We Must Find a Way (Cursed roleplay)

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4:24pm Apr 22 2012

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"You look cute." Kira smirked, then stretched. "Ohhhh yeah," he smiled.

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4:27pm Apr 22 2012

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Aphrodite stepped backward. "Well, I need to go. Though I doubt I'll be let in anywhere with 'other' humans ever again." She turned around and walked away, feeling a bit weird and akward.

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6:53pm Apr 22 2012

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"So... that's it? We're humans again... for good?" Kira asked. "If that's so... it's gonna be hard changing my diet..." he murmured. The truth was though, he didn't want to leave Aphrodite. there was no way human civilization was going to take him back. Not ever.

He still felt weir din a way though, way weird. Like he wasn't changed at all.

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6:58pm Apr 22 2012

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Aphrodite stopped, shivering. "I don't really know. I don't feel as if anything changed at all, I just... Look different... Wait... Oh." She crossed her arms, looking at the ground. "We're not ourselves, yet we're not even human. We were cursed again without even knowing it." She turned around and looked at Kira in the eye with her burning red eyes.

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7:04pm Apr 22 2012

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Kira said nothing. He stared into her eyes, then looked away. "So that's why I keep smelling deer and still hearing things more than a mile away." he sighed. He kicked the ground in anger, "Than why the hell was it so painful transforming to human?"

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7:04pm Apr 22 2012

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{Could I jump in?}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

7:08pm Apr 22 2012 (last edited on 7:08pm Apr 22 2012)

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Aphrodite wondered why he looked away, but didn't try to prod. "I think-" She gasped, turning around immediately, whispering something too quiet to make out.

(sure you can)

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7:11pm Apr 22 2012

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Kira looked up, "what?" he asked.

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7:15pm Apr 22 2012

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Aphrodite looked over her shoulder at Kira, straight in the eye. "I... I don't know how to explain."

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7:17pm Apr 22 2012

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Kira nodded, then stood in front of her. "I'll be here to protect you, don't worry." he winked. He concentrated really hard, imagining himself as a wolf, but bigger and stronger. He felt his muscles tense up, his hair grew a shade darker, but not much transformation came.

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7:22pm Apr 22 2012

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Aphrodite stepped away from him. She was fading like a ghost, literally. She was disappearing from sight. The look on her face was a mix of scared and sad.

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7:25pm Apr 22 2012

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Spirit sighed and walked around bord to death...

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

3:02pm Apr 23 2012

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Kira widened his eyes, "Whisper! Er... Aphrodite!" he gasped and rushed to her. Thank god she was still solid. As soon as he grabbed her arm she stopped fading, but was still transparent. Kira might have been gripping too hard, due to his were-wolf like strength, but he tried to be gentle as much as he could.

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7:36pm Apr 23 2012

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Aphrodite looked at Kira's arm, then at Kira, then back at his arm. She pulled her arm away, her face uncomfortably warm. She stepped backward then turned around. "Nevermind, I have no idea whats happening." It was evident that the very tip of her hair looked like it was on fire. Her shoulder twitched a little bit. She looked at a tree, her bright red eyes burning a large hole in the tree.

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2:41pm Apr 24 2012

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Kira stared at the tree, then at Aphrodite. 'Just please don't fade...' he thought sadly. He turned his head the other way and walked towards a small stream. He laid down beside it on his belly, staring into the crystal clear water. 'Like the others that got introduced in my life...'

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6:23pm Apr 24 2012

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Aphrodite watched him, kindly yet stiffly. "I wasn't going to fade, and I won't ever fade. I know whats happened to us. Instead of being completely 'normal', we're just half way between our normal selves and regular humans. We must not have been cursed by just those two old timers, there must have been one or two more. The problem is we don't know who." It was getting dark, very dark. Usually Aphrodite didn't care about the dark, but this time, she didn't have any fire to light the way and she was now vulnerable. She wasn't invincible anymore. She was just about like a sheep, lost in a maze with one hundred wolves. She even knew she wasn't safe anymore.

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3:50pm Apr 25 2012

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Kira sensed her weariness, "Don't worry, Whisper...Aphrodite, whichever you want to be called, I'll help you. We'll help each other. Other villages know who I am, so you're not the only one who's in danger. We'll protect each other and keep each other safe." he nodded.

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7:02pm Apr 25 2012

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Aphrodite looked at the ground. "It doesn't really matter what my name is. I have a different name in everyone's mind. The old woman calls me Aphrodite. My father calls me Whisper Wind. No one knows my real name, but some people say I don't have one. I'm just waiting to." She looked up at the sky, seeing three dark spots in the sky. Arrows. She kneeled down and caught them just before they hit her. She snapped them all in half at the same time, then threw them on the ground.

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3:56pm Apr 26 2012

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Kira blinked, "Hunters?" he asked, wishing that people would just leave them alone for once. He clenched his fists, strength returning into his muscular arms.

His whole body was throbbing, like he was trying to change but yer trying to hold back. His teeth were still sharp, but looked like a regular human's. He felt warm, like fur was covering his body. A low growl emitted form his throat.

He became startled, though, when a gun shot filled the air. He heard a loud whistling noise zoom pass one of his ears, a painful whistle. The thing landed on the ground, sparkling in the setting sun's light. He walked over towards it and picked it up. He immediately recognized it, "A silver bullet..." he growled.

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6:22pm Apr 26 2012

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Aphrodite looked in the direction of the bullet. "Go find somewhere to hide. I'll be back shortly." It was evident that she wouldn't take no for an answer. She walked forward a little bit then stopped. "I don't care if they shoot me with something, it'll be doing everyone a favor either way." She then kept walking.

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