5:47pm May 6 2011
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[[Sorry I didn't get to post. School. It sucks. :/]] Ryuunosuke kicked a rock across the sidewalk, humming to himself quietly. Today was one of the only days he felt relaxed, as opposed to other times when he felt like throwing a rock at someone's head. But right now, her could feel his patience slowly ebbing away, until it crumpled in a heap at the back of his mind. Finding another rock, he kicked it so hard it slammed into the side of a car, resulting in a small dent and an alarm going off. Grimacing, Ryuu annoyingly jumped back, heading the other way in a fast walk. Slwing down until he couldn't hear the car's blaring alarm, he let himself fall onto a bench that was on the side of the road. He stretched out his legs in front of him, glaring at his old red converses. He pulled out his phone from his hoodie pocket, scowling as he looked through the messages. "None." he scoffed, annoyed. He quickly started punching in letters into the black-berry's key pad, trying to compose himself. "Dad... where are you..." he mumbled, trying hard not to call his father and shout swears into the man's ears. "Dammit." Out of all days, he has to forget to pick me up. He shook his head, deciding he'd just walk home. Sighing, he decided to start on the several-mile walk back to his house, trying not to think of the car that was following him. He paused, and so did the car. Deciding he really didn't want to be kidnapped in the middle of no-where, he launched himself into a sprint, before he felt something hard hit his head. "Got 'im!" He heard the hoarse voice of a man chuckle, before tossing him in the back of the van. And that was when he passed out, unconcious, his wrsists tied behind his back and his head slamming against the floor.
5:54pm May 6 2011
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Posts: 31
May I join?
11:25pm May 6 2011
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Kachina shifted to the side as another boy was thrown into the trunk. "Nod if you want me to unbind you." She whispered to him as the men closed the trunk, not noticing her. If they had, they paid no attention. ((Such a fail. Sorry. Blooper-All spots taken. Sorry.))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:22am May 7 2011
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Posts: 2,422
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
2:06pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 1,338
"Thanks", the boy mumbled to his 'savior'. He rubbed his wrists and ankles, where the ropse used to be. As his eyes got used to the light, Kyaan looked up. It was a girl that saved him. Talk about a big shocker! "I'm Kyaan...." The boy said to the girl, not bothing to even look at her again.
It wasn't a moment later that the boy jumped. Another body was thrown into the trunk. The men didn't even bother to look at him or the girl. Then, the girl started speaking to the boy, who seemed to be either injured or unconcious. Kyaan stayed silent, he didn't know how to help, so he figured it would be best if he didn't.
2:51pm May 7 2011
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Ryuu's blue eyes flew open, darting from side to side, trying to figure out where he was. The last thing he could remember was being clonked in the side of the head with something, before he went MIA. He used his legs to push himself upright, seeing as he could barely move his wrists an inch from each other. Groaning, he slammed his head against the back of the door, shaking his head in disbelief. "What the he- heck?" He caught himself, looking around. He could see the sillouettes of other people, all seemingly in the same situation as he was. It took him a moment to realize he was being asked a question, and he whipped his head to face the girl so quickly that his red hair whipped around his head before falling into his eyes. "Uh.. sure?" He whispered back, nodding hsi head in acknowledgement. "Thanks." He was starting to calm down considerably, now relaxing.
4:22pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 4,258
Volo growled, a pain growing in his side. "Please." He whispered, his heart beginning to race. He had a fear of being stuck, and being tied up in the back of some guys' truck qualified in that catagory. After the bounds on his hands wre gone, he calmed down a little and undid his ankles. "What the heck is right. What are we doing? What are they doing? Oh, I'm Volando by the way." ((Epic failure.))
8:07pm May 7 2011
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"If I knew, I don't think I'd be sitting here," Ryuu rubbed his wrists as the rope that had so annoyingly held them back was released. He lent over quickly, untieing the ropes that bound his ankles together. "Ouch." he muttered as an afterthought. "But I guess it's our job to find out." he added. He lookes around once more. "My names Ryuunosuke. But you can call me Ryuu. Who are all these people, anyway?" he asked. [I know. braindead. >.<]
8:45pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 2,422
After everyone had been unbound, Kachina sighed and pocketed her knife. "Name's Kachina." She told them. "Nice to meet you. I just wish it was on better terms." She felt along the long cut she had accidently made trying to open her knife earlier. It was long and deep. Kachina tore one of her sleeves from her tee-shirt and tying it tigtly around the wound to stop the bleeding. "Everyone ok? No bleeding or broken bones?" She asked. "And dont ask me questions. I'm as clueless as you.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:30pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 1,966
Ryuu shot her a look, snorting. "Well duh. Of course not. None of us does. Hasn't that already been established?" he smirked, before composing himself. "Sorry." he apologized, leaning back against the metal wall of the van. Ryuu lifted his fingers to the back of his head, before hissing in pain. "Ouch. Dammit!" he pulled his fingers back to see them tinged red. "That baldy must of slammed me in the head with something hard." [More brain-dead. When are they gonna get out?]
