We have to stop them..time is not on our side.

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8:09am Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 7:24pm Apr 23 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 354

This Rp is about the animals of the tundra in Alaska. In a remote area humans are destroying the forest habitat to install and oil pipe line. The animals have decided to strike back in the best way they can.

There are a list of animals you can be and you can be more than one, but make sure you can handle them all.

  1. Arctic Fox 
  2. Caribu
  3. Grizzly Bear
  4. Snowy Owl
  5. Polar Bear
  6. Musx ox
  7. Wolf
  8. Wolverine
  9. Stoat
  10. Arctic Hare
No killing Characters without asking
Cussing is aloud but keep it PG13
Ok so just post here that you want to join and what animal(s) you want to be. You can have a picture of yourself
This is our land:


Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

6:46pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 454
((Can i join? I'd be the stoat.))


6:46pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
((I'll be wolf))


6:49pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002
((I''d like to play the Fox))

Why the cloud, Sunny?

7:19pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 7:23pm Apr 23 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 354

Ok you guys can join. Make up a name for yourselves and if you want a pic. :3

I'll be the Snowy Owl

Name: Lennox

Personality: Quiet and reserved, Lennox is known as the eyes of the forest. He watches over everyone keeping them safe.



Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

7:22pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

(Can I be fox instead?))

Name: Rose

Age: Young adult

Gender: Female

Fur Color: White

Eye Color: Green

Body Shape: Slim and athletic, very lithe

Personality: Sometimes cold, though she has a kind side towards pups

Other: No


7:27pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 7:31pm Apr 23 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 454

Name: Rusty

Animal: Stoat 

Personality: Rusty is energetic and very chatty. Many times peace is interrupted by him. Though he is loud and often annoying, he will do what he can to save his homeland even if he is small.


((I won't be on for too long because i have to go to an inauguration >.<))



7:34pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 7:35pm Apr 23 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,002

Name: Dawn

Personality: Usually kind, and gentle. If she gets angered then she can be very dangerous towards you. ((>:U))


Why the cloud, Sunny?

7:35pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,094
((Can I be a Polar bear?))

"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3

7:36pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 354
Sure Dragon! Once everyone posts we can start.

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

7:49pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,094

Name: Ingavar

Age: Young adult

Gender: Male

History: He is a fighting bear, and the Nanukapik to many. 

Desctription: He's a polar bear with blue eyes, and has a scar near his heart.

"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3

8:46pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 354
I flew around the river searching,scanning the area. I was looking for something, a sign, a sign they where here. I saw what I needed to see. A cage and in it was a brown Stoat. I flew down toward the cage and tapped on the edge. "Are you alright?" I asked. I searched for a lock, finding it I picked it open with my beak. The door flew open and he jumped out.

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

8:48pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Kiru padded through the icy wasteland, her pure white fur blending easily with her surroundings. Hearing a sound, her ears perked up. Who is it? she thought curiously, sniffing the cool air. She groaned, scenting an owl and stoat, not good eating, she thought bitterly, heading in that direction.


8:56pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,094

Ingavar tilted his snout up towards the icy winds of the tundra. Ingavar was not familiar with his surroundings. He used to live up North, in the Arctic, until the Humans came. He had to run. He snorted and sniffed the air. Fox, owl and stoat? he thought, padding towards the scent.

Ingavar padded across the wastland until he saw the owl and the stoat. The stoat had just been rescued from a cage. Ingavar snorted. "Humans come here too, now?" he asked them in Arctic tongue, for that was all he knew how to speak. 

((Gotta go soon o 3o))

"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3

8:58pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Kiru closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves, "Is there a gathering going on?" she asked tauntingly, her green eyes like chips of icy jade. Her tail flicked with annoyance and she sat a small distance from the others, watching them silently.


9:00pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 354
As the Stoat regained hiself I heard a sound coming toward us. I turned and saw a wolf coming this way. " Move!" I told the Stoat. I flew to the nearest branch and waited for it to p*censored* us.

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

9:02pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Kiru snorted derisively, "I can still see you," she growled softly, her hackles raising. "Besides little owl, you are not a fit meal for the noble wolf, I shant eat you," she called a little bit louder, the breeze carrying her voice to the snowy owl huddled in the tree.


9:11pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 354
"No need to be rude" I fluffed my feathers and flexed my wings. I looked over and there was another animal, a polar bear. Gods what a gathering of species. He seemed to speak in Arctic tongue, luckily I knew what he was saying. "Humans are coming here, yes." I answered him. "We must be careful."

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

9:15pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Kiru sighed, "I am being cautious little owl, obviously someone of your kind would not realize, as you can escape their fire-sticks and nets with a flap of your feathered wings," She hunched her shoulders in reflex as the fox approached, "Hello cousin," she growled, her voice even colder than before.


9:29pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 354
"There is no need here, we are all family in the same danger" "We all must move from this area, if there is a cage there are more humans around."

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters
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