We must stay hidden in school(Vamp, Human, and Hunter rp)

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1:21pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 3,291
(Your edit working now?)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

1:22pm Jun 20 2010 (last edited on 7:04pm Jun 20 2010)

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Name: Zaou "Hidden Moon" Scar

Age; 3677, but looks Nineteen

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Race: Native American Vampire

Personality: Zaou is somewhat talkative and when people tell him to “Close your d*** mouth!” he does. Likes to come up with plans and silly missions, he can easily be seen as the ‘Brains’ of any group. Sometimes solitary, he doesn’t crave a companion. Very ambidextrous, Zaou can sneak through any obstacles.

Group and Rank: Killers and Member

Looks: Zaou has pitch-black hair. It is cut shaggy and short, ending just below his ears. His eyes have silver irises with a ring of gold around black oval-ish pupils. When he gets angry or thirsty, his eyes glow a silvery-white. Draping over his shoulders is a black t-shirt with bold white lettering; “Fire is the inferno that helps us live. But we only need blood,” on the back of his shirt. The black t ends a few inches below his waist. Lightly hugging his waist is a long pair of dark blue jeans with faded knees. Covering his feet are black sneakers with silver ‘wings’ on each side. The wings look demonic. Zaou’s skin tone is a dark tawny and he stands at five feet eleven inches. Around his neck is a black denim collar with silver, three inch spikes. Wrapped around his wrist is a coiled rope that starts at his wrist and ends in the middle of his arm. The rope is on his right arm. Zaou’s fangs are so unlike any other vampires’. His top canines are about an inch long. Right in front of his sharp canines are a shorter pair of fangs about half an inch. Both fang sets are curved inward towards his tongue, and also curved outwards, towards his lips.

Other: His 'brother' is Markus Kallaticus Taen. Seems to have a connection with water.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


1:23pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 5,310


Yes it is. Just had to separate the two profiles, 'tis all.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


1:28pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 3,291
((Both accepted. Still working on all my charas. XD Only finished two so far.))

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

1:31pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 5,310



-waits and reads-

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


1:31pm Jun 20 2010 (last edited on 3:02pm Jun 21 2010)

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Posts: 5,835

(No wings though.)

Name:Aurora Hawk





Personality:She is a sociopath. SHe has no emotions for anyone or anything...At least that is what she wants us to think. She has earned to ignore all of her emotions and hide them from the world. If you can get through the hard gl*censored* around her heart without cutting yourself woud you be abe to see her true feelings and no one has been abe to do that.

Group and Rank:Killer Beta?





Name:Ash Hawk




Race:Hunter(Yea, he hunts his sister...))

Personality:He love to play joke and pranks on peope. he is the exact opposite of his sister for you can see his emotions in his eyes so it is very easy to tell if he is sad or happy. He doesn't take a ot of things serious and thinks that everything is just a big game.

Group and Rank:Hunter and um...I don't know the rank thingy.


Other: He is Aurora's brother.


1:33pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 3,291
((ssather-Please no blind. And hunter is just like the vampires. They mixed into the school like normal kids.

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

1:35pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 3,141
(( Do the hunters know that there are Vampires in the school or does Dien need to find out on his own? ))

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

1:36pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 3,291

(Zombie-Um....Let`s just say they suspect them for now.)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

1:38pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 3,141
(( Works for me! :3 It's funner that way. So none of the humans know at all? Cuz I think Ayue could probably figure it out in time... seeing as he knew a vampire... ))

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

1:41pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 3,291
((None of the humans know. The next post shall have my wonderful bios.))

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

1:42pm Jun 20 2010 (last edited on 1:43pm Jun 20 2010)

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Posts: 3,291

Name: Kayin
Age; Unkown
Gender: Male
Crush: None
Race: Vampire
Group and Rank: Killer`s/Lead
Other: Nope

Name: Moku
Age; Unkown
Gender: male
Crush: None
Race: Vampire
Group and Rank: Killer`s/Lead
Other: None

Name: Amaya
Age; Unkown
Gender: Female
Crush: None
Race: Vampire
Group and Rank: Killer`s/Lead
Other: None

Name: Layla
Age; 18
Gender: Female
Crush: None.
Race: Human
Group and Rank: Angel`s/Lead
Other: Her family is very rich, so she is kind of like a princess.

Name: Kayle
Age; 16
Gender: Female
Crush: None
Race: Human
Group and Rank: Angel`s/Member
Other: Nope.

Name: Koran
Age; 18
Gender: male
Crush: None
Race: Human
Group and Rank: Rogue/Newbie
Other: He just transfured to the school.

(I don`t own any of these pictures.)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

2:03pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 5,835
((Okay, when do we start?))


2:42pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 3,291
(Once I can get on the comp to update the first post and I make sure genders and races are even and that we have six hunters.)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

4:35pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 5,835
((I think we have more males then females.))


6:15pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 3,291

(We have 8-males and 5-girl, 7-Vampires, 6-Humans(Hunters could as humans). So we just need to even the numbers out. I`m working on the first post right now.

ssather-Please fix your bios, I posted coments right after it.)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

6:23pm Jun 20 2010 (last edited on 6:26pm Jun 20 2010)

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Posts: 2,962

((Lola can join if you need someone to even out the genders.  ;o  If it's too late, that's fine.  <3


*slaps self*  Sorry I forgot to post this.  xD  'Hello peoplez of earth!'))

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

6:32pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 3,291
((Yay Lola!!!!!!!!!Yes, join!))

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

6:32pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 2,962
((*tackles*  Thanks.  <3 ))

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

6:34pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 3,291

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos
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