10:42pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((Now :3)) Suddenly, the van jerked to a stop. Kachina was slamed against the side of the van. She groaned and blacked out. A while later, she didnt know how long, she came to and found herself strapped to a hard metal table, the others on tables close to her. A skinny, ill-looking man in a long blood-stianed lab coat. He flicked the needle of a long syringe. "This will only hurt...alot." He grinned weakly and found a thick vien in her upper arm. He slowly slid the needle in. Kachina jerked and flailed on her table, the white liquidin the syringe, once mixed wiht blood, felt like fire licking through her viens. She bit back a scream but ended up letting out a short, high-pitched wail. The others hadn't been injected yet and she could feel their eyes upon her as she squirmed.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:53pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 4,258
As the car jerked to a stop, Volo was thrown forward and he yelped out in pain. The men came and grabbed each out of the car, but Volo would go easy. Dizzy from hitting his head, he kicked and tried to claw to get away but like the last time, he was picked off of his feet and carried. They were strapped down to cold metal tables in a bright room with a bunch of weird people. One of them carried a needle, a huge one at that, and made his way over to Volo. "No, leave us alone." The needle stung his arm, and then all his muscles went limp. "There, that should keep him still while I complete the needed tests." The man said, returning to the girl who helped them in the car. As he approached her with the needle, he tried to call out and tell him to leave her alone but he couldn't even speak. Fear filled his mind, fear for himself, for the others and of these strange men. Who were they and why were they here?
11:07pm May 7 2011 (last edited on 11:26pm May 7 2011)
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Posts: 1,966
Ryuu let out a grunt as the van lurched to a stop, his already injured head slamming against the side of the van. Ryuu, already in pain, felt like screaming and kicking someone in the face for making his head hurt so badly. When light from the moon seeped into the van, he could see the unconsious body of the girl that had helped them lieing on the ground. Filled with rage as someone made a move to snatch him and drag him into the building, Ryuu landed a well aimed kick at the man, launching him to the ground. Ryuu kicked him again, before he felt a sharp pain in his side, a needle poking in between two of his ribs. Giving a cough, Ryuu feel to his knees, right into the arms of the man who had injected him with... whatever it was. Everything else was a blur - Ryuu could barely feel it as he was dragged from the van and into the building, and he could barely feel anything when he was strapped to the table. Usually, he would be calm and relaxed in these situatios, but right now, Ryuu just felt freaked. "Let me... out!" he finally slurred, obviously the drug's doing. "Now, now, boy, just let us-" the man stopped saying anything as he stabbed another needle into Ryuu's side. Ryuu thrashed on the bed, feeling as though liquid fire was consuming his entire body, flowing into his veigns. Ryuu let loose a pained wail, before clenching his fists so hard, that his fingers stabbed into his flesh and drew blood.
11:20pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Kyaan caught himself from falling over, unlike everyone else, as the car came to a stop. The men reached in and grabbed all of them, Kyaan going with ease. He had seen what these men could do, what they were doing, and didn't want to be any part of it. He walked with them, not making a sound, not fighting back a bit.
As he was strapped to the bed, Kyaan grew to be extremeley frightened. He would have spoke, but he couldn't find the words to say. He looked over as he heard Kachina scream, or whatever she did, and his yeyes widened more. He was next in line. He cracked his lips open slightly, his mouth dry from lack of use. "Please," He whispered as the man came up to him with a syringe. "Please, don't," He said again, as the man put the large needle next to his skin. Kyaan looked away as the needle was thrust into his skin. The pain was unbearable. The boy shouted, he didn't scream, but he shouted. "Let me go! Ahh!" If the boy could think straight, he would have thought he was going to turn into the Hulk.
11:36pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 2,422
The pain pulsed. Grew then lessened. Kachina strained against the straps and then lay back, panting. She could finally think right but the pain never subsided. It flowed through and through her viens, shifted her blood to what she felt sure was unnatural. She screamed as the pain reach its climax. Finally, it ended and she fell back, trying to find her breath. The man approached again and unstrapped her, handed her a package, then let one of the men show her to her quarters. Kachina was locked into a nice sized carpeted room with many beds lining the walls and two couches on the far wall with two small windows overlooking a forest. Kachina sighed and sat on the edge of the bed she had chosen for herself and set the package, a green box with brown ribbon, on her pillow, choosing not to open it. A new wave of pain swept over her as she did this and she quickly grabbed the box back, relishing in the relief it brought.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:38pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Blood, do they all stay in the same room, or have seperate rooms?))
11:40pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((Same room. The scientist like the easier way to take care of their expiriments...xD))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:48pm May 7 2011 (last edited on 12:02am May 8 2011)
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Posts: 4,258
It was his turn. The scientist stood over Volo with the needle now, not even being carefull when the jabbed it into his arm. Even through the drugs they had given him, the pain over took him in a fit convulsions. Fire filled his veins, numbness in the tips of his fingers sent new waves of fear through him. He yelled out in agony, falling to the cool floor as they released the straps of the table. One of the men from earlier had to carry him down to the room where they tossed him inside with his package. A little silver box. He lay in a heap, curled up on the floor. Inches away was the silver box but he didn't even notice it, or anyone else for that matter. The pain just consumed him.
11:52pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Okay, good. xD)) Kyaan stopped screaming, but started to breathe heavily. His breath coming in pants at this time. He jerked around in his binds, attempting to get away from the upcoming pain that he knew was coming. The pain was worse than before, it was excrusiating. The scream welled up in his throat, but Kyaan sucked it up. He sighed as the pain 'went away'. Kyaan fell limp to the table. A moment later, the men roughly threw the restraints off him, picked him up, and tossed him to his feet. They handed him a small parcel and led him to a room, where Kachina was already laying, well, sitting anyways. He took a bed next to hers, staying silent though. He took the package in his hands, it felt nice. It was a light blue parcel with a silver bow. It reminded him of the sky and clouds. A peaceful thought after what just happened. "Are, are you okay, Kachina?" He finally asked the girl, not looking up.
11:57pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Kachina nodded. "Yea. As long as I'm holding this thing. You?" She asked, looking down at the box and wondering what was in it. She sighed and lifted the lid off carefully. Inside, was a green and brown egg. Her brow furrowed and she lifted the egg from the box. Holding it, she could feel a light pulse, like a heartbeat. She tapped the top of the egg and was responded with a squeking sound from whatever was inside.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann