9:52pm Nov 3 2009
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((zOMG,Yus,Crim pants))
10:02pm Nov 3 2009
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9:07pm Nov 5 2009
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10:25pm Nov 5 2009
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Name:Aurora Gender:F Age:250 but looks 17 Personality:opinioned, touchy, moody, shy when you first meet her Species: vampire Power(s): She can go through things, her blood is made of a venom that paralize and soon kill, the venom comes out of her nails. History:Her parents where killed when she was 5 so she has grown up around few people and feels miss understood and alone. At age 17 she was turned into a vampire. The other vampire that drank her blood soon died from the venom Family:her only family is her aunt that lives half way across the world Other:she is alergic to water but it doesn't kill her. When she is very mad her eyes start to get hazy. looks:She has black hair that sparkles in the sun, silver eyes unless she is hungry then they are a dark red.
4:33pm Nov 6 2009
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((XDDD.Allergic to WATER -spits soda over screen- See what you made me do >.>))
4:48pm Nov 6 2009
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OoC:// Ooooo! Me! Can I join?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:52pm Nov 6 2009
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5:00pm Nov 6 2009
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((Dragon can has Join!!))
5:00pm Nov 6 2009
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OoC:// SQUEEE!!! I'll be right back with like four characters...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:01pm Nov 6 2009
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5:04pm Nov 6 2009 (last edited on 5:05pm Nov 6 2009)
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|Name| Zaou "Hidden Moon" Scar
|Age| 3677, but looks Nineteen
|Gender| Male
|Species| Native American Vampire
|Powers| He can see farther than the normal human, supersonic hearing, super speed and strength, smell the past, and sense the future. Plus he controls the element of Water [power mirror’s the Water Benders from Avatar].
|Weakness| A wooden stake to the chest will paralyze him. Anything silver is like poison for him and the rest of his kind. He loses control around major blood-spills. Plus, he can’t use his power for more than a few hours.
|Appearance| Zaou has pitch-black hair. It is cut shaggy and short, ending just below his ears. His eyes have silver irises with a ring of gold around black oval-ish pupils. When he gets angry or thirsty, his eyes glow a silvery-white. Draping over his shoulders is a black t-shirt with bold white lettering; “Fire is the inferno that helps us live. But we only need blood,” on the back of his shirt. The black t ends a few inches below his waist. Lightly hugging his waist is a long pair of dark blue jeans with faded knees. Covering his feet are black sneakers with silver ‘wings’ on each side. The wings look demonic. Zaou’s skin tone is a creamy-pale and he stands at five feet eleven inches. Around his neck is a black denim collar with silver, three inch spikes. Wrapped around his wrist is a coiled rope that starts at his wrist and ends in the middle of his arm. The rope is on his right arm. Zaou’s fangs are so unlike any other vampires’. His top canines are about an inch long. Right in front of his sharp canines are a shorter pair of fangs about half an inch. Both fang sets are curved inward towards his tongue, and also curved outwards, towards his lips.
|History| Zaou was born in an Indian Tribe called the Cherokee. The year was 1666 BC in the season called ‘Frozen Rain,’ or winter. Back then he was called Hidden Moon by his people. As the years went by, Zaou grew into a fully grown man at the age of nineteen. When he went hunting one day, Zaou ran into a mysterious man dressed in Black Bear fur. Frightened, Zaou turned and ran. Later that same day, Zaou was attacked by the mysterious man he ran into earlier. Somewhere in the scuffle, Zaou was turned into a vampire by the man called Drakani or Falling Star. As the next few days went by, Drakani helped Zaou through the transition. St the end of the eighth day, Zaou fled from his maker to a remote island near the Great Lakes. He stayed there until he was ready to be around human beings again in the year 1776 under the new name of Zaou Scar.
|Personality| Zaou is somewhat talkative and when people tell him to “Close your d*** mouth!” he does. Likes to come up with plans and silly missions, he can easily be seen as the ‘Brains’ of any group. Sometimes solitary, he doesn’t crave a companion. Very ambidextrous, Zaou can sneak through any obstacles.
