11:13am Jul 20 2010
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He smiled back at her and said. " okay, thanks." He did as he was told, still sorta nervous.
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11:15am Jul 20 2010
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"Go." Sasha said calmly. Roy took off and leaped into the air, clearing the first jump, then galloping on towards the second. (Should I create drama?)
11:16am Jul 20 2010
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Hikariyu decided to go up next for the barrel racing.Senshi stepped up and darted off gracefully circling around the first barrel he seemed to be running on air as he moved to the second barrel.He moved around the barrels not even missing one or moving them they came back afte the last barrel and senshi whinnied in excitement.
11:17am Jul 20 2010
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11:22am Jul 20 2010
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Eddie went nervously, with Roy. The whole time, his heart beating faster then usual. --------------------------------------------------- Paradise kept petting Shadow. ( idk...fail for Paradise's ...sorry again...)) (( YES MAKE THE DRAMMAAA!!!!))
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11:27am Jul 20 2010
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Roy cleared a few more jumps, but soon senced Eddie`s nervousness and faultered. His front leg hit the jumped, and when his hooves touched the ground he fell. Sasha and Natalie gasped and seconds later they were galloping towards the two.
11:31am Jul 20 2010
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Eddie fell, head first. He did his best to get up, but it was hard to balence. When he finally got up, everything felt dizzy. He rubbed his head, and said to them. "I'm so sorry, i have no idea what i did.." He sat down, on the ground, rubbing his head some more. He felt ringing in his ears, because he hit his head so hard. He rubbing his temple, and squeezed his eyes shut.It hurt really bad. Afraid of getting introuble, he just kept mumbling. "Sorry..."
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11:34am Jul 20 2010
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The girls jumped off their horses and looked at them both. Sasha went and put her hand on his head gently, and started feeling his skull for any fractures. Natalie ran to Roy, and took off the saddle quickly. She rubbed his neck, put had to move back as he started kicking franticly to try and get up.
11:39am Jul 20 2010
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Eddie looked at all of them, and got up again. "i'm sorry" Was all he could say. He felt more pressure on his head, and moaned quietly, while rubbing his head again.
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11:49am Jul 20 2010
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Sasha sighed and pulled him back down onto the ground, "Lay down. And your fine, it wasn`t your fault." She said looking over as Natalie and Teri sat on the ground petting Roy to keep him calm. "Someone call Hamati and have him get over here as quickly as he can." She said looking at the rest of the kids.
11:52am Jul 20 2010
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Eddie kept his eyes open, concentrating on just looking up. It got his mind off the pain in his head. He stayed silent, as he then stared at the horse, alittle farther down from him. Then he looked back up, because he felt pressure in his skull again.
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11:56am Jul 20 2010
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(No idea what to post. XD)
11:56am Jul 20 2010
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Hikariyou heard sasha"Hamati theres trouble"he said .
11:59am Jul 20 2010
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Hamati looked off towards the cross country course, "Either come with me, or stay here, but don`t practice till i get back." He said turning Pepper and galloping off towards the course.
11:59am Jul 20 2010
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Hikariyu and utanami went after him seeing eddie on the ground.
12:04pm Jul 20 2010
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Eddie rolled his eyes, as he saw more people coming. Great.. Everyone had to see him like this. He closed his eyes, wishing this was some dream. ------------------------------------------- Paradise heard from people, that Eddie got hurt. She quickly rode on Shadow, and galloped to him.
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12:06pm Jul 20 2010
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Hamati got off Pepper and started checking Roy, while the others payed attention to Eddie.
12:09pm Jul 20 2010
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He kept his eyes closed. He didn't even want to guess how many people were there, when he forced himself to open his eyes. He saw Paradise from the corner of his eyes, riding for the first time fearlessly. SHe jumped off Shadow, and let go of his reins. Shadow was trained to stay with her. He wouldn't run away. She quickly got on her knees, next to Eddie. "Are you okay?" She looked up at Sasha. "What happened?"
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12:11pm Jul 20 2010
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Hikariyu got there and got off senshi he saw that girl from before.
12:12pm Jul 20 2010
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"He was riding, and something happened that made Roy faulter, and hit his leg on the jump." Sasha said before getting up and walking over to hamati, who has shooed everyone away from Roy. She kneeled down beside Hamati and they started whispereing to eachother so the kids couldn`t hear.