2:26pm Jul 18 2010
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(( Mmkay i'll look at it , :P ))
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2:29pm Jul 18 2010
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(( :O ooooooooo haha )) Eddie tacked up Ol' Roy, and looked at Sasha, hoping he did it right. "Did i do this right?"
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2:30pm Jul 18 2010
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Sahsa looked over Roy and nodded, "Now come on, everyone`s already practicing." She said turning and galloping off on Sand.
2:35pm Jul 18 2010
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He got on Ol' Roy ( Can i just call him 'Roy'?) and trotted off, following Sasha, feeling lost because he had no idea where he was going.
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2:51pm Jul 18 2010
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(That`s what it says on his bio, I posted videos of each event on the bottom of the very first post.) Sasha lead him to the arena wher Kamati and Memories were taking advanced sized jumps, " Have you thought about what event you are gonna do?" She asked looking back at Eddie, "You won`t be doing that high of jumps if you pick show jumping though. Kamati`s been doing this for a long time, he`s a higher level."
2:56pm Jul 18 2010
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"What do you suggest a beginner should start with?" he asked
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2:59pm Jul 18 2010
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Sasha shrugged, "Whatever the beginner wants. I started with show jumping, but that`s just because that`s what my buddy here was mainly trained for." She said patting Sand`s neck.
3:06pm Jul 18 2010
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He shrugged. "I guess i could start with that."
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3:30pm Jul 18 2010
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"Okay. That`s sounds good." she said looking back at Kamati who had just finished, "Kamati, set the novice jumps up please. Eddie`s gonna ride show." She said, then, after Kamati started changing jumps around, she turned and started trotting towards the gate, "Come on Eddie."
3:33pm Jul 18 2010
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"k." Eddie followed her towards the gate, nervously. He's done this stuff, atleast once before. Why was he so nervous now? He stared at all the jumps he was going to practice. That didn't calm his nerves down, one bit.
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3:49pm Jul 18 2010
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Roy picked his head up and pirked his ears forward when he saw the jumps. He swished his tail excitedly as he stood there. Kamati finished changing the jumps and trotted over and stood Memories next to Sand. Sasha looked at Eddie, "Go when you`re ready."
4:10pm Jul 18 2010
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Eddie nodded his head, and said. "Okay." And he went.
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4:13pm Jul 18 2010
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Roy galloped forward and leaped into the air, clearing the first jump with ease. Sasha smiled and watched as they went around, Roy continuing to jump happily.
4:15pm Jul 18 2010
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Eddie was better at this then he thought, he pictured himself falling off the second Roy jumped. He smiled Im gunna like this...
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4:16pm Jul 18 2010
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Soon the rountine was over and Roy can to a sudden stop the moment his hooves touched the ground after the last jump.
4:19pm Jul 18 2010
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Eddie pet Roy, he liked this horse. Roy wasn't aggressive, like Crystal seemed to be. He smiled. And looked around and started trotting back to Sasha.
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4:20pm Jul 18 2010
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Sasha smiled and clapped slowly, "Good job. So is Show jumping what you wanna do? There`s still Dressage, Barrel racing, and cros country we can show you."
4:23pm Jul 18 2010
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He shrugged. "i feel like show jumping is going to be my favorite. I think i'll stick with this." Then he smiled.
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4:33pm Jul 18 2010
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Sasha nodded and looked around, "Now all of you back to practicing." She said then looking back at Eddie after Kamati rode off, "Have fun." She said turning Sand and riding out of the arena.
4:34pm Jul 18 2010
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Eddie watched Sasha leave, then pet Roy some more. He guided Roy back to the jumps, hoping he would do just as good this time.
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