11:35am Jul 18 2010
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12:23pm Jul 18 2010
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Paradise sat on shadow and went for a little walk. She wanted shadow to go faster, but last time she did that, she accidently fell off. So now she has to steady the speed, and can go faster when someone else is with her. ---------------------------------------------------------- Eddie went into the stable, and started petting Crystal. He didn't own this horse, but he rides on her. Annabell stood there also, doing a normal check up. She was sick a couple weeks ago, and she was just making sure she was good as new. (( Sorry, i know mine isn't as long as yours. I've never done a horse RP, but im trying haha :)) ))
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12:30pm Jul 18 2010
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(It`s okay. Who was sick a few weeks ago?)
12:31pm Jul 18 2010
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(( isn't that Eddie's horses name? ))
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12:32pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 12:33pm Jul 18 2010)
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(Crystal? Ya, but she wasn`t sick. I never said she was. O.o And Annabeth is in Moonlight Walk stable, while Eddie and Crystal are in Pinewood stable.)
12:34pm Jul 18 2010
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(( :O OOO ok, haha i get very confused :P Just ignore the Annabell part. :PPP ))
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12:38pm Jul 18 2010
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(XD Okay.) Crystal snorted and pawed the ground. "Crystal, knock it off." Hamati called as he started leading Pepper out of the barn, "Eddie, don`t let her do that. It`s a bad habit and Sasha hates it." He said calmly before leaving the barn.
12:40pm Jul 18 2010
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Eddie nodded, and said. "Ok." He watched him leave, then smiled. "Your going to like me...I'm gunna let you do whatever you want.." He whispered. Then started to pet her again.
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12:43pm Jul 18 2010
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Crystal snorted again and let her ears fall back a little. (Be lucky she isn`t my old horse Jeda, which id Dunkin`s mom. She was a.......horible! She bit our shoer, the guy that gave her to us, me. She tried to charge me for petting one of the other horses. That mare was MEAN.)
12:48pm Jul 18 2010
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(( HAHA, When i was little, i wanted a horse so bad :P But they seem like alot of work, so i kind of got talked out of it :) )) Eddie smiled at her, petting her ears. He looked around to see if he was alone. From what he saw, he was. Then he went back to petting the horse.
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12:49pm Jul 18 2010
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Crystal whinnied and reared a little bit. She threw her head back and pinned her ears all the way back.
12:59pm Jul 18 2010
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Eddie looked at her, confused and worried. What did i do?.. He reached out his hand and pet her, to calm her down.
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1:02pm Jul 18 2010
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(Okay, read this, i don`t think you understand horse signs. XD) http://www.equestrianandhorse.com/equus/behaviour.html Crystal reared again and whinnied angerly. "Crystal, knock it off." Kamati yelled as he rode into the barn on Memories, "Get outta there you idiot." He said to Eddie as he dismounted.
1:06pm Jul 18 2010
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(( thanks, i'm not really an expert on horses :PPP )) Eddie's eyes became wide, and he got out and said. "What did i do?" He asked Kamati.
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1:12pm Jul 18 2010
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"How should I know?" He said shoving Memories` reins into Eddie`s hands, "I wasn`t in here." He said grabbing Crystal`s lead rope, then walking into her stall and clipping the lead rope to her halter. He walked her out and started walking her in a circle till she stopped throwing her head around and trying to rear. He soon stopped and looked back at Eddie, "She`s tempermental, but she`s the only extra horse we have at the moment." He said tieing her lead rope to the bars on her stall and walking into the tack room. After about a minute he came out, "We`re gonna starte practicing soon and Sasha sent me in here to teach you the ropes." He said setting Crystal`s saddle, blanket, reins and her riding halter on the floor, "Which means you gotta learn to saddle our White Witch here." He said motioning back at Crystal.
1:16pm Jul 18 2010
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Eddie wasn't nervous before. He was actually sort of excited for practice. But now he was nervous. He's ridden on horses before, it wasn't like he was knew at that. But taking care of the horse, seemed like a whole different story. Especially the one, he called ' White Witch'. He nodded his head at the man, and said. "Okay." Looking back at Crystal.
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1:18pm Jul 18 2010
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"Do you even know how to saddle a horse? It`s just like saddling a normal horse, but also staying out of reach of her head." Kamati said with a laugh.
1:20pm Jul 18 2010
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Eddie looked at him confused for a while, then said. "I...uh...can try?"
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1:22pm Jul 18 2010
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"She has a thing with biting. She mainly only bites other horses, but she has bitten people a few times before." He said picking up the saddle and blancket, and holding the blancket out towards Eddie, "You can just leave her reins there, she won`t move." He said nodding towards Memories.
1:25pm Jul 18 2010
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He let go of the reins, and nodded his head at him, to let him know he understood. He took hold of the blanket, silently. Hoping he didn't embarress himself, with this horse infront of people.
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