took a moment to relax in the cool shade of the willow tree he had taken sanctuary under. Only a few yards ahead, a group of eight or nine children played in all of their youthful innocence. Laughter rebounded through the air, and Westcot breathed a sigh of longing. Despite them being much younger than him and all of their games of duck-duck-goose considered childish, all he wanted at that moment was to join them. Of course, that could never happen. His parents had told him to stay away from anyone and everyone. "Why?" He murmured to no one in particular. And then there was only the sound of a blade whittling away a block of wood.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
7:12am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,094
Avery yawned an switched into wolf form. "Time to scare some kiddies" she said, smiling, "And maybe kill one or two." She wandered a bit until she found a group of children playing, laughing, smiling. She laughed. Not for long... she thought. Avery pounced into their little duck-duck-goose circle. She growled, showing her huge fangs. The children screamed. Avery picked one up by his shirt.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
10:19am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 6,216
Avery. Westcot thought with distaste, watching her attack the children. He couldn't do anything; for one, he had only begun to master shifting, and two, it was strictly forbidden for him to try and stop any werewolves or try to 'commingle' with the humans. Sighing, he placed his knife and wood in his backpack before standing up. It was best to leave, before he ended up getting dragged into the crime as well.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
10:34am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,094
Avery turned around to see Westcot leaving. She sighed, let the child go, and changed back into human form. She chased after him. "Your so BORING!" she said, "Do you hate fun, or something?" ((Btw, can like Avery and Wescot be like brother and sister, but Avery got kidnapped when she was little and then she came back?)) ------------ Amelia walked past a group of small children, all trembling and crying. She walked up to them. "Help..." the child that had been attacked by Avery said, quietly. He had blood running down his shirt from where Avery had bit him. Amelia's eyes flashed red.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
3:55pm Apr 18 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,094
((Everyone completely 'sploded <.< >.>))
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
4:00pm Apr 18 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,835
4:01pm Apr 18 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,216
((I left on a family outing. >> And sure, though his parents never told him.))
"Yes," Westcot replied stiffly, knowing better to go against what the girl told him; after all, causing a commotion with another werewolf would only result in havoc. "I do."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
4:06pm Apr 18 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,094
((Sure, ssather)) Avery rolled her eyes. "Why?" she asked, "You didn't play with your toys when you were little?". She giggled, then yawned. "Try to learn to have fun, Westcot." she said, laughing. She ran back into the forest. ----------- Amelia stared at the injured child with blood red eyes. She might as well put him out of his misery. She bit him, drained him dry and left him. All the other children stared in horror as she wiped the blood off her chin. Everyone stopped crying, stopped trembling, stopped wimpering. All they did was stare at the girl with the blood red eyes.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
4:29pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 4:47pm Apr 18 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,835
((Okay, cool.)) Name:Maya Griffin
Age:Unknow, she looks 16 though
Gender:female Species:Vampire Personality:Maya is one of those vampires that show no pity and don't care if anyone thinksshe is a monster because she knows that she is. She doesn't mind being a loner or if people say bad stuff about her because she knows who see is and she doesn't hide it. Maya is never shy andisn't evil but isn't good. She is someone who knows who she is but can't really explain it to someone else. Once you get to know her she can be very funny and friendly. She is a great person to have on your said because if she is against you ,well...Good luck. History:She was born into a very rich family. They are are some of the more 'older' kind of vampires. Her parents were very protective of her. They didn't let her go to public school or even leave the yard. She didn't make many frineds until she ran away from home to see what a real life was like. She has been travaling ever since. Looks:  Other:Nope Name:Ash Silverblood
Age:unknown, look around 20 though. Gender:Male Species:Vampire Personality:Rping it out.
History:He didn't want to tell me.
Looks:  Other:His sister is Jade. Name:Jade Silverblood
Age:unknown, looks around 17 though Gender:female Species:Vampire Personality:Most think Jade is a sociopath which she might be. She is great at lying and always seems to disappear right before trouble. She uses people to get her way but if someone can get through the hard box she stuff all her emotions in then she turns out to be a very friendly person. History:Bleh. Looks:  Other:Her brother is Ash. Name:Katherine(Kitty) Hawk
Age:17 Gender:female Species:Human Personality:Rping it out.
History:Its a secret(Shh) Looks:  Other:She is Aurora's sister.
Name:Aurora Hawk
Age:18 Gender:female Species:Human Personality:Aurora is very oppinioned. She doesn't get along with too many people and is even easier then Maya to be angered. If she does get angry at you then you bette rsleep with one eyes open. She is known to be sarcastic and not very positive but she is very loyal. History:She doesn't like to talk about it.
Looks:  Other:Her sister is Kitty. Aurora is albino. Name:Hunter Dodder
Age:unknown, looks around 20 though
Gender:male Species:werewolf Personality:Rping it out.
History:Nothing 'you' need to know.
Looks:  Other:Johnny is his brother. Name:Johnny Dodder
Age:unknown, looks around 18 though.
Gender:Male Species:Werewolf Personality:Rping it out. History:He was born, the end. Looks:  Other:He is Hunter's brother.

4:43pm Apr 18 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,094
((Added you to the list))
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3