|Other| Zaou can sometimes be seen around Markus Taen and Sanctum Raa. |AND| I am Called :: Markus Taen I Have Lived :: 2028 years, but I look about 19 I Was Born :: Male My Species :: Vampire The Advantages :: I can see farther than the normal human can, supersonic hearing, super human streanght and speed, smell the past, and sense the future. Also, I can control one other thing. The element of Wind/Air. I rely on the wind and around around me. If I am in a small room or inside and building, it takes more of an effort to summon the power. If I am outside, I can control it with not problem. [Wind-controlling slightly mirriors Aang's from Avatar] The Vampiric Weakness :: A wooden stake to my heart chest will paralyze me. Silver acts like a poison which is why my earrings are made of steel. I will sometimes loose control around a major blood spill and I can't use my powers for more than a few hours. This is What I Look Like :: How I Act :: Markus is cold and outlandish. He is an outcast in his own eyes, but very mysterious in the eyes of others. He doesn't like to get close to people for what happened in his mysterious past. My Past... :: I was born in 19 BC to a weathy family in Athens, Greece as a human. As I grew up, he got a tattoo on my left shoulder blade when I was Seventeen. Thankfully, my parents aloud me. During the few years in which Jeasus Christ was supposedly born, I was attacked and turned into a vampire. My maker was called Shoni, but she died when I was around 100 years old. After that I moved around Greece alot, but always returning to Athens after a few hundred years. Now, I live somewhere in the US of A. Anything Else :: The tattoo on my left shoulder blade is a black Fleur de Lis. Also, when I was turned, I have four fangs instead of two -- two on my top jaw with two o my bottom jaw. |AND| I am Dubbed :: Sanctum Raa I Have Lived :: Seventeen years I Was Born :: Male My Species :: Werewolf What I look Like :: Human-- 
My Past... :: -Is Coming- How I Act :: I am very quiet and like to be in the shadows, watching. I am very protective of every wolf in my pack and my friends. Sometimes, I can be loud and obnoxious. Fierce when defending anything that means value to me, I will not let anybody steal it away. Anything Else :: I am Alpha Male of my pack; Mist Hunters |AND| Name. Ryan Sengai
Age. Sixteen
Gender. Female
Species. WereDragon/BeastMaster
Appearance. Ryan has dark blonde, layered hair. Her bangs end at her lower jaw, the second la yer ends in the middle of her neck, and the last/third la yer ends at her collar bone. She has dark blue irises with a ring of golded-yellow around black pupils. Her hears are pierced twice with a silver ring on her right ear, above the piercings. Around her neck is a black denim collar with sevem small, silver five point stars and two silver snaps in the back. Covoring her torso is a black t-shirt that ends a few inches below her waist. On the front is a silver Chinese Dragon and on the back, near the top, is a crimson double-bow with a single arrow. Lightly hugging her waist is a pair of black knee-length black shorts. On her feet are white Nike sneakers. At five feet six inches, Ryan as pale skin with tanish arms and lower legs.
Appearance. In her dragon form, Ryan as pitch-black scales with red-tipped ends which forms horizontal zig-zag, res stripes across her scaley hide. She has a long triagular head, plus her neck his just long enough for her to touch her collar bone with her chin. She has a very muscled chest for her strong forlegs and wingarms. For her wings, they are very bat-like, but the translucent membranes have patches of grey scales and crimson web-markings. Her forelegs are long and end in normal sized paws with retractable silver-gold talons. The muscles are coiled across her back and down her spine until they reach her long, flexable tail. Her hindlegs are a little less muscled than her forlegs, but are about the same length, Also, her hindpaws have silver-gold, curved talons that are not retractable. She has dark onyx eyes with a ring of gold around black-slitted pupils. Also, on the back of her head are two silver horns that curve over her neck.
Armour. Covering her chest is a black breastplate with red trim around the edges. Around her forearms are crimson bracers with silber-black spikes close to her elbows. Around her waist is a black leather strap over metal panties; her weapon is attached to the strap. Her shoes are black metal boots with the toes curved down into sharp points. Also, they have two-inch heels and go up to her knees.
