12:28pm Jul 19 2010
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(( im back...))
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12:29pm Jul 19 2010
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12:32pm Jul 19 2010
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(( hehe...was it my turn to post???..* Goes to if i already posted* ))
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12:33pm Jul 19 2010
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(( i already posted...and Ata - only cross country leaves....Mylovee said. haha ))
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12:33pm Jul 19 2010
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(Okay, let`s fix this and make sure everyone still in place. Only the cross country goes with Sasha. Barrel racing and Dressage are in the arena with Hamati. If you only do show jumping and nothing else, you`re just outside the arena watching, well actually you can do anything as long as long as Hamati or Sasha know where you are.)
12:38pm Jul 19 2010
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(ok so my charries still there)
12:38pm Jul 19 2010
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(( mmkay haha, thanks! I was confused to where Paradise went :O, So i guess you can ignore my last post about Paradise asking Hamati where to go, i'll edit that paragraph in a sec :P ))
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10:21am Jul 20 2010
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Roy held his head up and pranced anxiously, but stopped and walked normally when Sasha called his name. They soon got to the course and Sasha turned to face the kids, "Since Eddie is new to this, I need someone to take an example run for us to watch. Normally I would take it, but Hamati says I have to keep Sand from practicing. So, how wants to go?" She asked looking at each of the students.
10:25am Jul 20 2010
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Hikariyu patted senshi who was ready to do the barrel racing.He snorted and stood there patiently awating to be told what to do.Hikariyu looked at him"hold on hold on"he said tightining his rider gloves.
10:29am Jul 20 2010
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"Who`s up first?" Hamati asked as he sat high on Pepper. (I`m making more charas.)
10:35am Jul 20 2010
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(ok) Hikariyu said nothing he hated being first.
10:49am Jul 20 2010
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Kamati looked around, then kicked Memories` sides, and took off. He rounded each of the barrels quickly and carefully, then ran back iover the line, where Memories literally slid to a halt.
10:49am Jul 20 2010
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Paradise pet Shadow on the outside of the arena, watching. -------------------------------------- Eddie sat, anxiously. Now he was nervous again. (( sorry, i know this is a fail :PP ))
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10:55am Jul 20 2010
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Hikariyu smirked as he watched them go around the barrels.It was nice to see how elegant a horse could be and yet it wasnt their limit.
10:55am Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 10:56am Jul 20 2010)
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Human: Name: Natalie/Teri Age: 16/16 Gender: Females Stable: Pinewood Horse(s): Their family owns Nightmare, Roy, and Silver Show type: Both do all four Looks: Natalie-Black top, purple pants. Teri-White top, jeans
 Other: They are twins, and from a very rich family. Sasha is thir aunt.
Horse: Show name: Quick as Silver Shine Name: Silver Age: Adult Gender: Mare Stable: Pinewood Stall #: 9 Owner/Rider: Tori Show type: All four Looks:
 Other: Nope.
11:01am Jul 20 2010
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Natalie and Teri rode over to the cross country group on Nightmare and Silver. Natalie smiled and hugged Sasha while Teri stared at the jumps, "Who`s going?" She asked looking at her aunt." "Nobody yet. We need someone to show Eddie how to do cross. Oh, Eddie this is Natalie and Teri, they`re father is Roy`s owner. Girls, this is Eddie, he didn`t have a horse so I let him ride Roy. Sasha said with a laugh. Teri just nodded and took off on Silver at full speed. The mare held her head high and leaped into the air, clearing the first jump gracefully. The two just kept going.
11:05am Jul 20 2010
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He smiled, and said. "Hello." Then he pet Roy, as he watched Teri, in amazement. Everyone here was so talented with this kind of stuff.
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11:10am Jul 20 2010
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Utanamai rode up beside hikariyu she also did barrel racing.Hikariyu smiled at her.She ws his cousin.
11:11am Jul 20 2010
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Paradise found herself watching Hikariyu, but she quickly let go of her stare, embarressed.
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11:11am Jul 20 2010
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Roy pawed the ground excitedly as he watched Silver jump. Natalie looked over at him at smiled, "Eddie, just hold onto the reins, he knows what he`s doing. He is a champion horse after all."