9:31pm Nov 6 2009
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((Happens,ish okay.)) Stefan grinned,appearing behind the vampire. "And where do you think you're going?"He whispered,smirking
9:35pm Nov 6 2009
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Josh snorted, glaring at all of them. Who were they? Why did they mention humans earlier? He narrowed his eyes at Logan and though, What do you want with me? Luna mewed furiously, biting down on his hand. He frowned at her, and picked her up. Standing up strait Josh continued to look at Logan, waiting for an answer to his thoughts. Trisha let out a sigh of relief. Without thinking twice, she scooped up Chase and leaped off of the building. She landing gently on her feet. Trisha brushed a strand of hair out of her face and strode over to the werepire and vampires. Her eyes studied them, wide with curiousity. Chase squirmed in her arms.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:36pm Nov 6 2009
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"Do all of you appear behind others? I don't! And I am starting to get angry because every time you do that you freak me out!" She snapped.
9:38pm Nov 6 2009
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"I'm sorry,you must be talking about my brother.I've only seen you this one time."Stefan defended,smiling a bit Logan smirked,looking into the eyes of the Vampire "Nothing,Werepire.Only for you to know that you aren't alone,"
9:41pm Nov 6 2009
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Josh ground his teeth together and growled at all of them, "I have a name." He hugged the black cat to his chest, turned around and began to stalk away. He wondered faintly if they were going to follow him. Trisha asked the vampire nearest to her (you pick one chase), "Um..What just happened?" Her eyes were soft and her voice was light like chimes. Chase bit down on her wrist, but she ignored him and consentrated on the Vampires.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:45pm Nov 6 2009
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Logan smirked again,appearing in front of him. "I'm sorry,where are my manners.I'm Logan"He said,sticking his hand out My brother got in the way,as always."Damon muttered angry. "I think your cat shouldn't bit you.I'm hungry and I'll kill you."
9:48pm Nov 6 2009
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Aurora looked at the blood and ignored it. She had just eaten and was stuffed. Pluse she didn't like the taste of wherewolf.
9:51pm Nov 6 2009
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Trisha rolled her eyes. "You drink werewolf blood?" Chase let go of her wrist, making sure not to draw blood. Fail. A single drop of blood formed on her wirst. Chase glared at Damon challengingly. Josh muttered somehing under his breath that sounded like, "Damn vampires". He regained his composure and stared at him. "I'm Josh." He ignored Logan's hand. He certainly wasn't going to touch that. Luna mewed at the vampire.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:54pm Nov 6 2009
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"Not really.But I haven't fed in a while.And I don't wanna hurt you,so please."Damon snarled,his eyes turning black.He fangs started protruding. "And if I bit you,I'd kill you.My fangs are made of silver." Logan rolled his eyes,taking his hand back. "Nice to meet you,Josh.It has certainly been a while since I've seen a werepire."He added,as the wind picked up around them
9:57pm Nov 6 2009
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Josh snorted, "It's been a while sonce I saw a vampire that I've left alive." His blue eyes were icy cold. Trisha dropped the pesky furball, placing her other hand over her wrist. She cast a worried glance at Damon. Surely I don't even taste as good as human? He wouldn't really eat me, right? Her throat tightened, and she narrowed her yellow/gold eyes.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:59pm Nov 6 2009
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Aurora looked to see if Damon was really that hungry.
10:05pm Nov 6 2009
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Logan's eyes ginted,as he smiled mischievously. "All the same.Nice to meet you,Josh" Damon pinched the bridge of his nose,breathing through his mouth Stop the bloodflow,and I won't have to.He thought back,as a snarl built in his chest. Stefan saw what was about to happen and he held Damon back. "No.Damon,look at me,no!"He yelled,restraining him from pouncing on the werewolf
10:07pm Nov 6 2009
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Aurora looked at what was happening. "Let me see your wrist! I might know a way to stop the blood flow!" She said.
10:10pm Nov 6 2009
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Trisha shot a sad look at Damon, called for her cat and walked away. Nothing that interested her was happening. Chase licked at the cut on her wrist, wiping away the blood. I never really was fond of vampires... Josh glared at him, "I can't say the same Logan." Luna squirmed in Josh's arms, and he let her go. She rubbed her glossy black head on the vampire's leg. Josh stiffened a little bit. Luna ignored him and continued to rub her head on Logan.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:13pm Nov 6 2009
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Why not?I didn't want to harm you,Damon thought sadly,calming down. "I haven't met an unknown Vampire without killing it,either."Logan shot back,trying to stay calm.He bent down,scratching behind the cat's ears.He smirked,changing into a cat himself.He mewed,rubbing against the other cat
10:13pm Nov 6 2009
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"Or you can do that! Pluse I didn't really have a good way to top the blood flow..."She said talking to herself.
10:16pm Nov 6 2009
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Luna narrowed her eyes, but continued to interact with Logan like he was a normal cat. Josh watched, a little stiff. He changed wolf, towering over the two smaller animals. He was suddenly aware of how similar he and Luna looked. Trisha smiled at the golden tabby as he raced away. There were cats farther down the street. Oh well.. She glanced back at Damon and the others, hugging herself. She was alone. Again.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:25pm Nov 6 2009
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Logan only laughed lightly,changing into a Smilodon.He saber-teeth were unique.They were Adamantium. Damon looked back at the werewolf,eyes sad. "Stefan,what happened?"He asked,dazed. "You lost control.Now here,"Stefan instructed,as he slit a cut in his wrist.He put it to Damon's mouth. Damon refused,though he couldn't do it for long.Stefan gritted his teeth,but let his brother drink his fill. "You're lucky we heal,"He muttered,as the wound healed itself
10:29pm Nov 6 2009
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Josh frowned, but told Logan, "Impressive." He was just a werepire, stuck in the center of two worlds. Luna leaped onto his back, landing in the space between his shoulders. Chase padded up to Logan and Josh, tail flicking back and forth. He meowed something. Luna snarled. Trisha sighed, sitting on the roots of a large tree. She pressed her knees against her chest and stared at the stars above her.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:30pm Nov 6 2009
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Aurora looked as the wound healed right before her eyes."Wow! THat's cool!" She said.