Powers. In her dragon form, she breaths white-hot flames with a black tinge and she can sumon two Black Mambas to help her when she needs them. When she uses her BeastMaster weapon, she can sumon two opsreys to help her and when she kisses her arrowheard, she can use the BeastMaster's Cry.
Weapon. A black bow with golden sparks along the curve and a crimson leather grip. She has one black arrow with a crimson-tipped onyx arrowhead and fletched with white raven feathers. Also, they arrow has a spell on it that whenever it is fired it will keep following its target until it is slain and herturned to the owner's hand. She keeps the bow and arrow in a small silver quiver tied to her waist.
Personality. Ryan has a bubbly personality, she can be fierce, and a bit of a spazz. Friendly with everyone she meets, she is seldom shy and timid. Quick to anger, thought she doesn't hold grudges for very long. It is very easy to hurt her feelings and she doesn't get over them very easily. Quiet when she wants to be and she has no problem speaking what is on her mind.
Other. Her father is a WereDragon - Skye Sengai - and her mother is a BeastMaster - Jai Sengai. She has two yonger brothers; Jordan Sengai - WereDragon - and Logan Sengai - BeastMaster.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:08pm Nov 6 2009
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((Had to edit my bios cuz of teh Dragon XD))
5:15pm Nov 6 2009
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OoC:// -sniggers- Silly Dragon.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:41pm Nov 6 2009
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((We can start now,I guess.)) Damon walked through the streets,smirking.He crossed the road,smelling a human.He grinned,his fangs dripping.He attacked the human,but came out of the alleyway spot less.He looked up,and smirked. "Why hello,brother Stefan shook his head,trying not to feed on the human himself. "Why'd you do that?Logan would kill ou if he saw you attacking another patrolman."He scolded,pinching his nose. Damon shook his head,tsking. "Go ahead,he's already dazed.You might as well feed."He said,gesturing towards the human.Stefan was next to the human in a flash,feasting hungrily.He felt himself get thrown from the human. Logan snarled,throwing Stefan across the alleyway.He slammed him into the wall. "What did I tell you?"He sneered,eyes black.Out of all of them,Logan had the most control over blood spills and usually only fed on authority figues himself. "Not now,Stefan.Now they're gonna go after us all again.You better crush the body!"He yelled,finally losing control.He dropped Stefan,afraid that he might rip his throat out.He turned to Damon,who was in his corner,smirking. "And you.Why'd you tempt him?You know that he can't control himself,since he drink animal blood."He snarled,shaking his head "Hey,he came to me,Logan."Damon defended,laughing lightly

5:41pm Nov 6 2009 (last edited on 5:44pm Nov 6 2009)
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5:41pm Nov 6 2009
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((Sather,late post))
5:45pm Nov 6 2009
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((I didn't see your earlier post, sorry.))
5:46pm Nov 6 2009
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(('sokay.We posted at like,the same time XD))
5:51pm Nov 6 2009
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Markus watched the three spat below him as he stood on a building rooftop. It was slightly funny, watching three vampires fight about who should drink which mortal's blood. Sniggering, Markus ducked from their sight incase one should spot him. Turning around, he came face-to-face with Zaou. The older vampire was looking at Markus with emotionless silver eyes. It made Markus shiver. "Must you scare me so, brother?" Markus asked. He had always referred to other vampires as his brothers and/or sisters. Zaou then smiled. "Sorry, little brother. But you seemed like a likely canidate to scare tonight," he said, his tone playful. "But why not on Sanctum?" Markus protested. "He should be prowlling around this time of night." Zaou shook his head. "Sanctum is out running around with that WereDragon/Beast-whatever, Ryan Sengai." His silver eyess then looked sympathetic. "Sorry little brother." Markus cursed in Anceint Greek.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:58pm Nov 6 2009
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Logan looked up,hearing old friends.He appeared next to Markus,smirking. "Why hello there,brothers."He said,eyes flicking.Damon also looked up,seeing that Logan was gone.The two brother appeared at his flanks,Damon wearing his evil smirk and Stefan was stone-faced.