We Have Hope. Maybe...

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11:54am Feb 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835

 "he needs to go. He will ruin all of our lives and you and I and even he knows it." Kitty snapped tightening her grip.

 "No. I will not let you." Aurora hissed in a low voice not use to talking around other people,"Let him go."

 "Make me." Kitty laughed. She stepped on the can letting the toxic air escape.


11:59am Feb 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,299
Jash felt the air come. It made his lungs feel like they were burning, and felt even worse than the regular air that was here. Jash's fingers started twitching, a lot, and his head jerked back and forth. Then, Jash's eyes rolled into his head, and he collapsed on the dusty ground.


12:29pm Feb 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835

 Kitty smiled. She let go off his wrist and looked at Aurora who looked like she was about to explode.

 Aurora grabbed Kitty shoulder and pulled her forward,"The only chance for peace and you are going to take it away? I don't think so." She hissed. She pulled Kitty back to her house and locked her in the closet so she couldn't get out. She then walked back over to Jash and dragged him towards her house stopping every few seconds to breath. 

 "Let me out!" Kitty yelled banging on the back of the door. She hissed starting to pace around trying to think of a way to get out.


2:22pm Feb 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,299
Jash was stuck in darkness in his mind. Every few minutes, an image of his life drifted towards him, then disappeared as swiftly as it had come. He was knocked, and stuck like this for the moment, unfortunately. Jash was only conscious, in his one mind, floating in it aimlessly around.


2:28pm Feb 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835

 Aurora hissed finally getting to her house. She switched the lights off again and pulled him inside," Rose what were you think?" She snapped. She set the human on the ground and left him there. Aurora walked over to the closet and opened the door.

 Rose hissed," You better let me out." She snapped. She was sitting in the corner her back faced towards Aurora.

 "Hm...Not that I think of it I don;t think i will." Aurora hissed.

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